World History Encyclopedia. I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.. Andrea Schiavelli Marfan, One of the titles given to Alexander the Great was Helios, the sun king. The name Helios is Greek for Sun and was also the name of the Titan who personified the Sun. During his sojourn in India and other parts of the Orient, it is known that Saint Issa, as Caesarion was known as back then, became an adept in the Hindu spiritual traditions of meditation and discipleship. The Native Americans are Hebrew descendents, accept it! - Scott Schara - SGT Report, Refinery Explosions! Declass In Full Swing! As Al Bielek says, There is a learning curve one must pass through to understand your information. Harry Hubbard. 93.0 million researchers use this site every month. Are they pure gold? He found human remains, metal weapons, and an ancient language carved into gold tablets. Thank you! 3 0 obj Born: December 25, 40 BC, Alexandria, Egypt. Dark Alliance of the Vatican and the World Economic Forum, The situation in the Ukrainian SMO on January 17 2023, Republicans Deepen Investigation into Democratic Money Laundering With Ukraine, Greg Hunter: Fed Never Correctly Predicts Big Downturns! After Octavian's conquest of Egypt and the subsequent suicide of Antony and Cleopatra, Alexander Helios, his twin Cleopatra Selene II, and their younger brother Ptolemy Philadelphus were taken back to Rome. All rights reserved There are holes in the band where a metal radiate crown would have been attached, hence this piece's name. Only in this way was the Roman Emperor able to rule for centuries with a high degree control necessary to bring about relative harmony across the realm. So, Jesus (aka Caesarion) in a previous lifetime as Alexander tilled the very lands in which his spiritual message found in the Gospels both canonical and apocryphal would eventually take root 2000 plus years ago. Now the public can read the first-hand account of this miraculous adventure that puts everything we have ever been taught about Ancient American History on hold. Duh. Can a clause be added to a terms of use that forbids use of the service if the terms of use would be illegal in the user's jurisdiction? (Source Ptolemaic Dynasty). After all it is never explained anywhere how Jesus acquired so much spiritual wisdom, healing expertise, mundane knowledge and life experience so quickly and at a very young age. Related Content Alexander Helios was a Ptolemaic prince and was a son of Pharaoh Cleopatra VII of the Ptolemaic dynasty and Roman triumvir Mark Antony. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. They have been researching this for years and have hard data and grafts to show the migration patterns based on actual DNA of Peoples and locations. Horus was such a sickly child that it was only through his mothers restorative powers that he, not only survived, but thrived throughout his reign as god of the king and sky throughout ancient Egypt. Clearly, such a temptation would have made perfect sense being put forth to ex-Emperor Caesarion from Alexandria. (Video), THE ASCENDED MASTERS OF THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD. Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. Egyptians have been buried with cocaine a clear product of transactions with the new world. That show was basically a 1-hour commercial for the woo-meister. You realize that the nations mentioned in Genesis have never been verified as true nations or cultures. Folks generally hate the Native American because they know so little about them. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. 0 references. The historical record is far less conclusive in the case of Jesus the Christ. Lets be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: Trump to experience a MAJOR reversal between now and the end of the year! 4 Bands one with Helios on it. Nothing here is made up or even slightly contrived. Which is exactly where the next essay in this series will begin. 2 Helios bars with one Glyph. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Caesarion: Son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. The dating has recently been revised to a July occurrence in the same year, some four months after the assassination of Julius Caesar, as well as Caesars own birth month. Caesarion escaped the wrath of Octavian, successor to Julius Caesar, by successfully fleeing to India, land of the Buddha and Lord Krishna, two other Gods incarnate. Humic & Fulvic Trace Minerals Complex- Nature's most important supplement! They are clever in evil, because they use propaganda to blind our eyes and finance to put us in debt. (Source Caesars Comet). Of course, Constantine guaranteed that both the Roman Empire and Christendom would occupy the very same realm by decree? After that, you will be redirect to your options page. Hot Chinese Drama 2020, An Astrologers View of the 2020 POTUS Election, Election 2020: Staged Chaos and Violence (Video). 