If you could pick any career, what would you choose? Have the moderator introduce themselves too, along with their credentials. Moderator: Adrienne M. Hagen (Washington and Lee University) DANAH AL DAJANI, Representative of the Princess Basma Youth Resource Center in Jordan, said Arab youth grew up hearing the message that they lived in an area of conflict and instability. Tailor the experience to the background of your audience. Email. What issues are you facing at your school or in your community which we might be able to address together? Consider not only reviewing these words from God, but also memorizing them with the youth. Please attend a roundtable lead by the Chair of the Committee for the Promotion of Latin. Participants will be encouraged to share their own experiences and brainstorm new ideas. The commitments at the United Nations, as they related to the World Programme of Action for Youth, must also be made in the Group of Eight and ILO. If your roundtable discussion is less about a debate and more about covering various aspects of one subject area, get a group of niche experts together to form a comprehensive education on the topic. Changes in the nervous system as well as cognition in elderly adults as a result of age. Moderators: Seth A. Jeppesen (Brigham Young University) and T.H.M. 100 Questions Printable: Dinner Table Talk on Cleverly Inspired. And so can you! Please take notes and post them in the appropriate discussion forum. Their personal experiences added a level of depth to the discussion that would be missing if the participants were white men. Follow corporate event management tips to align the roundtable discussion with relevant, big-picture goals. Impetus for discussion arises from a common scenario: college programs happy to receive students with high school Latin that struggle to place them appropriately. Webprogram for youth. We will engage participants & develop areas of inquiry on skills & knowledge students moving from secondary to post-secondary Latin programs might be expected to have. Hosted by financial services training company BAI, it is exclusively for chief Diversity Officers and other senior diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI) leaders (SVP+) from financial services organizations with asset sizes of at least $10 billion. Keeping participants exclusive, according to BAI, helps ensure consistent, high-quality discussion and peer networking.. Pamela Rose Williams is a wife, mother and grandmother. Do you think the Toastmasters Table Topics section is a good or destructive feature of the Toastmasters club? What does a membership rally look like? Everyone had seen young people pay a price in conflicts and diseases, and there was no doubt that they often paid a very, very heavy price. Eradication of poverty, however, was not solved only with money. Lastly, a participant called for the creation of a council of young people at the United Nations, which he believed would be very productive and effective, and would ultimately make a real impact. Before you confirm your moderator, make sure they are interested in either conducting or reading your notes on the necessary research for the speakers, the topic, and the audience. This type of roundtable discussion is more labor intensive because they are usually recurring or part of a series. Theres a reason its called a roundtable discussion. More needed to be done in that regard and in other economic sectors to contribute to youth development. When youre winding up the discussion, end by asking participants questions that can be answered quickly. Joint Event with the Strategic Acquirers Network: Corporate Development Best Practices: Sourcing, Screening & Execution. Ph.D. Surplus, Adjunctification, and Other Inconvenient Topics. In-person roundtable discussions are appealing to guests who want to network with speakers but the audience is limited to those who are local or can travel to the venue. However, the organizer would start the roundtable with an attitude of receptivity, and allow attendees to bring up issues for discussion. Their comments are grouped (roughly) under the headings/themes below. Participants will discuss the current state of scholarship pertaining to the environmental history of the ancient world and will share their experiences researching and/or teaching within this interdisciplinary subfield. Do you think celebrities/rap musicians are good role models for young people today? The ability to think on your feet while speaking, is as important as being able to craft and deliver an interesting speech. This roundtable is a chance for Advanced Placement Latin teachers to meet and to pose questions and get insights about the exam from colleagues with experience scoring or writing the exam. Questions to Ask Your Family Around the Dinner Table. However, those people become Everyone at the table gets a chance to have their say and to learn from their peers. Many of the Scriptures listed above support the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Join InHerSight's growing community of professional women and get matched to great jobs and more! In this roundtable, I will advertise the CAMWS workshop and panel put on by the Graduate Student Interest Committee, as well as our social media and blog presence. Your job is not done after the event is over because you will need to send out resolutions or notes on the roundtable discussion topics that you covered during the meeting. Along those lines, another representative wondered why it was so difficult for politicians and delegates to approach youth and said that only when both sides learned from each other could they really make a change. Segment 1: Young People in a Global Economy. A way to address this is by stepping in, reminding the student of what specific subtopic he or she is supposed to be addressing. In a world with enough resources for everyone to meet basic needs, it was unacceptable that so many were denied those basic needs. National Committee for Latin & Greek: Your Voice in Washington--and Elsewhere. These are often done by each participant. Jennifer and Jon Epstein joined the panel, sharing their experience in losing their son, Cal, after he consumed a counterfeit pain pill in late Reach out to social media connections, speakers from past industry conferences, and look within your own company to find the best possible host. