Michael H. Standart Member May 15, 2008 #15 This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Still, It's possible. How much coal did the Titanic use? The Titanic had twenty-four double-ended boilers and five single-ended boilers. The weight of the Titanic was 52,310 tons (47,454.834 metric tons). Their three last ships, the Trave, Saale, and Aller, are marvels of splendor and comfort, ranking in speed and power very little short of the fastest of the Liverpool ships. So how much does an anchor weigh? This area is a working deck which hosts the Fore mast, a maneuvering capstan, the bell and two cast iron, wooden stocked anchors that weigh 2,200 pounds each. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. We make sure cruisers are fully prepared for their cruise vacation with tips on ships and ports. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. So how much does an anchor weigh? it used a lot of coal to heat your mom! The date 1870 marks the advent of a new type of ship, in those of the Oceanic Company, better known as the White Star line, built of iron by Harland & Wolff, of Belfastengined with compound engines, and of extreme length as compared with their breadth. In 1881 the Messrs. Napier fitted the Aberdeen with engines of the same kind, steam at 125 pounds pressure per square inch being used. Diagram showing increase in Steam-pressures based on good Average Practice. Use of coal. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Since the start, it's been our aim to provide the latest cruise news covering all the major cruise lines. How Cold Was The Water When The RMS Titanic Sank? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. She was on her 202nd crossing and return leg of her 101st voyage when she was sunk. In fact, after some discussions with the unions, White Star agreed to pay the surviving crew for the entire time they spent away from England. Such a temperature was of course lethally cold for all those passengers who had been forced to take to the open water to escape the sinking ship. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 33 the number of Greasers (4 survived). The Titanic held over 8,000 tons of coal within her bunkers.. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In the 1970s Black Country Living Museum were given some chain from Lloyds British Testing in Netherton, with the claim that they had been part of the test length for the ship. Though tubular boilers did not displace the flue boiler in British practice to any great degree before 1850, many examples were in use in America at that date, but chiefly in other than sea-going steamers. When the Titanic was put to sea, it was the largest ship afloat, measuring 882 feet long and standing 175 feet tall. 4 , the more petrol and electricity we consume, the 5 carbon we are letting off. They were powered by steam produced in 29 boilers, 24 of which were double-ended and five single-ended, which contained a total of 159 furnaces. How Much do Cruise Ship Anchors Weigh? By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The original pressure used was 25 pounds to the inch; the cylinders were 50 and 90 inches in diameter, and the piston speed from 230 to 250 feet per minute. Did the boilers explode on the Titanic? How great an advance she was upon their first ship will be seen by the following comparison : Thus, for two and a half times the quantity of coal nearly three and a half times the cargo was carried, and nearly three times the number of passengers. Their adoption would mean greater accommodation and comfort and less racing of the machinery at sea, but, above all, it would mean greater safety. These ships had by far the largest cargo-carrying capacity (3,000 tons measurement) and passenger accommodation (340 first-cabin) of any yet built by the company. The video shows sailors aboard the Ford treating the anchor chain like a chained dragon. Her total height, measured from the base of the keel to the top of the bridge, was 104 feet (32 m). 73 the number of Coal Trimmers (an estimated 20 survived). ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Titanics home port (her Port of Registry) was Liverpool, however her loss at sea meant that she never did visit the city. Since ships operate on different steering systems, they may have been confused and made a wrong turn. They established a new form, style, and interior arrangement, which has largely been followed by other lines, though the extreme disproportion of length and beam is now disappearing. In 2021, about 546 million short tons (MMst) of coal were consumed in the United States. how much coal did the titanic use each daychris davis coach. Sister ship Olympic, comparable in size but with a lower gross register tons of 45,324, had a daily coal consumption of around 674 tons. Only when the flotation devices rotted away did they sink. The RMS Titanic sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into the ships maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. How cold was the water when Titanic sank? This is often needed when a ship stops out to sea. How much coal did the Titanic use each day? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. What kind of fuel did the Titanic use? What was the weight height and length of the Titanic? How much horsepower does a 777 have? The first class tickets ranged enormously in price, from $150 (about $1700 today) for a simple berth, up to $4350 ($50,000) for one of the two Parlour suites. The exact size of the iceberg will probably never be known but, according to early newspaper reports the height and length of the iceberg was approximated at 50 to 100 feet high and 200 to 400 feet long. They were of 6,080 tons displacement and 2,780 indicated horse-power, with a speed of 13 knots. In fact, such a ship as proposed by Mr. John in his paper, referred to above, would be two vessels in one, divided by a great longitudinal bulkhead from top to bottom; the boilers, engines, and all the appurtenances of the one side being wholly independent of the other. 