7 sharks. Best Slalom Water Ski, In this way Jesus quickly becomes the Jewish son of a very humble carpenter named Joseph and his wife Mary. This video was shot in Chicago at the Seven Continent Dowsers Association Conference. All the while, antiquities experts around the globe purchase the artifacts from Illinois unimpeded. Alejandro Helios probablemente no hizo nada bueno, y al parecer he perdido la pista de Ptolomeo Filadelfo. The Nephites in the Book of Mormon are considered very Egyptian and CAME to America. Being jewish Iyou have the given duty to follow your talmudic belief to protect yours truly and the remainder of Satans Children. [3] These areas were, in fact, already ruled by Artaxias II of Armenia (who had been elected King that same year after Antony captured his father Artavasdes II), Artavasdes I of Media Atropatene and Phraates IV of Parthia. Is it a mere coincidence that Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ both ended up with the same initials? Rome looked to all of the diverse tribes and nations and cultures, which heavily influenced their conquered lands, to seek out those great beings who had attained the status of deity. Alexander's fraternal twin sister was Cleopatra Selene II. We mean not to offend anyones religious sensibilities or beliefs; only to encourage a new way of relating to the Christ story which turns out to be significantly more impressive and planet-transforming when viewed through the lens of the life of Caesarion. Globalist-Directed Geo-terrorists Aim Yet Another Weather Weapon at Florida PanhandleWHO & WHY? Artavasdes II of Armenia abandoned Antony's cause as the campaign grew in scale, leaving Antony without crucial reinforcement. Use For Green Dye Minecraft, It could be any great general, the Romans had a massive force that just kept expanding and absorbing people and countries until it fell apart. License. The tragic story of the building's destruction continues to be a painful one for people who love ancient history and.Cleopatra VII, the last pharaoh of an independent Egypt, had four children: Caesarion (with Julius Caesar), twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and Ptolemy Philadelphus (the latter three.There is no inscription or papyrus to confirm who the mother of Cleopatra VII was, but the information that exists about her and the world of the Ptolemaic period suggest that . <> It also points to the great likelihood that Jesus the Christ was Caesarion, son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, as well as the rightful heir to both the throne of the Roman Empire and last pharaonic dynasty of Egypt. 1 reference. [2] Most threatening to Octavian (whose claim to power was based on his status as Julius Caesars grandnephew and adopted son), Antony declared Caesarion to be Caesars true son and heir. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. There is plenty of historical evidence that a Saint Issa from the West traveled around the Orient during the time of Caesarions sojourn there. And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. Joktan and family migrated to the far East(haq qe dem) to the furthest east to the Orient to populate the various Chinese people. Cleopatra waiting for a visit from Mark Antony, 1882.jpg 600 425; 52 KB. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. x\[sH~wC LY}-fv 4HI{%Bt!P"~}3y=#/'e2bz#:=$>=?=9XK' %l&0~qz}JlK8.yO}, Indiana Jones set props on display. However, Mark Antony and Cleopatra were defeated by Octavian at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. See: The Royal Egyptian Jesus: How Cleopatras Children Became Jesus Thomas Mary and James, Re: The Reconciliation of the Caesarion and Jesus the Christ Historical Timelines. Harry has written the first two books in a series, Tomb Chronicles Ihis teams adventure, after translating the mysterious artifacts culled from the tomb. The answer is clearly found only by exploring His lengthy sojourn in the land of true spirituality India. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. I know gold doesnt tarnish as bad as other metals, but it still does collect dirt and a little discoloration. Connected. Submitted: December 25, 2011 If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. In the early 1980s a man named Russell Burrows claimed to stumble upon a hidden cave somewhere near Olney. Fearing the eventual fate of her children, Cleopatra made overtures to Octavian in the hopes of securing the reign of her children following what would be a voluntary exile for herself and Antony. Anonymous D.C. Insider Exposes Ultra-Secret Covid Conspiracy Inside the Beltway, Dark Side Going All Out to Prevent the Evolutionary Ascension Process, A Declaration from the People of Planet Earth, CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: A Crisis That Compels Everyone To Think For Themselves, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock & Rothschild Banking System. Curso de Aplicaes Prticas da Mecnica Quntica e a Ressonncia Harmnica Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. 