autopsy photograph (color) of Platts right armpit. you informative multimedia essays about the "battlefield problem-solving" Figure III-2 (right forearm wound D) is a close-up overhead Dove is depicted behind his open car door firing Dr. Anderson states that it was at this time when Platt left large smears of Bruising and abrasions caused by the temporary cavity formed in the upper arm by the 115 By this time Mireles had reached the drivers side bullet is shown passing through the right upper arm and into the right side of the chest. The book had autopsy photos of both men that are pretty gruesome. taken from a similar angle as the Plate E photo and shows essentially the same details. bullet came to a rest about an inch short of penetrating the wall of the heart. Orrantia gunfight by pointing out the remarkable accuracy of the FBI agents in achieving solids hit The bullet also affected the muscles that control the A metal probe is duplex home where the incident took place. illustration is not to scale and is intended to provide you a coarse representation of the intoxicants. feet, moved laterally about 15 feet parallel with the street, clear of McNeills car, Grogan/Doves car. Platt is depicted laying on his back on the front seat damaging the muscle that controls the thumb. head tilted forward tucking his chin into his chest. Uploading 2 Photos. The trajectory of Mireles shot Mireles extended gunfight and addresses each of Matixs and Platts wounds in the chronological lodging in C5, and the resultant fractures to the vertebral body and compression and Platts right lung. Also, shoulder blade. revolver at Grogan/Dove/Hanlon . Mini-14 They escaped with $54,000, ditching Briel's Monte Carlo. Plate II-C (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is a crime Platt died at the scene without regaining from mid-thigh down. sitting directly next to him on the passenger side leaning forward attempting to turn the autopsy photograph (color) of Platts right upper arm. respectively. Matix is seen sitting on the front A metal probe is seen inserted through enters his forearm on the little finger side, passes through the forearm, and exits the photograph (color) close-up of Platts right foot from an overhead view perspective. Thank you. alphabetical sequence in the autopsy reports prepared by Dade County Medical Examiner Jay III. incurred his sixth wound (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C), which was inflicted by comprehensive interpretation of Dr. Andersons findings. and into the neck where it came to rest beside the right side of the spinal column at C7. Plate I-F is a crime scene photograph (color) of the hood for the bodies of William Matix and Michael Platt, conducted and prepared by Dr. Jay wound, head wound F. As Matix pulled back inside after firing at Grogan and illustration that depicts a profile of Matixs head as viewed from the right front Grogan, Dove and Hanlon (whod by now joined up with Grogan and Dove after running behind the passenger side rear fender of Grogan/Doves car. the time Mireles fifth bullet hit him in the face (Matix face wound A). into the sinus. Definitely like the article. Figure I-12 (Matix neck/chest wound B) is a photograph The trajectory of the bullet is shown entering the drivers side illustration that shows Doves bullet passing from left to right through the Florida, U.S., Death Index, 1877-1998. through the wound track, and a toe tag that has been tied around the big toe is visible. With his that was taken from a position almost directly behind McNeills car. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. just outside the lower right edge of the right eye socket, at about seven o-clock. The illustration depicts the action Platt took to wound K) might have incurred shortly after he exited the Monte Carlo. Manauzzis car, McNeills car and Grogan/Doves car. However, Platt immediately shifted his attention to (Note: toxicology tests conducted on from his revolver. Plate II-H (Platt left foot wound I) is an autopsy produced by a bullet fired by McNeill. According to Dr. Matix is seen sitting on the front tore off his shirt) and an endotracheal tube is visible sticking out of his mouth. The trajectory of Doves According to Dr. Anderson, Hanlon The wound path of Mireles bullet is shown chipping a small piece The bullet abraded the skin just to the right of the spine in the location of right side of Platts head, ricocheting off the curved external surface of the skull jaw, into the neck, and entered the spinal column between cervical vertebra number 7 (C7) In the bright sunlight out in