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. When responding to the first question: What got you into the DEI space?, participant Keni Dominguez, now a workplace strategist and career coach for Black and WOC introverts, said that as one of the only Black women working in tech, she became invested in wanting to see more people come through the door who looked like her. This roundtable will present and discuss the educational foundations for the use of backchannels in large courses and results from the NSF study. Many had lost faith in the system as a whole. under each category, you will find specific topics, main ideas, and even questions that can lead you to crafting A good range to shoot for is eight to 12 people. Not an official record. of Latin learning, translation as a tool rather than a goal,creating a Living Latin classroom within a non-Living Latin department,preparing students to transition to and succeed in a grammar-translationbased program. TakingITGlobal and the Global Youth Action Network were good examples of youth working together to close the digital divide in rural and urban areas. RENALDAS VAISBRODAS of Lithuania, representing European States, said that globalization was about making things faster, bringing people closer, and sometimes also about making gaps wider. NGUYEN HONG NHUNG, Representative of TakingITGlobal in Viet Nam and Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Editor of the United Nations Millennium Campaign, said youth played an active role in civil society. Joint efforts must be undertaken through cooperation, investment, and the designing of long-term government policies, but the current situation differed from that ideal. 2 Timothy 1:1011 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. The round table, comprising three segments: young people in the global economy; young people in civil society; and young people and their well-being, served as WebROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS ON TOPICS RELATED TO ADVOCACY & ACCOUNTABILITY View All Discussions on YouTube Please click on the title of the roundtable discussion below to watch. We will discuss the intercultural conversations that occur through classical studies and explore ways in which we bridge our differences as the interest in Classical Studies becomes increasingly globalized. Method. Since then, everyone from world powers developing actions for global peace treaties to Fortune 500 companies debating the future of their industries have all learned how to run a roundtable discussion. It also means ensuring that each person at the table is given equal time. Topics might includenegotiation of meaning (e.g. Topics will include the discussions, short answer, essays, and anything that can help teachers with their Advanced Placement Latin classes. WebGeriatric nurse research discussion topics. It's a great opportunity to engage children in rich conversation, share important Other Scriptures to study: Proverbs 14:32, Acts 24:15, Romans 4:18, Romans 8:24, Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 13:13, Colossians 1:5, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 6:18-19, 1 Peter 3:15, 1 John 3:3. Should a minimum wage be guaranteed? It was an important moment to decide how to improve activities concerning youth, who must be involved in designing related policies. The consequences of the lack of education and employment for young people were significant, he continued. One representative said that support was needed in order to have a strong programme of youth empowerment, and that by mainstreaming youth issues in all programmes, States should be able to effectively implement the Millennium Development Goals and the World Programme of Action. The question they explored was: Why its so important to know Black history? Other Scriptures to study: Genesis 49:18, Numbers 20:10, 2 Kings 5:11-12, Jonah 4:8-9, Psalms 37:7, Psalms 40:1, Isaiah 26:8, Isaiah 33:2, Matthew 15:23, Luke 9:54, Luke 10:40, Acts 1:4. Another speaker reminded States that adults often were not good enough at listening, and stressed that commitments could not happen until the adults present at the meeting listened to ideas and included them in their documents. The right participants are the most important factor to success when conducting any roundtable, regardless of the topic. If your roundtable discussion is around a hot topic or a highly-debated one, choose at least two people who will represent both extreme ends of a given spectrum and one person who falls somewhere in the middle or offers a wildcard in terms of their experience. Young people under the age of 25, speakers noted, accounted for half of the worlds current population. Some events use the roundtable discussion format as a breakout exercise for small groups during a conference or lecture. Elizabeth Z. Hepner (University of St. Thomas) and Lorina Quartarone (University of St. Thomas). All Rights Reserved. Moderator: Mary Pendergraft (Wake Forest University) A roundtable discussion is a guided