Our goal is to manage trash and recycling services that meetthe community's needs. 28 0 obj
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Included in Recycle Coach is your trash schedule, recycling schedule, Brush \u0026 Bulky schedule, and holiday delays. SBWAP is part of the City of Tucson Household Hazardous Waste Programand is operated by the City of Tucson Environmental Services Department. Information on the Pima County Waste Tire Program, Pima County-owned landfills and transfer stations and those owned and/or operated by other governmental entities or private sector companies is available below. The Sahuarita Transfer Station was opened at the Sahuarita Landfill on February 1, 2016. 602-892-1357 Drop-Off Locations We are committed to the preservation of a Blue Planet a cleaner, safer and healthier world where people thrive not just for today, but for generations to come. Recycling in now an ever other week pick-up. The Pima County Waste Tire Program is operated at the Pima County Waste Tire Collection Site. 24 0 obj
Phone: (520) 724-7400 Printable Brush & Bulky Map & Schedule 2023 NEW! There arelandfills in Pima County that accept only inert materials,including green waste, construction and demolition debris. But do you also look for and purchase items that are made from recycled materials? Order Waste Pickup Why Waste Management? a week b week a week b week a week b week a week . Home Arizona Tucson Trash Schedule 2023 (Bulk Pickup, Holidays, Maps), How to Get Rid of a Mattress (8 Free Ways). A list of solid waste haulers permitted by Pima County is available on the "Waste Programs" tab below. Place empty, clean, and dry recyclable items in your blue bin and set out on the same day as your garbage pick-up. To help provide a smooth transition, service maps have been developed in an effort to easily identify service boundaries. Contact us: Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. City of Tucson Environmental and General Services Department. The Small Business Waste Assistance Program (SBWAP) provides a safe and affordable disposal/recycling option for your businesss hazardous waste. PDEQ also provides information on disposal of other solid wastesand the unlawful storage of solid waste on private propertyincluding mobile homes, manure, animal feces, etc. Talk to a Representative Call Customer Service at 791-3171 or e-mail ESHelp@tucsonaz.gov. There is no excuse for dumping anywhere except at an authorized landfill or transfer station. Go to departments then Environmental Services 3. For more information, please view our brochure. Ensure that hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner; Encourage the recycling and recovery of waste materials through suitable incentive/disincentive efforts; and. The City of Tucson is in Arizona with Phoenix to the north, New Mexico to the east, San Diego to the West. A drop-off fee of $10 will be charged to residents living outside of City of Tucson city limits. Hire a reputable contractor or a hauler with a permit; Know your haulers name, address, and phone number; Ask for a landfill receipt before full payment. Beginning in September 2019 the city of Tucson is no longer picking up the curb side recycling bins every week. %%EOF
Enter part or all of any address in the District of Columbia to see your pick up day(s) for Trash and Recycling Collection. (Remember to download the Recycle. Recycling is also offered at Pima County Landfills and Transfer Stations through. limit), Lumber (Up to 5 Long-Placedin a separate pile), Household Hazardous Waste (Paint, Oil, Pesticides, Solvents). A bill insert with a map and schedule will be in the September bill, and each resident will receive a direct mail piece with their collection schedule and map. The Pima County Department of Environmental Quality (PDEQ) Waste Hauler Program is authorized to inspect septic tank cleaners (a.k.a. El reciclaje se recoger en semanas alternas. They should never be poured down the drain. The WasteTire Collection Siteis located at 5301 W Ina Road at the temporarily closed Ina Road Landfill, west of I-10. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. It's easy to use and free to download from the Apple and Android app stores. Ajo residents may apply for the landfill discount at the International Sonoran Desert Alliance Ajo Works office located at 321 E Taladro, Ajo, AZ. All of us pay a high price for the dumpers illegal behavior. 67 0 obj