135 - 160 We need the in site pictures of where the items were found. mental focus and thyroid health. The Passage Below Is From An Eighteenth Century Essay, I mean, Ive got a few pieces of gold, of different compositions, and I looked pictures of gold on the internet. Or it could be all bunk if the data is not revealed for proper peer review then they are just money hunters not looking to further knowledge. Ashkenaz and Togormah are Biblical terms have have not been proven to be real in any sense of science. Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies um Ihnen ein optimales Erlebnis zu bieten. 18 Jan 2023. Who would invest that much for a Hoax. Alexander Helios' future took a turn after a war broke out between his parents and Octavian (the future Roman emperor Augustus, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE) in 32 BCE. "alexander" in Chinese: Alexander , the Great . After the death of his mother Cleopatra, Plutarch says that Caesarion had actually escaped to India, but was falsely promised the kingdom of Egypt. It substitutes the legitimate heir to both the Roman Empire and Egyptian Pharaonic Dynasty for the son of a lowly carpenter who grew up in Nazareth*. This essay will not discuss this particular matter, but it is nevertheless of extreme significance to the proper telling of the revised history. Why are there two different pronunciations for the word Tee? Lets repeat that extremely critical statement. And so they did. View this page in Standard (full site) format. Artavasdes II of Armenia abandoned Antony's cause as the campaign grew increasingly, leaving Antony without crucial reinforcement. Silver Tetradrachm Portraying Antony and Cleopatra. Therefore, the revised history replaces an exceedingly humble virgin birth with the actual illegitimate royal birth. The U.S. Supreme Court Is Now Complicit in the International Criminal Conspiracy to Overthrow the POTUS. With out all that we have a lot of interesting items. Possibly Even Before The End Of This Month!! from your pastor, priest, or other trustworthy counselor. The caves were first discovered in the spring of 1925, when a local resident, Orville Lowery, of Hickory Hill, in the southeast corner of Marion County Illinois, was busy with his two daughters removing rocks and debris from an area designated to be the family garden. Alexander Helios himself appeared in the costume of an Iranian prince, signifying his new dominion. Deep State DARPA Behind Bioweapon Jab Agenda! The presentation drops off the deep end as slides from the Tomb, taken by Virginia Hourigan and Harry Hubbard are deciphered and exhibited for what they truly depict. Furthermore, Cleopatra was forced to protect the life of her son Caesarion, just as Isis saved the life of her son Horus. There are 275 pieces total, 95% are labeled and several have notes written on the back of them. How else did Jesus acquire his knowledge and power of healing? Unfortunately, Burrows refused to reveal the location of the cave to mainstream scientists, and the artifacts that allegedly came from the site were all shown to be frauds. How about the Frisbee in the 6th picture? Most people know of the great construction achievements of the dynastic Egyptians such as the pyramids and temples of the Giza Plateau area as well as the Sphinx. Cleopatra was of the Ptolemy lineage; one of the 4 generals under Alexander the Great. You wouldnt believe how much Artifacts the German Jews possessed,all which was plundered and sold under the Table. According to Suetonius, as celebrations were getting underway, a comet shone for seven successive days, rising about the eleventh hour, and was believed to be the soul of Caesar. The actual purpose of Antony and Cleopatra's meeting in 37 BCE was to allow Antony and Cleopatra to renew their alliance and make preparations for Antony's planned invasion of the Parthian Empire. Http:// Alexander Helios disappearance-Scriptural Nephites? Alexander's fraternal twin sister was Cleopatra Selene II. (SON OF JULIUS CAESAR & CLEOPATRA), 2022 Astrological World Predictions (Video), The First Pluto Return in American History, Who are the globalists implementing the satanic, THE LONG PLANNED & HIGHLY ORGANIZED COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY TO TAKE OVER THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC, ADRENOCHROME PAPER TRAIL (Videodocumentary), CYM CORPORATION Adrenochrome Harvesting Site Update (Video), A Vedic Astrologer Makes Predictions for February 2021, Ex-Pfizer Head of Research Says COVID Vaccine Could Sterilize Women. Accept it. He ruled the Dominion with his siblings. Ads help cover our server costs. The site is well worth a visit. Mummified Alive The Mummy, {2} Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. Most importantly, this revised historical perspective brings together the royal genealogical threads from the four corners of the early Roman Empire. Map of Armenia, 50 CECplakidas (CC BY-SA). Alexander Binzel Alfa laval Alfa Valvole ALFAMATIC Alfred Eichelberger ALKITRONIC ALKON ALLIEDMOTION ALLURIS ALLWEILER . 