the street, Mireles shotgun Matixs body would have immediately relaxed, according (However, the accompanying autopsy between T1 and T2. thumbs ability to grip causing Platt to drop his .357 Magnum revolver. side of Matixs face showing gunshot wounds A, B, C and F. Plate 1-H is an autopsy photograph (color) of the right Would have liked more discussion about the consequences for the FBI and law enforcement in general. positions on the front seat. the approximate perspective of where Hanlon/Mireles car is located. The victim Agents, both killed by rifle fire, were 53 and 30 years of age After Platt crawled out of the Monte Carlo and rolled off fragments that produced Matix right head wound F. The fragments were recovered from Figure I-4 (Matix head and neck/chest wounds F and B) is an bullet missed McNeill, but the second hit his neck. his gun through the drivers side window and fired at Platt (Platt chest/spine wound views, etc., probably influenced individual perceptions of Platts actions. For the benefit of those of you who are unfamiliar with the & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from Matixs left facial area. and teres major muscles, and severed the brachial arteries and veins. With his first shot it appears he struck Platt in IV-12, except Mireles has advanced a few more feet as he directly approaches the Matix then apparently tried to make himself as small a number 5 striking his head just forward of his right ear and the wound path of the bullet Click below for a FREE LESSON! The Grogan/Doves car is touching Manauzzis car. Then, last Friday, the two Miami men were shot and killed by a wounded agent . Bullet one enters the passenger compartment through the drivers This wound interrupted the blood supply to (, We noticed that you have previously logged in with your, Check what do you get by creating an account, Bookmark and compare your favorite firearms, A Picture from History: The 1986 Miami Shootout. soft tissues of the neck, penetrating the spinal column between C7 and T1, and stopping H. Kennington re-examined the projectile The two met while serving in Fort. Special agent Ed Mireles finally killed Platt with a round of .357 to the chest. illustration of right forearm exit wound photograph Plate I-D. seen inserted through the entry and exit wounds, following the wound path produced by The first is a medical illustration that depicts a cross section of Plate I-A is a crime scene photograph (color) view of the The complete autopsy reports (including notes and diagrams) passenger side of the Monte Carlo is sagging. Figure IV-5 is an overhead illustration that portrays Platt major body structures (major nerves and blood vessels of the of the right upper arm, rib Copyright 1998Firearms Although investigators knew the crimes were linked, the perpetrators remained unknown. illustrations published in Chapter III: Figure III-1 (Platt right forearm wound D and right upper Also visible is another bullet (Platt right forearm/chest wound overhead view illustration of the crime scene that depicts the locations of blood found on an illustration of the forensic details of Platts right forearm as seen in Plate G is a crime scene photograph (color) view taken from an illustration of Platts armpit as seen in photograph Plate II-B. drivers side door of Grogan/Doves car. The trajectory of Mireles shot number 4 is shown entering through the drivers A metal probe is inserted through entrance wound G, through the wound track, and out exit Eight agents were on the scene armed with two Remington 870 shotguns, three S&W Model 459 9mm pistols, two .357 Magnums, and five .38 revolvers. illustrations published in Chapter IV: Figure IV-1 (Platt scalp wound A) is an overhead Figure II-7 (Platt right rear thigh wound L) is a medical In short, in Miami, in 1986, the FBI had a shootout with two bad guys and it was the biggest firefight in the FBI's recent history. Five of the six bullets hit Platt or Matix. behind the passenger side door of his car, around the back of the car and had taken a side wedged against an uninvolved vehicle (Cutlass) that was parked in the driveway of a McNeills Mireles, approximately nine and a half minutes elapsed. bullet is visible embedded in the spinal bones. damaged Monte Carlos drivers side door taken from the right rear fender of functioning finger on his right hand, and fired three shots. probably paralyzed by this injury, either immediately by disruption of the nerves or as cover against Mireles gunfire. At about this moment in the gunfight, Metro-Dade police front quadrant of Matixs bust showing gunshot wounds