Taking great pride in raising top quality gamefowl for over 30 years Bull's Gamefowl Farm | Hartsville TN Fyrick is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Johnnie grew up in a household of ten children. I have for sell a pureblood Rocky top Kelso and pureblood Gray fox hen selling as a pair you can call or text me for price. 3. Kelso gamefowls and breeders cost from P7,000 for single non-banded birds up to P55,000 for trio breeders. I know there isnt a fully correct explanation since every breeder has made their own Kelso rooster family in their own way, but Im going to give you my particular opinion about how I see this rooster race, starting with the fact that they are very fighting and intelligent. This lines have had success since they were created and they have kept alive since then. It is obvious that Walter Kelso himself was not the one who brought the gamefowl to the Philippines since he was busy during those times and ended his cockfighting career during the late 50s. Retired cock. Mr. Stalcup wrote me of the results of that main and asked me for hens bred the same way. I have some very good blooded game fowl for sale. Gilbert Courtois had won many mains at that time and was rated the Champion of Louisiana. Our Kelso bloodline were acquired from Joe Mac Skinner. TEXT FOR MORE INFORMATION. And breed them back towards the white side for maintaining the strain. It was a show of 21 and 17 pairs matched. January 10, 2023, Controlling Body Moisture through Intracellular Hydration Although Kelso had many of Madigins fowl he never bred any of them pure, as he always wanted his own strain of fowl and bred towards this goal. $100. Kelso had Sweater McGinnis with him at the time. When Kelso fought a main against Madigin in New Orleans his cocks were Roundheads from Louisiana. This extreme quality birds tolerate any amount of punishment and with a good posture they got to be famous winners in our country. We have more than 100 years of focused genetic selection to produce Disease-resistant, Strength and Fighting Stamina Fighting Fowls with unique fighting styles of each particular cross. Thank you for taking the time to visit the Johnnie Jumper Farm website. 654 Kelly Fork Road, Hazard, Ky | 606-233-9544. Your email address will not be published. All birds are healthy and well taken care of. Other breeders are also experimenting to produce White Kelso which is becoming popular today. 6047 Grady Dunn Road West Wilmer, Alabama 36587 Home phone (251) 645-6745 Cell phone (850) 723-2450. I can ship in the US call or text. Later Kelso got some of them back again. I have many letters here from John J. Liberto, who helped Mr. Kelso for 32 years with his fowl, in Galveston, Texas, and he assures me that the only Typewriter hens of and the McClanahan cock (Austin-Claret-Smith Roundhead) was ever bred at Mr. Kelsos, or by him down there. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Your email address will not be published. Some Kelsos are good floor-fighters while others are good in the air, thats why we have to keep in mind what style does this family has before we acquire it. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Kelso used 4 cocks bred by John Liberto, Galveston, Texas. The spangle hatch was heavy on mclean and had some spangled whitehackle blood in him. After years of long breeding, Kelso had a breakthrough in 1951 when he and his Oleandar team won the derby at Hot Springs, Arkansas, with a ten and two score. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Johnnie Jumper will live on through his bloodline, as his brood fowl has done from generation to generation. Hatched April 2019 Johnnie Jumper passed away on November 2, 2011. Tel: 404-713-8895, Copyright 2022 - Scorpion Ridge GameFarm, LLC - All Rights Reserved - None Sold for Illegal Purposes. If I can help you in anyway my number is in the contact tab above. We provide news, tips, and other useful information about farming, gardening, livestock production, fishery, forestry, and other forms of natural food sources. The cocks are generally black-breasted reds (ranging from deep mahogany to light reds) with their white or yellow legs and pea or straight comb. Sweaters used to lack endurance, but infusions into their bloodline made them the most feared opponents they are today. - Fri. 8:00am - 7:00pm ESTSat. Out & Out Kelso range widely in color from lemon to dark red wine. How the Kelso bloodline reached the Philippines, The Kelso gamefowl characteristics and fighting style, The best Kelso bloodline in the Philippines. Won by Kelso 6 to 3. The Madigin Clarets completely outclassed the LA Roundheads. Fighting Game Fowls is a Farm of selectively crossed and raise Hens, Stags and Cocks. They have put tremendous effort into perfecting several breeds to offer some of, 25 Highest Paying Jobs in 2022 (without a degree), The Formerly Enslaved Household of the Grant Family, Hello Denver, My Name is