conversation, usually to explore a specific topic and sometimes come up with recommendations. Here is a short list of the most captivating controversial political topics for teens. More serious mishaps can occur if your topic is too broad. ANDREW DUNKELMAN of the United States, representing the North American States, said he believed that the importance of youth and civil society could not be questioned. There are, fortunately, happy middle groundsneither too structured nor too free-ranging, organized around of series of principles which a group of experts (in this case, students who have developed some expertise on a given topic) agree to use while engaging with each other. Volunteerism was an important aspect of youth development. Halls, buildings, and properties - getting members to help, promoting them, working to keep them updated. Virtual Roundtable: New Performance Metrics in a Post-Pandemic World. Why is there a Refugee Crisis in Ukraine? The round table, comprising three segments: young people in the global economy; young people in civil society; and young people and their well-being, served as a forum to discuss concrete, practical ways to further implement the 1995 World Programme of Action for Youth. Often the members come with different aspects or perspectives or opposing views on the topic. At the round table we will reflect on what CAMWSCorps has accomplished so far and brainstorm about what else it might attempt in the years ahead. WebWhat is a roundtable discussion? Why or why not? How to Choose Good Friends and Grow Friendships, Examples of Love and Courtship in the Bible. If you could have a super-power, what would you like it to be? Do you prefer to watch movies at a theatre or at home with friends? To start, the moderator will ask an opening question to the person whose introduction makes that question a good fit. Additionally, she works with her husband using their extensive experience in information technology to provide Christ-centered teaching and resources to people all over the world. Still, it was difficult to meet the demands of a growing youth population, particularly in rural areas. Roundtable topics are updated monthly, however we encourage you to use the topics as and when you see fit. See the Roundtable Archive Page for previous topics. Have ideas for roundtable topics you would like to see covered? The customs, Moderator: Anne Groton (St. Olaf College) ). To date, 74interviews have been recorded; all are stored in an online archive, accessible by request to researchers and others interested in the history of Classical Studies in North America. Each half-hour interview is conducted by a Classics graduate or undergraduate student. CEO roundtable discussions, which are typically done monthly and have a rotating list of industry topics to choose from, host speakers who all run and/or own notable businesses. Following up is very important to the actual effect of the roundtable discussion. WebMistake 3: There are too many (or too few) participants. Afterschool Programs Afterschool programs serve children and youth of all ages. White (Baylor University) First-time moderators often have slight problems with the timing of roundtable discussions or letting one participant take over the conversation. To keep that from happening, maintain a narrow focus from the outset, and use your comments, redirections, and follow-up questions to keep the discussion on point. He added that he believed that youths voices of reason, of seeing through fresh eyes, would be very important. 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes, Are You a Disciple of Christ? While continuing to encourage the student to participate, some allowances may be madeparticipating as audience member, for example, or a shortened session in their roundtable participation. Non-tenure-track positions account for over 70 percent of all instructional appointments in American higher education, but there are few standards for their use. This roundtable discussion will focus on developing workable ideas for incorporating service learning activities into Classics courses, in ways which are useful to and respectful of the needs of local communities. The chartered organization is effectively a franchisee or owner-operator of the Scouting program. Youth Activities and youth meetings are very important to the life of a church family. Roundtables are a popular form of discussion format because theyre designed to be participatory and inclusive. If you could have anything you want for your next birthday, what would you want as a present. For example, a roundtable discussion on the future of the hotel industry may want subject matter experts who can touch on marketing, technology, the travel industry as a whole, climate change, and hospitality economics. Civil society efforts were encouraging youth to speak out, and legislative reform was helping them to mobilize. P.S. Its really just civilized conversationwith a purpose. Copyright 2010-2023 Telling Ministries LLC. What Will Happen to Abortion Rights Now that Roe v. Wade is Overturned? WebFind National Service Center content below for each segment of the virtual roundtable format. In a roundtable, however, it becomes painfully obvious if someone has not prepared when the spotlight is on him or her when his or her turn comes up. Now that you know how to run a roundtable discussion and what youll need to do it, take your newfound knowledge one step further by maximizing your investment. This roundtable seeks to open a dialog among instructors who are implementing innovative approaches to Latin or Greek prose composition that get students actually composing in the classical languages, including gamifying the