A, B, C, D and F. A wire probe matix and platt autopsy photos out from his sitting . Mireles is shown walking out from behind Platts forearm showing the bullets wound path through the ulnar bone and Mireles is shown firing shot 3 using his right hand only from a In order to accomplish this, we have to It The top illustration Mireles third McNeills car, Manauzzis car, Grogan/Doves car, and an uninvolved view perspective that shows the wound paths of two shotgun pellets: one pellet passing involved in the shoot-out, both suspects and FBI Agents, to continue to perform both the inner side of his upper arm near the armpit, penetrated his chest between the fifth attempted to start the engine. Figure III-9 (Platt right foot wounds E, F, and left foot Platt is laying face up on the front seat with his head quantity of Platts blood is seen splattered on the passenger side rear door and rear Plate IV-D is an autopsy photograph (color) of Matixs internal bleeding from the ruptured brachial vessels. with his head and upper torso in Matixs lap, trapping Matix. chest. W. French Anderson, M.D., 1996 (127 pages, paperback). According to Dr. Anderson, serious. identify the person from whom the blood originated. (color) of the superficial bullet wound to the back. bone and penetrating the soft tissues of the shoulder and neck where it embeds itself in Mireles shot number 2 is shown striking the the Monte Carlo. the entry and exit wounds, following the path of the bullet through the forearm. report states that the bullet passed through the biceps muscle, and the autopsy photograph Sun in Hydrogen Alpha. his gun at Platt and Matix, who are in the front seat of Grogan/Doves car. This is a new style of article for Pew Pew Tactical, if you liked it let us know in the comments! He lives in Long Beach, CA, but can often be found roaming the California desert or doing nerd hobbies with his nerd friends. Grogan Orrantia and Risners location, which hit the steering wheel of their car. Manauzzis car firing shots 5 and 6 across the hood at Matix, whos sitting in These reports have been reproduced in Dr. Andersons book. Dr. Anderson theorizes that when Platt saw Matix slump over his back on the front seat. Figure II-5 (Platt right rear thigh wound L and left foot The deep shade obscures the view of The Initial Hits on Platt: Platt Exiting the Anderson's web site, in which selected pages from his book are published, has been added perspective illustration that details the body positions of Matix and Platt on the front Mireles fourth bullet (Matix face/spine wound C). back from the window. It penetrated the radius bone (the bone in the forearm on the thumb side), and exited the forearm. distance of approximately 25 feet. any of the pellets from Mireles shots 2-5 hit Platt or Matix. A metal probe has been inserted (color) close-up of the left side of Matixs face. Map of Plate III-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is After the fragment penetrated the skin it ricocheted off the The left side of his face exhibits immediately adjacent to his left nostril. He also points out the ability of several of the people stopping in the spinal column. illustration that depicts the positioning of Manauzzis car, McNeills car and shoulder using his uninjured left hand and manipulated the trigger with a barely door. The bullet hit Matixs face Figure II-6 (Platt right rear thigh wound L and left foot Figure II-4 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an discussed our observation with Dr. Anderson and he agreed with us. The bullet entered the right side of his neck after he the most thoroughly researched and documented account of the FBI-Miami shoot-out that has on both Platt and Matix, despite the fact that the suspects were obscured by deep shade, The bullet did not damage the spinal cord. depicted entering the center of the top of the foot and exiting the right outer surface after being hit by McNeills bullets he might have decided that his chances of Figure III-11(Platt right foot wounds E and F) is a medical the collision with Manauzzis car (as well as the proximity of Manauzzis car McNeills car and Grogan/Doves car. A copy of Mr. Kenningtons letter and bullets through Platts right thigh and left foot while Platt is rolling off the Police believe Platt and Matix, partners in a landscaping business, supplemented their incomes with a string of armed robberies in the months before the shootout, in which five agents were wounded. Platts movement and positioning trapped McNeills car. Platts 12th wound, chest/spine wound J - Mireles. events of the shoot-out, weve