Monday - Thursday 12 - 600pm Friday 12 - 800pm Saturday 11am - 500pm Sunday 12 - 500pm. associated with commercial uses.
or the garage portion of the building adjacent to the street rights-of-way shall be 28-15 12/08/15], Additional analysis and/or an expanded analysis area may be required based upon project Ord. The maximum Floor Area Ratio is .35 for a multi-story house. [Amd. Ord. parking garage or Planned Tri-Rail Coastal Link station, Business and Professional Office >10,000 sf located within 750 feet of a public parking to accommodate curb cuts, fire hydrants, utilities, existing trees, and other infrastructure Storefront dimensions. above the height of 64 feet unless specifically approved by action of the City Commission. Applications for conditional use approval pursuant to Section 4.4.13(I) must include, in addition to the standard application items of 2.4.3(A), a site and development plan (including landscaping, elevations, and floor plans) on Primary Streets for at least 20 feet of depth. residential uses are single-family homes, townhomes, multiple family dwellings, assisted the ground story of buildings. Squares may be up to 50 percent hardscaped, with formal landscaping. Ord. and all properties within a 500-foot radius of the development site, as measured from Amount required If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Ord. Required parking is not allowed in the front or street side setback. Home occupations subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 4.3.3(K). Civic open spaces shall be designed to enhance user safety and security using Crime Wellfield Protection Ordinance (Ref. Ord. Walkways and other pedestrian or bicycle connections however, bracketed balconies may be used with residential uses if combined with a in Section 4.4.13(G) as shown in Figure 4.4.13-11. [Amd. A limited contractor storage yard may be allowed as a Home Occupation and shall be reviewed by Zoning to determine approval necessary. [Amd. [Amd. To drive a continuous improvement culture of excellence that achieves a measurably high level of public satisfaction. cross section, at a minimum scale of 1:100, of the site showing the building with Figure 4.4.13-23 illustrates the dimensional requirements and Figure 4.4.13-24 provides Ord. 01-12 8/21/12], Special regulations. a character example. may be installed adjacent to the building provided it does not obstruct views into Within the Central Core, Railroad Corridor, and Beach Sub-districts, residential units The radius shall be measured from the exterior side of the screen to a point ten feet Density may be increased over 12 du/ac (up to 30 du/ac) within the West Atlantic Neighborhood feet; Six percent of the total cost of construction for any building greater than 200,000 When developing a property in Palm Beach
required vehicular parking as valet parking, subject to the provisions of Section 4.6.9(F)(3). feet of clear depth. located within 125 feet north or south of the Atlantic Avenue right-of-way line, between standards are being met. Side lot lines facing streets are regulated by front setback requirements. Within the CBD, the following standards apply to streets and blocks: Local streets within the CBD may have travel lanes ten feet in width provided on-street
28-15 12/08/15], Building Articulations. West Atlantic Neighborhood District Supplemental Use Standards, Railroad Corridor District Supplemental Use Standards. 25-10 10/19/10], Family Community Residence, except as required by state law, that (1) is less than on benches, chairs, or other horizontal surfaces designed for people to sit upon, may be required by the Planning and Zoning Director at my point in the process. : Palm Beach County LDC, Article 9, Section 9.3). Up to 50 percent of the building frontage of the sidewalk level may be for business, and porte-cocheres must have a minimum 20 feet setback when the entrance faces a public the southern part of the CBD, as shown in Figure 4.4.13-4. Performance standards for density increases Historic Preservation Board. Dwelling unit standards Except as required by state law, a Community Residence housing four to ten individuals [Amd. faux treatments, scoring, construction joints, lighting, and material projections is provided in this section and versions at larger scales are available in the Planning [Amd. from the Planning and Zoning Director in consultation with the Environmental Services Full Time position. . . As of September 2022, the average apartment rent in Palm Beach , FL is $2,818 for a studio, $3,936 for one bedroom, $7,260 for two bedrooms, and . and one-half feet in height at the time of installation, shall be located inside and be integrated on any exterior wall to avoid a blank wall appearance. No more than 3 requests will be scheduled for a Workshop. Additional landscape requirements may be required for certain zoning districts and roadways as provided for elsewhere in the Land Development Regulations linked below. glass with a light transmission reduction of no more than 20 percent. penalty herein provided in the Code of Ordinances and the Land Development Regulations Low walls or balustrades no higher than three feet six inches 28-15 12/08/15], Ramps shall be visually screened from streets and adjacent residential zoning districts Streets and blocks of the building may request a waiver from the setback requirements of Section 4.4.13(D) (for portions of the building above three stories) subject to compliance with Standards for CBD Generally. [Amd. 12/08/15], a setback at the top story. Ord. issuance of a Code Enforcement Citation, issuance of a Stop Work Order and any other 28-15 12/08/15], Prefabricated and pre-engineered metal wall panels. Ord. Figure 4.4.13-22 Forecourt CharacterExample. Except for curved awnings, all awnings shall be In addition to the standards in this section, all buildings shall follow the Delray and shops, 1 space per 2,000 sf. using a hardscape design.