825 tons the amount of coal used per day. In the parallel universe created in "Turn Left" (2008), the Adipose incident happened in America instead of the United Kingdom, as London was destroyed when the Titanic crashed into Buckingham Palace because of the absence of the Doctor ("Voyage of the Damned"). Under present circumstances a complete break-down of the machinery of these great ships is a disaster which may entail delay as the least of the difficulties. During Tennant's absence, scenes in the Titanic's reception area were filmed at the Exchange in Swansea and the Coal Exchange in Cardiff Bay. The chain is 1,440 feet long and each link weighs 136 pounds. Approximate number of lamps used on the Titanic? However, the pressure put on the ship during its first voyage cost people their lives. The Titanic burned a total of. Very high pressures, from almost the very beginning, had been carried in the steamers on our Western waters; and in 1811 Oliver Evans published, in Philadelphia, a pamphlet dealing with the subject, in which he advocated pressures of at least 100 to 120 pounds per square inch, and patented a boiler which was the parent of the long, cylindrical type which came into such general use in our river navigation. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. by hand. After the Titanicstruck the iceberg and began taking on water, the firemen almost immediately found themselves waist deep in freezing water. 6,611 tons - the amount of coal stored in the ship's bunkers. That said, Southampton was the port she was intended to sail to and from. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. This involved shoveling 41.9 Mt of coal into these power stations, over three quarters of which was imported. (8,000 tons a day), Continue Learning about Movies & Television. In 1911, the company manufactured the anchors and chain for the ocean liner RMS Titanic. The Titanic had twenty-four double-ended boilers and five single-ended boilers. The rivets were examined and had a high concentration of smelting residue that splits metal. Jan. 3, 2017. The seawater weight that a ship displaces is an estimate of actual weight compared to enclosed space. Difficulties were experienced by the Pacific Company with their earlier engines, but the line adhered to their change, and for nearly fourteen years were almost alone in their practice. How cold was the water when Titanic sank? How do you calculate working capital for a construction company? No sail-power can be given them which would serve to carry them into port; they must lie helpless logs in the water until fortunate enough to find a friend to tow them. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Millions of travelers rely on Cruise Hive in the United States, Europe, Australia, and around the world. Above: A photograph of the Promenade (A) Deck of the Titanic. In today's economy, that is equivalent to a cost of $400 million. Further point regarding speed, as I understand it, although this is mostly a coal thread. If this error persists for longer than an hour please send us an email and include the information at the bottom of this page. 3 the number of engines used to power the ship, 2 outboard reciprocal engines (which could move the ship forward or backwards) and a central steam turbine engine, which ran forward only. 162 the number of coal burning furnaces ablaze when all the boilers were operational. In addition to the great ships mentioned, there have been placed upon the line from Bremen to New York, touching at Southampton, England, the eight new or lately built ships of the North German Lloyd, which form altogether the most compact and uniform fleet upon the Atlantic. Posted by on Dec 17, 2021 in . Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. In the next two years the change proceeded slowly, but by 1885 the engineering mind had so largely accepted it that a very large proportion of the engines built in that year were on this principle, and at the present it may be regarded as being as fully accepted as was the compound engine ten years since. To power the largest ship in the world, engineers equipped her with two steam engines and one steam turbine. Since the warning didnt have the prefix MSG (Masters Service Gram) requiring the Captain to acknowledge the receipt, the radio operator considered the warning non-urgent. Though 710 passengers and crew survived, they made it away with just their lives. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The SS Californian radioed another ship in the area an hour before the Titanic hit the iceberg, indicating an ice field was ahead. Arriving a little too early would likely have caused problems for some who had arranged accomadation/lodging ahead of time. how much coal did the titanic use each day. 4 - the number of men in a riveting crew.. 200 - the number of rivets that a riveting crew could complete per day (assuming dry weather conditions).. 15,000 - the number of days work this rate of riveting would have represented for a single crew.. 3 months - the intended gap between the completion of Olympic and Titanic. 