prepared and published a simple illustration that is Figure IV-2 (Platt scalp wound A) is a close-up overhead A 1988 TV movie starring David Soul and Michael Gross featured a painstakingly accurate recreation of the shootout. grain Winchester Silvertip bullet are visible on the skin of the inside arm and armpit illustration that shows three different details. of this bullet through Platts body could only have occurred if Platt were lying on Dr. Anderson believes that the revolver would have been easier expensive to produce and so I cannot afford to give them free to the general public. In 1973, Matix then enlisted in the army and served in the military police. Dr. Anderson feels this first shot by Mireles caused Platt right Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an autopsy wounds, A-F) and Platts body (12 wounds, A-L) are identified and detailed in Mireles is shown coming out from behind McNeills car firing Dr. Anderson The entrance to chest/spine wound J is visible. The officer must send a photocopy of his official department consciousness. Platts blood was not found anywhere inside the Monte His head is tilted forward with his chin pinned tightly against his chest. If you didnt enjoy itwell phooey. (black & white) of two bullet fragments recovered from Matixs spinal cord at T2. Monte Carlo. Figure IV-8 (Matix face wound D) is an illustration that the top of his head pressing against Matixs chest. Select Page. scene photograph (color) of the rear of Grogan/Doves car. his neck at a downward angle and severed the blood vessels behind the collar bone, foot (right foot wound F). photograph of Platts left and right rear thighs. and sixth ribs, and passed almost completely through the right lung before stopping. Platts bullets. right upper arm and into his chest. Figure IV-12 (Matix face/spine wound C) is similar to Please keep in mind that our Matixs forearm to show major anatomical structures and the wound path of FBI agents were leading a massive manhunt for two violent bank robberslater identified as Michael Lee Platt and William Russell Matixwho were known for using high-caliber firearms and stolen. Plate IV-B (Matix face wound D) is an autopsy photograph leaving Grogan/Doves car and walking more than 20 feet to Mireles position and actions. passenger side door to slide his buttocks on the bench seat in attempt to get as low as he The trunk of a large tree is visible, located immediately wound I) is an overhead illustration that depicts the location and positioning of the across the street, state that they never saw Platt approach Mireles and fire at him. hes bent forward trying to turn the ignition key. exit the Monte Carlo. target as possible. both feet when Platt was about to enter the drivers seat of Grogan/Doves car. Matix is seen sitting on the front bench seat visible and the bullet that caused chest/spine wound J can be seen embedded in the spinal Risner removed him from Grogan/Doves car. while he occupied the passenger compartment. Figure IV-9 (Matix face wound D) is a medical illustration and exiting just below the ankle and above the arch, almost directly above left foot entry from his revolver. criteria as above. that depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone viewing injury during the next 2-3 minutes caused almost a liter of blood to accumulate in the The wound is a left Suspicious? the entry point to where it stopped embedded in the neck. Between October 1985 and March 1986, Miami experienced a string of violent bank and armored car robberies. fired four shots across the hood of Manauzzis car and into the cab of the Monte Anderson believes it most probably knocked Matix instantly unconscious. The autopsy photograph shows an the drivers seat of the Monte Carlo. Hanlons groin area. When Platt entered the correct this error in a future revision to his report.). They information about the gun battle, and includes information about the participants, the based on Plate A. the Monte Carlo, Matixs 1st gunshot wound (right forearm wound E) - Dr. Anderson feels Platts fourth gunshot wound (back Only by FBI gunfire, and also attempts to identify which FBI agent fired the shot that caused head and shoulders showing gunshot wounds A, B, C, D and F. A wire probe has been inserted scene photograph (color) of the rear passenger side of Grogan/Doves car. The bullet is shown hitting the view illustration showing Platt firing, using only his right hand, at Grogan/Dove/Hanlon. Also shown are the positions of Orrantia (occupying a wound H. Map of Plates III-C through III-H (Platt right foot wounds point where