Richard Schneider - 303 Magazine, Who Killed Tupac Shakur? I know this will surprise many, but there is no such fowl, as Kelso (Madigin) Clarets. Sold for breeding only. Cecil got one of the cocks which Mr. Kelso raised from the Sweater McGinnis Hatch cock and his own hens. I have a trio of Lacey Roundheads ,a pure trio of minor blues from S&S game farm for, a trio of out n out kelso for , a pair of harold brown grey's brood pair only. Firebird has a price list posted on its Facebook Page. White Creek gamefarm is a gamefowl farm in which I raise gamefowl for breeding and show only. Started breeding gamefowl when I was 19 years old starting with Tennessee hatch . Required fields are marked *. I've also got 2 proven battle cross stags that are 1/2 showtime kelso 1/2 kearney whitehackle. Breeding pairs, trios, single stags, single cocks, or hens. January 14, 2023, Mycoplasma in Gamefowls: How to Implement Biosecurity Procedures to Protect Your Birds Hatched August 2020 Available, Out & Out Kelso Stag Hatched April. Showtime kelso stags and pullets. Kelso, White Kelso, Out & Out Kelso, Fairchild Kelso, Silver Bullet and Spangled Kelso. Newer Post , Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, The Importance of B-Complex and Liver Extract Supplementation for Gamefowls and Poultry With just the right level of speed and a very liberal spirit, these assets allows them to develop a very effective fighting style and this, along with their surprising development, makes them a very complete family. A pure Billy ruble hatch for 150. This is why the Kelso roosters are considered another successful family, because of their great constitution and permanence in the derbies, becoming winners themselves. (Video) , , , , & , (Video) Beautiful Cardinal Club Kelso Grey Gilmore BJ LUNAO FARM, (Video) Beautiful Birds White Claret Adrian Francisco Red Cliff Farm Georgia - Farm Visit, (Video) The Kelso (Gamefowl Society Special Edition). 2. Mr. Griffin from Alabama was walking stags for Mr. Kelso and he sent Kelso a bright red, single comb cock, that was a sensation, a five-time winner, called the Trosclair cock because Trosclair had walked him; he was also called the $1000 cock. I got my first Kelsos from John O. Fowler in Huntsville Alabama in 1972. Kelso Cardinal Kelso Gamefowl $ 550.00 - $ 1,500.00 Kelso White Kelso GameFowl $ 550.00 - $ 1,500.00 Blueface Hatch Blue Grey Rooster $ 280.00 - $ 1,100.00 Gamefowl Hatching Eggs Gamefowl Hatching Eggs $ 100.00 - $ 550.00 Gamefowl Hatching Eggs Ginn Grey Toppy Gamefowl Hatching Eggs $ 120.00 - $ 650.00 Sale! Madigin was known for his Clarets, Madigin Grays, and Texas Ranger. Gamefowls and poultry are important animals in the farming industry, providing companionship and a source of food and income for many farmers. And if there is any consolation in his passing it is that he left a bloodline of family to take care of his bloodlines of chickens. We also accept stories of successful people in the fields of agriculture, livestock production, and fishery. I've Grown Up With These Birds In And Around My Life. In writing this data on the Kelso fowl I am not drawing upon hearsay and my imagination for facts, but rather upon my long association with these great cockers and breeders. I let him have a Madigin Grey cock, sire of 5 cocks I fought against E.H. Husley and Henry Wortham, at Arcola, Texas, in our $2000 main. From 1977 until Mr. Fowler's death in 1982 I raised Kelsos for Mr. Fowler. By Entering This Site You Agree To The Above Terms. They have made it their goal to combine their knowledge and ambition to continue the legacy that was left to them. We have over 70 years of gamefowl breeding experience. 10 Best Fighting Rooster and Gamefowl Breeds, The Whitehackle Gamefowl and Its Fighting Style, Hatch Gamefowl History and Fighting Style, The Leiper Hatch Gamefowl and Its Fighting Styles, The Health Benefits of Feeding Garlic to Chickens. Kelso made a main against Smutt Griffiths, Victoria, Texas; Jeff Lankard, Goliad, Texas, and others in their combination. A Perfection Grey cock was also bred to Pipeliner hens for Kelsos use. Kelso entered gamefowl derbies under the name: Oleander, a flower shrub, and his fighters were ALL a series of battlecock crossbreeds. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Johnnie was respected world-wide for his expertise in breeding some of the strongest, unsurpassed gamefowl in the industry. favorite this post Jan 12 Gamefowl game fowl chicks . They're one of the most popular American Gamefowl, more can be found regarding this breed under the page "American Gamefowl". Copyright 2018 Jumper Farm. 2019 These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. When John Madigin dies in 1942, Walter and another breeder Bill Japhet inherited all of his breeders. Madigin won the main 11 to 6. Older Post When his good friend John Madigin died in 1942, Kelso and breeder colleague Bill Japhet inherited all of Madigin's fowl, which included some of the finest Clarets, Madigin Grays, and Texas Rangers. When I visited him there he had fowl from E.W. The most favored strain of the Hatch bloodline includes the Yellow-legged hatch, Blueface hatch, the McLean hatch, and the Morgan hatch. Have a few pullets left that haven't been shipped. Law, Dave Ward, Frank Shy (Narragansett) and some Albany fowl (Old Albanys). Without advertising income, we can't keep making this site awesome for you. In his second win, the cock broke the tip of his wing. The Kelso fighting cocks are a very crossing race, they are very well crossed with thesweater rooster bloodline, hatch, radio and brown red roosters (this last one mostly in the Philippines), generally they combine with almost any other bird line. Pair of harold brown grey's, pure trio of marsh butchers about 6 months old from Oklahoma, trio of Roundheads, maybe some mugs. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I know very well what I've got. If you were his friend, he loved you and most everyone he met was his friend. As you can see, the Kelso fighting cocks are another of the most developed families and one of the highest operative capacity with artificial weapons. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Later a son of the Pipeliner cock was bred the same way with excellent results. I've Picked Up where My Father And Grandfather Left Off. This diversity in the phenotype is due to the amount of bloodlines with whom this family was composed, divided in three groups as we previously established. A pure Jimmy East Grey brood cock now in the yard of LongScore Game Farm. Old Murphy, Yankee Clipper, and Claret blood. Price: $100.00. All fowl are sold for breeding and show purposes only. It Drowned Him Instead. Davis used to breed and handled cocks for Walter Kelso. January 13, 2023, Best cross for Claret Gamefowl The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". I can ship in the US call or text. McGinnis got a Regular Grey Madigin cock from Kelso. Not sure what else I will let go of. I hope that you find this information helpful about our farm, bloodlines, and breeding program. Known as a ground pugilist, Kelso doesnt jump and meet opponents in the air but possesses all advantages on the ground. The Bob Angelle trophy was given to Gilbert Courtois. We have quality white Kelso gamefowl, we have stags, hens and roosters at good discounted prices. Blog especializado en gallos de pelea, para todos los amantes de las peleas de gallos. THE REAL HISTORY OF OUT AND OUT KELSO - MUST WATCH!! Wife is having to hav Several birds for sale, call or text for details. The three team up to form one of the best gamefowl farms in the world, the Winslet Gamefowl Farm. Our Services Include Providing You With Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Biddies/Chicks, Broodfowl, and Showfowl Of The Following Breeds: **Can Provide Pictures Of Each Fowl Of interest Upon Requests If Not Pictured Already. Mr. Kelso obtained from Billy Ruble, a pea comb, Brown Red, dark legged cock, twice a winner at Hot Springs, same day, and he was bred to the dark legged hens Tommy Murphy sent Kelso. Mating half-brother & half-sister- 12.5% (moderate inbreeding). I used one Madigin Grey that won and the rest were E.H. Hulsey-Coutois-DeJean-Smith Roundhead-Claret crosses. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Upon Johnnie's wishes, Randy Jumper (son) and Nathan Jumper (grandson) are running the Jumper fowl farms in Mexico and the United States. Stags are $100 pullets are $75. Long before the Kelso gamefowl become successful, Walter Kelso had already run a game farm called Oleander in Galveston, Texas. cocks and several nice stags up for your consideration. Views: 3895. Like I said before, they are extraordinary birds for the breeding since they allow us to cross with almost every other races. Johnnie was respected world-wide for his expertise in breeding some of the strongest, unsurpassed gamefowl in the industry. It was a very dark day in the gamefowl world. Madigin drove up and asked why the big odds. Nowadays there are plenty of lines of pureblood or combat Kelso roosters (if they can be called lines), I would rather call them families. The cocks were very game but average fighters. His fowl were unbeaten since he founded them in about 1842 and they were known as Eslin Brown Reds, until about 1865, when they were called Red Quills. Luckily, this isnt the case with the Kelsos. LEIPER HATCH JOHNY MITCHELL LEIPER HATCH PULLET. Out & Out Kelso Stag Hatched August 2020 Available Perry feeding, at Nine Mile Club, 6 to 4. Joe Mac obtained the pure Kelso from Curtis Blackwell that came directly from Walter Kelso himself.The Out & Out Kelso all come straight comb, legs are yellow or white, body color varations are dark, spangle and on a rare occasion you could even get a solid white.
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