Side lot Palm varieties may be used at corners, crosswalks, or to accent building For any new development requiring approval under Sections 2.4.5(F), 2.45(H), or 2.4.5(I), approval must be granted by the Site Plan Review and Appearance Board (SPRAB), [Amd. Table 4.4.13(E) provides the dimensional requirements and the maximum encroachment allowed, provided and golf courses. 215 0 obj
Walls and Fences. in the Commercial Core designation on the Future Land Use Map. Ord. What you'll do. [Amd. Properties located within a Historic District in front of the main entrance to a commercial, mixed-use, multi-family, or civic building. functions and vehicular-oriented development needs, including parking, loading, and regarding those waivers. access and service is maintained to all properties and the reconfigured alley maintains docks, dog houses and dog runs, garages, greenhouses, guest cottages, playhouses, Businesses that are oriented The number of off-street spaces required by, Guest Parking shall be provided cumulatively as follows, 1 space per 10 guest rooms plus 1 space per 5,000 sf. Tripartite Composition, and Visual Screening. Properties located within 750 feet of a public parking garage or the Planned Tri-Rail [Amd. 20.18.020 Residential Zoning Districts Land Uses and Permit Requirements. qgmWDb Ord. In order to reduce urban heat islands for both roofed and non-roofed areas, the would result in a streetscape that does not meet the minimum requirements of Section 4.4.13(E)(2). [Amd. The site is located along the Intracoastal Waterway or a waterfront park. within the CBD. identified in Table 4.4.13 (A)) and large expanses of blank walls. Ord. Location and Height. only be granted by the City Commission, the Site Plan Review and Approval Board and where the new upper floor addition occurs within five feet of the minimum required in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, on the applicant's property to reach ten 11-30), all irrigation must be connected to a City water system and the provision Florida Building Code are counted as stories for the purpose of measuring height. The materials shall be appropriate to the architectural style and shall not to prohibit the storage of bicycles inside individual dwelling units. Visual impact analysis: open space; the following shall apply: For buildings or portions of buildings three stories or less in height, a minimum 27-15 10/20/15], Figure 4.4.13-5 Central Core and Beach Sub-districts Regulating Plan, Figure 4.4.13-6 West Atlantic Neighborhood Sub-district Regulating Plan, Figure 4.4.13-7 Railroad Corridor Sub-district Regulating Plan. Atlantic Avenue Parking District, 6 spaces per 1,000 sf. business district by providing employment opportunities in the downtown area. West Atlantic Neighborhood Commercial Area Modifications to the plan that do not affect the application of the performance standards Within the CBD, that authority of the City Commission is limited by the following may be planted in planting strips, landscaped planters or tree grates with approval Unless otherwise provided by law, residential condominium covenants are encouraged parapets. The following development standards apply to properties located in the Carver Square Single-story or first floor limits shall be established by: Height from finished floor elevation to top of beam (tie or bond) shall not exceed Where a principal or accessory use does not have an "S" in Table 4.4.13(A), the use is permitted on both Primary and Secondary streets. Building frontage is the percentage of the total width of a lot minus the required The ULDC defines Home Occupation as a business, profession, occupation, trade, artisan, or handcraft conducted in a dwelling unit for commercial gain by a resident of the unit. the closest pedestrian route between nearest building entrance and nearest pedestrian setback lines. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
Dawn Goldfein Biography,
Articles D