Tiff7 17 Days til (~~) (Halloween!) Karl Logan Wife, Bug claims that Madeleine is the reason he's going. Max is still searching for answers about his wifes murder along with Jordan. Makena Grace Burton, The season ending cliffhanger was very dire. The cast of NBC's crime drama Crossing Jordan have reunited in a bid to support Stacey Abrams ' nonprofit organization Fair Fight in Georgia. It's hard to predict how dramatically and quickly life can change. document.write('Friday, July 11, 2003 Posted: 1751 GMT ( 1:51 AM HKT)
<\/span>'); See what happens when you run a fan site for the show. Yes, he left ABC to direct for NBC, watch the Ron Howard A&E Biography or the HD A&E Biography or the Ron Howard book that is out @ bookstores or Amazon.com. search. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River. Alex Michel Bachelor,