22 tons the weight of the central propeller, of a moulded construction. The sea-going public resolutely resisted the change to high pressures for nearly forty years, there being a very slow and gradual advance from 1 and 2 pounds to the 8 and 9 carried by the Great Britain and Britannia. During this era, no legal requirements dictated that the ship needed enough lifeboats for every passenger, nor were there any established safety measures as we know them today. If the coal being sold as "Titanic Coal" is indeed American coal, there can be only two explanations. 2,500 to 3,000 pounds It is curious that at the reading of both the paper by Sir Frederick Bramwell, in 1872, and that of Mr. Marshall, in 1881, there should have been pretty generally expressed a feeling that something like a finality had been reached. On an energy content basis, this amount was equal to about 10.5 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) and to about 10.8% of total U.S. energy consumption. From top to bottom they were the Boat Deck, the Promenade Deck (deck A), passenger decks B to G, Orlop Deck, and the Tank Top. Several things had combined in the latter part of this decade to bring about this advance. The Titanic burned about 600 tons of coal each day to keep it powered. This really is very astonishing because Sir Percy, besides being the perfect type of an English gentleman, is nothing if not British, whilst the Baroness . 1 How much did Titanic weigh when it sank? Her cylinders were 100+ inches diameter, with 120 inches stroke, and she hadas also the preceding ship, the Arabiatubular boilers instead of the old flue. A large ship needs more time and slower speed to maneuver around an obstacle and avoid hitting it at full speed. 721 Hummingbird Lane SE. As a general rule cruise ship anchors tend to weigh between 10 and 20 US tons. During the anchor-laying operations, the vessel pulled against the anchor with a continuous force of 440 tonnes. There were 840 staterooms in all, 416 in First Class, 162 in Second Class, and 262 in Third Class. The largest of the anchors weighed 15.5 tons and on completion was drawn through the streets of Netherton on a wagon drawn by 20 shire horses. How much does a sailing ship anchor weigh? How much did Kate Winslet weigh in the Titanic? I haven't double checked these numbers, so forgive me if they are inaccurate, but there were 29 boilers, 4 of which, I believe . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Fresh water for drinking? Island Offshore sets world record with Vryhofs STEVSHARKREX anchor. Less than a quarter of the crew survived the sinking, and a few firemen numbered among them. 2023 Ripley Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved |, New Thought-Controlled Implant Requires No Brain Surgery, Bigfoot Footage Captivates Believers and Skeptics Alike, Getting Chased by Skaters at NOLAs Running of the Bulls. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. 3 How much coal did the Titanic use a day? Aquitania was the third in Cunard Line's grand trio of express liners, preceded by RMS Mauretania and RMS . We already know that there was a coal shortage at the time due to the strike. Well, not entirely, anyway. Admittedly, those came with some fancier packaging (but still object number 94/0036). The Titanic had twenty-four double-ended boilers and five single-ended boilers. The funnels extended high above the deck, in order to ensure that passengers were not covered in the soot being ejected. The year 1855 marks the high-water mark of the paddle-steamer era. the resistances met by ships into two principal parts: the surface or skin friction, and the wave-making resistance (which latter has no existence in the case of a totally submerged bodyonly begins to exist when the body is near the surface, and has its full effect when the body is only partially submerged). Personally I believe the evidence is very convincing that they wanted to arrive Tuesday night; but my point is not so much that they were definitely out to do that, but I believe that the coal supply was more than adequate to attempt to do so. He shows that at high speeds waves of two different characters are produced : the one class largest at the bow, which separate from the ship, decreasing in successive undulations without afterward affecting her progress; the other, those in which the wave-crests are at right angles to the ship's course, and the positions of these crests have a very telling effect upon the resistance. In that year were built the Adriatic, by the Collins line, and the Persia, as a competitor (and the twenty-eighth ship of the company), by the Cunard. The bodies not recovered lasted for about a year in the open sea, held up by their life jackets. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. A team of 176 men kept the fires burning, and it is estimated that over 100 tons of ash were injected into the Atlantic each day the Titanic operated. Did anyone from the boiler room Survive the Titanic? Yeah, it looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. Not into coal? The salaries of Coal Miners in the US range from $11,105 to $294,800 , with a median salary of $53,905 . You will need lots and lots of 2 liter bottles (3 per group) and large tupperwares, sinks, or fish tanks. The Titanic left Southampton with 5892 tons of welsh coal supplied by the Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries supplemented by coal from other White Star Line ships laid up by the coal strike. However, the ships speed wasnt the only factor that led to its demise. -Steven Biel, cultural historian, on the influence of A Night To Remember. In that year were built the Adriatic, by the Collins line, and the Persia, as a competitor (and the twenty-eighth ship of the . If all the 32.5 Mt of imported coal had been the relatively cheap US stuff, going for around 90 a ton in 2011 market. Cleaning toilets was also light work as there were few private bathrooms on the Titanic. Data is lacking, but on Olympic's maiden trip she burned a total of 3,540 tons of coal, averaging 620 tons of coal per day at 21.7 knots; she arrived in New York with a reserve of some 1,300 tons, having departed Southampton with a mere 4,800 tons of coal. The year 1855 marks the high-water mark of the paddle-steamer era. This watertight bulkhead Titanic experiment is hands-down my favorite experiment. Warships were by the end of WWII?). Like the anchors, the section of chains forged had to be proved and both Hingley and Lloyds Proving House workmen had the lengthy task of checking all the links and 1,200 feet of chain were forged for Titanic. About 6000 tons of coal to cross, at a rate of 850 tons/day for 7 days. But how much did the Titanic weigh? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Most modern cruise ships will have more than one anchor. Either the White Star Line was purchasing its coal from North America and shipping it across the Atlantic (at great expense), or the coal in question is not White Star coal. Fearing the cold water touching the hot boilers would cause an explosion, engineers instructed firemen to stay below decks and vent as much steam as possible. Carnival Ship Changes Embarkation Time, Guests Must Be Early, Cruising to Qatar Expected to Be More Popular Than Ever in 2023, Viking Details 180-Day World Cruise That Visits 37 Countries, Holland America Line Makes Major Entertainment Changes. Titanic vs. Modern Cruise Ship How Do They Compare? For $22.50 one can purchase a limited edition authentic coal hourglass with black sand, or a piece of coal in an acrylic case that comes with a certificate of authenticity for $25. Read about the construction of the Titanic and more facts about the Titanics size. Of the. Now that you've read these hilarious Valentine's Day jokes for kids, check out the funniest Valentine's Day cards we're buying this year. A: It depends on the accommodation: - Marie Depage paid $142.50 for her cabin E 61, low in the ship. PS: Get an EPautos magnet or sticker or coaster in return for a $20 or more one-time donation or a $10 or more monthly recurring donation. July 19, 2022 throughAdministrator How long did it take to build the Titanic?The White Star Line's Titanic was built from 1909 at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland3 years.30. The anchor is 11 feet, 4 inches long with arms that are 7 feet, 7 inches across. You could actually walk miles along the decks and passages covering different ground all the time. 1,200 miles the typical range of the Titanics wireless equipment at night. It was covered with concretion a mixture of shells, sand and other debris attracted by the leaching wrought iron and a few sea squirts. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. There is no doubt that Sir Percy Blakeney, 'The Scarlet Pimpernel', is the most outstanding, as he certainly is the most popular character of Baroness Orczy's creations. Titanic used about 5, 900 tons of coal. No, you cannot scuba dive to the Titanic. How much coal did the Titanic burn a day? Since then, a number of explorers have brought back items from the wreck, including pieces of coal from the engine room that now reside in the Ripley collection. When all the double-enders were fully fired up and operational, they could consume approximately 850 tons of coal per day, or on average 35 tons per hour, and the Titanic had a total bunker capacity of 6,611 tons. How much coal did the Titanic burn a day? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. As a former crew member for Disney Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean, and Carnival Cruise Line I can continue my passion by sharing my experiences with readers. Read Also: How Much Does a Cruise Ship Weigh? A single First Class berth would have cost these workers 4 to 8 . The Titanic left Southampton with 5892 tons of welsh coal supplied by the Lewis Merthyr Consolidated Collieries supplemented by coal from other White Star Line ships laid up by the coal strike. At the time, health laws only allowed embalmed bodies to be returned to port, so undertakers prioritized embalming first-class passengers, leaving the rest floating in the ocean. When all the double-enders were fully fired up and operational, they could consume approximately 850 tons of coal per day, or on average 35 tons per hour, and the Titanic had a total bunker capacity of 6,611 tons. The supermodel, 33 - who was romantically linked to DiCaprio, 48, back in 2011 - tied the knot with her partner Karol . Titanic was celebrated as the biggest, safest, most advanced ship of its age, but it was a lowly stoker in its boiler room who truly deserved the name unsinkable. The saving in fuel is generally reckoned at from twenty to twenty-five per cent., or, to put it more graphically, in the words of Mr. Parker, Chief Engineer Surveyor of Lloyds, in his interesting paper, read in July, 1886, before the Institution of Naval Architects : " Two large passenger steamers, of over 4,500 gross tonnage, having engines of about 6,000 indicated horse-power, built of the same dimensions, from the same lines, with similar propellers, are exactly alike in every respect, except so far as their machinery is concerned. If any of these measurements are out, it affects the vessel. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some of the foremost early English engineers favored cast-iron boilers (see evidence before parliamentary committee, 1817); and the boiler in general use in England up to 1850 was a great rectangular box, usually with three furnaces and flues, all the faces of which were planes. 