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The open storage of excessive material that cannot be considered Solid Waste i.e. The City of Tucson HHW Programis freeto all City of Tucson residents. Recycling Schedule and Zones Recycling Service Schedule Each pick-up day has been divided into A WEEK and B WEEK. Drivers Trained for Safety We have an industry-leading focus on driver training and safety. 520-791-3171, Sign up to receive services updates and event information. Tucson trash pickup and recycling services Wildcat Country is a great place to live, work, and play. Have bulky items the city wont pick up? Act responsibly Tucson, AZ 85701 For example, if the holiday falls on a Monday, DPW will collect Monday routes on Tuesday and so on through Saturday. You need a junk removal service. PDEQ inspects all hazardous waste generators and hazardous waste complaints in Pima County for regulatory compliance. Recycle Coach can be used on a browser or download the app to your smartphone. Please Note: If a resident living in a building with more than 3 residential units enters their address, clicking the button will return a trash day, but that does not supercede the City policy for residential trash collection. If you need assistance with temporary dumpster rentals, give us a call. Looking for your trash recycling schedule?? No collection on Monday Customers with collection on any day Monday-Friday will have their services delayed by one day. Email address: Your name: (optional), Environmental Services News Release Archive, Government | Neighborhoods | Business | Departments | Mayor & Council | Employment | Contact City | Privacy Policies, Office of Economic Initiatives (ConnectTucson). Homes in neighborhoods with narrow streets and alleys receive twice-weekly trash collection and use the smaller 32-gallon plastic rolling carts (mini-Supercan), or Clean City trash cans. Be responsible In general, trash and recycling collections missed due to an observed holiday will be made on the next regular collection day. Most households follow a once-a-week trash collection schedule. Removing it promptly reduces additional dumping. We do not mail them out annually, but here is a way to print out your schedule! Financial Hardship Fee Application Process update FY 2022 Ajo residents may apply for the landfill discount at the International Sonoran Desert Alliance Ajo Works office located at 321 E Taladro, Ajo, AZ. That is the best way to complete the recycling loop and save resources for our children and grandchildren. a>6XO1hcBBmCw9i! Please check out the links below to access Customer Service: Household Hazardous Waste Information: Looking for your trash recycling schedule?? See our Slide Guidefor more in formation. The mission of PDEQ's Waste Program is to: PDEQ also provides information on disposal of other solid wastes and the unlawful storage of solid waste on private property. Holiday schedules differ from regular collection days, so please check carefully. Trash and Recycling Information | Official website of the City of Tucson Jump to navigation Trash and Recycling Information Server connection error There is a problem with getting webapp's data from server. The PDEQ Solid Waste Code Compliance Program is authorized to inspect private properties outside the City of Tucson city limits for violations of the solid waste ordinances in Chapter 7.29of the Pima County Code. .be wuB sd2AlaR"4660l2_0if( Most households follow a once-a-week trash collection schedule. The transfer station is at the same location (16605 S. La Canada), has the same hours and accepts all the same materials as the landfill. We strive to provide the most up to date information so please let us know if you need anything else. -Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 23, 2023. Heres the link to the recycling collection calendar: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/recycle, To find your bulky item pickup in your area visit: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/brush-and-bulky, To find trash pickup on your street visit: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/residential-trash. For normal trash collections schedules, visit: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/residential-trash. From there, you'll scroll down and click \"View My Schedule\"6. These are potentially harmful to people, pets and the environment. endstream
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Find your schedule below. Appointments may be scheduled by calling the office at 520-387-3570. G5$ibPx. Theres usually a fee involved with junk removal but most companies can tell you ahead of time approximately what its going to cost. endstream