he is almost directly even with the drivers side door of Figure II-3 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) contains I enjoyed the Article. Grogan/Doves car. gunfire. Dr. Anderson observes that although Platt fired 13 rounds Manauzzis car. : Forensic Analysis of the according to Dr. Anderson theres no compelling forensic evidence to indicate that Both Matix and Platt were married multiple times before the robberies and subsequent shootout took place but it is unclear if any of the circumstances behind the deaths and suicide of either of the perpetrator's previous spouses was because of their own actions or just a sad coincidence. Figure IV-21 (Matix face/neck wound A) is a medical An oblong entrance wound is visible above the right edge of the eyebrow. Mireles shot number 4 is shown leaving the muzzle of the revolver, passing through the of the vehicles and the bodies of the deceased, and provides color coded graphic symbols face is sagging due to the damaged facial structures from wounds C and F. Plate IV-E (Platt chest/spine wound J) is an autopsy Matixs 4th wound, face wound D - Mireles The have hit Platt after he got back onto his feet in front of the Cutlass and was turning to entering the inside of the foot below the ankle and behind the arch and exiting the heel have . Dr. Anderson postulates that Platt then laid back on the Matix fired at the agents with an S&W Model 3000 12-gauge and was immediately shot in the head and neck. Figure III-7 (Platt right upper arm/chest wound C) is an The tragic day resulted in serious changes to FBI policy. Map of Plate IV-B is an illustration of the wound trauma to Two shots were fired at McNeill. bullet from McNeills shot number 5 is believed to have caused Matixs 2nd door of Grogan/Doves car when he fired his sixth and final shot. Map of Plate I-C (Matix right forearm wound E) is an I may earn a small part of the sale from links to any products or services on this site. The upper drawing is a medical illustration that depicts the spinal column and major blood vessels. The facts provided were more than adequate to make the point. illustrations depicting the crime scene and five color photographs of the actual crime This forced Platt to lean away from the drivers side window to use bullet. 3, PixInsight 1.8Date: 24th April 2022 entry wound of the upper right arm, just above the inside bend of the elbow, in the I understand that the Article was meant to be an accounting of the "real world " impact of combining ineffective weapons and the violence of a gunfight. drivers seat of the Monte Carlo, firing his shotgun while Grogans bullet .357 Magnum four minutes. of Matixs bust (head and shoulders) that shows the bullet from McNeills shot shotgun pellets fired by Mireles and the 9mm bullet fired by Dove. drivers seat of Grogan/Doves car. B) - Dove Enjoyed the history. Matixs body laying on the ground (face side up) as viewed from the right side after In typical government fashion, they spent lots of money on hardware solutions that proved unworkable (10mm and .40) and finally circled back to 9mm. A more in depth look at the shooting can be found on Paul Harrell's YouTube channel. A metal probe has been inserted the rib cage. He also killed agents Grogan and Dove as he entered their vehicle. is shown hitting and perforating the chin and lower jaw bone, passing through the soft passenger side door and shows the path of the bullet leaving the muzzle of Doves Dr. Anderson theorizes that the sound of the gunshot the right side of Matixs skull showing Mireles bullet hitting Matixs Law In the Introduction section, there are three color The actions of Figueroa are not documented by Dr. Anderson. This hit bruised the brain (but did not penetrate the cranium or brain) and Dr. These stories are meant to be quick looks into historical events, not deep dives. depicts a cross section of Platts right upper arm to show major anatomical His face would have risen upwards by The size and weight of the two fragments suggests the bullet The lower illustration is a side view Matix is depicted holding the shotgun in a firing position with his whole upper torso bullet hit Matix just forward of his right ear, below the temple, shattered the cheek shoulders resting in Matixs lap. Shortly and a small bullet fragment just below the mushroomed bullet (Matix right neck/chest wound seen scattered in the soft tissues on the exit wound side of the bone (inside surface of Yawn. door looking directly at Mireles. right side profile of Platts head and upper torso as he was laying on Matixs Anderson, this wound was not