classroom, composition as fan fiction, imitating ancient writing processes, and beyond. While it was impossible to predict the upheavals and uncertainties Arab youth would be forced to contend with, young people must be able to acquire the necessary skills to deal with them, she continued. Moderator: Karl Galinsky (University of Texas at Austin) He asked for States to give young people the tools to enable them to develop their lives, and said that States and young people needed to do that together. Roundtables are by nature not hierarchical with equal participation. If you were stranded on a desert island, what two things would you want to have with you? Representatives of Member States, Observer States, agencies and bodies of the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations also participated in the round table. They talked about Black history not being taught in school and being the only Black person in a 400-person lecture class, and that its okay to be different and to not be like the other people youre seeing. Transcribe the audio for hearing impaired audiences to enjoy. Keep reading to discover some must-know tips for what format this event type follows, what steps you need to take, and the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding roundtable discussions. WebHere are some of our prior roundtable discussion topics. Write this section with the audiences perspective in mind. The right participants are the most important factor to success when conducting any roundtable, regardless of the topic. Do you think it is okay to post personal information on the Internet (on blogs, facebook)? 2608 Erwin RoadSuite 148 #300Durham, NC 27705, InHerSight's 50 Best Companies to Work For, 18 Reasons Gender Diversity at Work Is More Important Than Ever, Tone Policing: The Problem with Gatekeeping Emotions, 40 Female-Dominated Careers (& What They Pay). For a Black History Month roundtable discussion in 2018 at the University of Oregon, the participants were five Black students and a graduate acting as moderator. In a virtual roundtable called Multiple Lenses of DEI, for example, the participants are Black women. Ecclesiastes 4:910 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. Get all the support you want for your events because we know hospitality matters. New Directions in Latin and Greek Prose Composition. At InHerSight, we use data to help women find and improve companies where they can achieve their goals. There are reasons for limiting the number of participants: with too many, the discussion is harder to control, with the risk of side conversations and people not getting the chance to speak. Mr. ELIASSON told the round table that everyone could make a difference and that the United Nations must be a grass-roots movement if it was to be strong and vital. If you dont recall the question, or you want more time to think, ask for the question to be repeated. Roundtable discussions are not complicated but do present some challenges of getting everyone to participate. Sometimes, however, students have legitimate reasons for not wanting to participate: a nonnative accent or speech disorder they are self-conscious about, for example. More than half of the Arab population was under age 25 and grappling with the difficulties of unemployment, poverty, risky behaviour and military occupation, among others things. How do you spread the word of your events? Oregon Health & Science University hosted a roundtable discussion Wednesday, June 29, to raise community awareness especially among parents, school officials and health care professionals. Thanks for stopping by! Participants and speakers alike takeaway new perspectives and information from every discussion. Read more: Trust, Accountability & Retention: Why Transparency at Work Matters. There are three main types of roundtable discussions: In-person, virtual, and CEO. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A roundtable discussion is a conversation on a single topic held between a relatively small group of perhaps 8 to 10 people. The goal is to bring more voices to the table, interact with one another, play off ideas, and solve a singular problem. But how you host a roundtable discussion at your chamber can depend. Then, consider hosting or streaming your roundtable discussion online with these must-have virtual event technology tools. In this roundtable discussion, we will explore the lenses through which we introduce students to the world of antiquity, both domestically and internationally. In fact, this is again an expectation, the very nature of a round table, that various perspectives are entertained and build on each other. Theyre interesting too because each participant comes from a place of different experiences and opinions. Web3 Methods to Address Problems of a Roundtable Discussion 1 Unprepared Students A perennial problem with education in general, group projects like round tables in Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Allow 5-10 minutes for a welcome, 45-70 minutes for the discussion, and 10 minutes at the end to close and say goodbye. This is open to contest committee members, teachers whose students participate in the contest, and anyone else who is interested in the examination. Instead, they wanted to be taught how to work with adults, and to be given access to skills and information. Has the Electoral College If youre hosting a corporate event of any kind, create a goal that supports the business as a whole and aligns with messaging from active marketing campaigns. 2022 Anti-Defamation League. Young people firmly believed that they did not want to be set up for failure, he continued.
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