Through the HHW Program, residents can drop off their materials and they will be safely recycled, reused, or disposed of properly. If you are like many residents, you don't want to throw these materials away but aren't sure what to do with them. Containers are emptied Monday through Friday depending on where you live. Recycling in now an ever other week pick-up. See Code Compliance Page. We do not mail them out annually, but here is a way to print out your schedule! The easiest and most cost-effective way of managing any waste is not to generate it in the first place. Pay your Utility bill Find out about Low Income Assistance Program Get Recycling Information Contact us: Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. City of Tucson Environmental and General Services Department 4004 S. Park Avenue Tucson, AZ 85714 (520) 791-3171 You can decrease the amount of waste you produce by developing a few good habits. b/ `[TAd
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For more information on waste accepted at Pima County Landfills see the "Landfill Information" tab above. Stay connected via our social media to learn about special events and news. Download your 2023 calendar here . (Remember to download the Recycle Coach App on your smartphone for notifications about your collection too.)1. Proper disposal of solid waste can depend on the type of waste. hb```c``fs@(p~CE8,| `g`O5X,A62:)q8`l 43 0 obj
Tucson Area Recycling Pickup Recycling should be easy. Household Hazardous Waste, or HHW, are products labeled toxic, danger, poison, flammable, etc. When a holiday falls on a trash and recycling collection day, collections will "slide" to the next day for the rest of the week after the holiday through Saturday. Republic Services is experienced in meeting sustainability requirements and committed to providing environmentally responsible solutions to meet current and future market recycling and solid waste needs. Then type in your home address7. Then call PDEQ with location, license plate number, vehicle description, or other identifying information. HW[$
S6 mXH6` Free, or low-cost, disposal is available for many items including household hazardous waste. There are many options available to dispose of solid waste within the Pima County area. Go to tucsonaz.gov on your computer2. Find your services schedule. Recycling helps create jobs, reduces the need for new landfills, saves energy, supplies valuable materials to industry, and significantly boosts the U.S. economy. Environmental and General Services (EGSD) works to provide excellent service to our residential and commercial customers. Our website access is limited to locations within the United States. -Christmas Day Monday, December 25, 2023, To find your bulk item pickup schedule visit: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/es/brush-and-bulky. The primary goal of the PDEQ Hazardous Waste Program is to encourage the conservation of natural resources through resource recovery and waste minimization. dTH RD \ ; Appointments may be scheduled by calling the office at 520-387-3570. The City of Tucson operates Neighborhood Recycling Centers. Residential recycling will be collected every other week. Here you can see the city-observed holidays. Hope you were able to find everything you need for the Tucson trash pickup schedule. To learn more about Tucson recycling pickup and schedule CLICK HERE. SEARCH FOR HOMES IN TUCSON, AZ, eXp Realty Tucson Real Estate Agents Learn More Join Today, eXp Realty Tucson Office Space at Kolb Executive Park, eXp Realty Featured on KGUN 9 The Morning Blend. hbbd``b` / H@H>$8 @BH LsA20RDg
Aluminum/tin Paper Cardboard Plastic bottles, jugs and containers The facility is operated by CRM of America who transport the waste tires to their manufacturing plant in Queen Creek and shred the tires for use in the production of rubberized asphalt, artificial turf, sports tracks, decorative landscaping and playground mulch and other rubberized molded products. 33 N. Stone Ave., Suite 700 Mayor & Council Government Business City Info Departments Mayor & Council Live Services Environmental Services Customer Service In neighborhoods with twice-weekly trash collections, if the holiday occurs on a Monday, Monday and Thursday collections will be made Tuesday and Friday, and Tuesday and Friday collections will be made Wednesday and Saturday. Including mobile homes, manure, animal feces, medications and needle (sharps) disposal. How can I contact the Tucson Customer Service? %%EOF
He has been a speaker at National Pavement Expo and contributed to the North American Power Sweeping Association and was a member of 1-800-Sweeper LinkedIn Twitter. May be breeding grounds for disease carriers such as: flies, roaches, mosquitoes, and rats; Are pollution and fire hazards that endanger our air, water, and land; Lower the property values of surrounding parcels/home sites; Are prohibited by State laws and Local ordinance, which can lead to prosecution.
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