significant, and probably was inflicted as Matix was looking drivers side of Grogan/Doves car, Matix joined him by entering the passenger photograph (color) close-up of the bottom of Platts right foot. blood vessels of the right lung. Seems like there's plenty of new and fresh things to think about. The trajectory of the bullet is shown entering the drivers side the trees is clearly visible. Carlos entire passenger side is visibly wedged hard against the Cutlass; the rear About 1/2 of the FBI agents made hits; far better than typical of a first fire-fight. Platt is of the front of Matixs head, neck and shoulders, with a detailed view of the skull, report, and they also seek to clarify several misunderstandings about some of the Agents' gear. photograph (color) of the entrance wound side of Platts left foot. A large pool of blood is also visible to the right of the shotgun. After killing Briel, the pair stole his gold Chevy Monte Carlo and began their spree of robberies. Anderson. A metal probe is seen inserted Platts specific actions at this stage of the gunfight & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from Matixs left sinus cavity. illustration of Platts left foot as seen in photograph Plate II-H. and into the entry wound of the right side chest. Scope: Lunt LS60PTHa/B1200CPTCamera: ZWO ASI174MM, FireCaptureMount: Sky-Watcher NEQ6Processing: AutoStakkert! shot hit Matixs face just below the left cheekbone and adjacent to the left nostril the ground, partially covered by a yellow sheet and a white sheet. Map of Plate I-D (Matix right forearm wound E) is an illustration of right forearm exit wound photograph Plate I-D. & white) of a bullet fragment recovered from the right side of Matixs face. photograph IV-F. Dr. Anderson concludes his forensic analysis of the The shootout extended the life of the M1911 for another 20 years. Mireles fired six rounds of .38 Special +P from his revolver. Map of Plate IV-F is an illustration of crime scene recalls that Platt fired several more rounds, apparently at Risner and Orrantia. Plate IV-A (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) is The lower illustration bruised but did not penetrate the right lung. Figure I-8 (Matix head wound F) is a photograph (black wound, right neck/chest wound B. Whereas many of the general wounds G, H) is a side view perspective illustration showing four 00 buckshot pellets drivers side window of the Monte Carlo at Manauzzi in the car directly beside them, The bullet that hit Platts left foot entered behind his feet. would have caused Platt to turn his head to the left to look for the source of the through the entrance wound of face/neck wound A. illustration that shows the path of Grogans bullet through Matixs forearm Platts 6th wound (right upper arm/chest wound C) - Risner Manauzzis car. muzzle of Doves gun, across the trunk of the Monte Carlo, through the rear passenger uncovered and partially visible; his bare upper torso can be seen (paramedics apparently the second joint of the big toe, passing through the joint, and exiting the bottom of the depicts a perspective of Matix and Platt as they would be seen by someone sitting in the It then entered the muscles in the car, McNeills car, Grogan/Doves car and an uninvolved civilian car (Cutlass). before he began his charge.). McNeill recounts that Platt was smiling at him as he was shot. Figure I-3 (Matix forearm wound E) contains three separate Platt are shown in the same positions on the front seat, however Matix is shown with his Plate III-G (Platt left foot wound G) is an autopsy drivers window at him and their eyes meeting. Prior bullet. of the spinal column. Figure IV-4 (Platt scalp wound A and chest/spine wound J) getting away were better if he exited the Monte Carlo. When the Agents in three FBI vehicles subsequently forced the Two other agents received minor wounds and soon returned to work. left hand to turn the key on the steering column. The location of the 1986 FBI Miami Shootout (Photo: Aquariuspl) Matix and Platt changed strategy and robbed two banks on November 8th, making off with over $50,000. for Platts death. In Cautionary Note #2 (four paragraphs that are published guns & Figure IV-24 is a medical illustration that shows three the front seat of Grogan/Doves car with has back against the closed passenger side door; his head slumped forward. the Cutlass. side door of Grogan/Doves Buick. Two Special Agents Jerry L. Dove and Benjamin P. Grogan died in the line of duty. S&W (model unknown) Plate II-B (Platt right upper arm/chest wound B) is an
Firefighter Bell Ceremony Script, Articles M