29 the number of triple-furnace coal-fired boilers powering the Titanic. Today, the MS Allure of the Seas is largest passenger vessel afloat, at 1,187 feet (362 metres) long. Due to its sheer size, it needed 6,000 tons of coal daily to keep the ship moving. He was convinced the ship could handle it and wanted the publicity that would result if they arrived at their destination, not just on time, but sooner than expected. In August, 1881, a very interesting paper was read by Mr. F. C. Marshall, of Newcastle, before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, in which he showed that a saving of 13.37 per cent. The last use of the Coal Exchange was on the 18th; scenes depicting the ship's collision with meteors were filmed on that day. With a capacity of 5,350 tonnes of heavy fuel, her four cruising diesel engines together can burn approximately 12 tonnes of fuel per hour. 6,611 tons - the amount of coal stored in the ship's bunkers. Had the Titanic been equipped with the propellers that are on modern cruise ships, the vessel would have probably tried to reverse. But the fourth smokestack served no purpose, other than aesthetics. $7,500,000. They develop 5,000 indicated horse-power, and make their passage, with remarkable regularity, in about 8 days 10 hours to Queenstown. The Belted Cruiser Orlando, with Twin Screws. RMS refers to Royal Mail Ship or Royal Mail Steamer. 69 feet the length of the room in which the reciprocating engines were located. The coal was loaded into the Titanics furnaces by groups of 170 workers. I know of two who are taking a breather for personal reasons. Transatlantic Liverpool to New York in Days, Hours, Minutes: The time has thus been shortened much more than half since 1840, and has been lessened forty per cent. That would certainly account for the higher figures in later years. You can try loading the page again, if the error persists try in a few minutes. Anchors used on vessels such as aircraft carriers, container ships, and cruise ships will weigh over 60,000 pounds (27,215 kg) each. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Dry Years - The Eighteenth Admendment, 1877Steamship Lines - Transatlantic Passenger Traffic, 1885 The Influence of Sea Voyages Upon Women, 1899 On The Ocean: From the "Yiddish" Poem of M. Rosenfeld, 1899 The Therapeutic Value of Ocean Voyages, Crossing the Atlantic Like A Seasoned Ocean Voyager, Who's Who On Board - The Secrets in the Passenger List, Passengers Travelling Abroad Fewer in Number This Season than In 1920, Giant Ex-German Liners Weapons in Duel of I.M.M. Each anchor is the stockless bower type weighing 30,000 pounds; each chain is 12 shots, or 1,080 feet long, including the outboard swivel shot. A total of 176 firemen shoveled around the clock, shoveling enough coal to produce 100 tons of ash that would be jettisoned into the ocean. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When all the double-enders were fully fired up and operational, they could consume approximately 850 tonsof coal per day, or on average 35 tons per hour, and the Titanic had a total bunker capacity of 6,611 tons. The project of one great owner is a twin-screw vessel, of 550 feet length and 62 feet beam, to steam 20 knots, and to be so subdivided as to be practically unsinkable. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The Titanics anchor was 16 US tons and many of the large modern large ships have anchors that weigh vastly more. Some believed Captain Smith wanted a better crossing time. In these matters it is dangerous to prophesy; it is safer to believe all things possible. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It was the largest passenger ship globally when it sailed for its maiden voyage with an impressive length of 882, the height of 175, and width of 92. It is not only the timid who would prefer her; it is but commonsense on the part of anyone to choose that which will give them the greatest chances of safety, and of arrival within certain definite limits of time. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". When all the double-enders were fully fired up and operational, they could consume approximately 850 tons of coal per day, or on average 35 tons per hour, and the Titanic had a total bunker capacity of 6,611 tons. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 825 tons - the amount of coal used per day. Unskilled workers earned 1 or less per week. In 1912, the cost to build the Titanic was $7.5 million. How much did tickets on the Titanic cost? When all the double-enders were fully fired up and operational, they could consume approximately 850 tons of coal per day, or on average 35 tons per hour, and the Titanic had a total bunker capacity of 6,611 tons. Coal consumption per day: 825 tons. The Titanic's maiden voyage began in Southampton, England, with stops in France and Ireland prior to sailing for New York and a total of 1,343 . I don't remember offhand what the Titanic's displacement was at departure, but I'm sure it didn't get anywhere near that high. If you prefer not to use PayPal, our mailing address is: EPautos. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. It does not store any personal data. About 70-80,000 tons? The RMS Lusitania was a UK-registered ocean liner that was torpedoed by an Imperial German Navy U-boat during the First World War on 7 May 1915, about 11 nautical miles (20 kilometres) off the Old Head of Kinsale, Ireland.The attack took place in the declared maritime war-zone around the UK, shortly after unrestricted submarine warfare against the ships of the United Kingdom had been announced . Its weight was estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 pounds. How much coal does the Titanic hold? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.
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