55 bars of various lengths with inscriptions. (Source Caesarion). The twins were the first of three children born to Roman triumvir Mark Antony and the Ptolemaic Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII, to be followed by Ptolemy Philadelphus in 37 BCE. As for a poor ex-carpenter Hebrew from Bethlehem, it just doesnt make any sense, or fit the storyline in any way. Alien Artifacts In Lost Tomb Of Alexander The Great Found In Illinois Caves Tuesday, March 26, 2013 21:58 Hundreds of ancient artifacts have been uncovered at caves in Illinois that are being made public. There are also the great spiritual traditions of India, as we shall see, which greatly contributed to his ability to cure through miracles and heal through Ayurvedic wisdom. The Nephites are considered Jewish, not Egyptian, except for a remnant of their written language which was reformed from the Egyptian. Cite This Work Mark Selby Wife Age, What all of this means is of little consequence to those of us whos Ancestors came here and built a Culture Unique in all the World. Country Life Farm. How do we create a person's profile? He was of Greek and Roman heritage. Here are some excellent instructions for watching Comet Neowise from home. Ryan Tannehill House, Pitbull Poodle Mix, You are a Nut Job..Do any Indian ever speak Hebrew or had their Hebrew Language painted in American Caves. Worldwide Darkness, The Rapture and War Coming Soon!! endobj There is also unquestionable DNA links between the Cherokee and the Jews. As for the American Caves petroglyphs those older scraggly lines are not chicken scratch as you assume, but are in fact an older language known as proto Hebrew. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. [2] Caesars Comet was known to ancient writers as the Sidus Iulium (Julian Star) or Caesaris astrum (Star of Caesar). Already the Oriental Hebrew Tribe of Menashe have returned back to their home and inheritance. 3 Falcons. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Now its in New York and or Toronto. Breeders' Cup World Championships. {3} In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Every great spiritual master comes from the discipleship to another great spiritual master, and Jesus the Christ was no exception. The Getty Museum describes Alexander as "the first Greek ruler to understand and exploit the propagandistic powers of portraiture," carefully identifying himself with . Multiple States! Other religious traditions have similar stories of virgin births of divine incarnations around whom new religions sprang up. Alexander Helios (40 BCE c. late 1st century BCE) was a member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, the second oldest son of Cleopatra VII (69 BCE 30 BCE) and the twin brother of Cleopatra Selene II (40 BCE 5 BCE). Octavian did, however, spare the children Cleopatra had with Mark Antony. Helios HELMKE HELUKABEL HEMOMATIK HENGESBACH Hengstler Henke-Sass HEPCO HERGA Herion HERKULES HERL HEROSE Herth+Buss . Through his conquests, that whole region of the world became a fertile environment for the original Christian evangelists and disciples of Jesus to plant the seeds of the New Testament. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Only by delving deeply into the Lost Years of Jesus can one unravel the truths surrounding his mysterious transformation into Godhood. That includes Vikings ( not just Newfoundland but across North and South America) Celts (Christian and Pagan), Libyans, Celto-Iberians, West Africans, Egyptians, Jews, Hebrews, Polynesians, Japanese, (Jomo), Chinese, (more than once), Solutreans, Siberians and possibly Sumerians, Babylonians, Indians, Arabs, Berbers, and who knows who else. The wig worn by Pharaoh does seem to fit in with the age of Alexander, it is not pre Alexander Alien Artifacts From the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great? Native American language is a form of corrupt Hebrew brought about by isolation. Black Owned Car Dealerships Atlanta, We are about to replicate the situation circa 1956 with a million drones in the sky all the time. Submitted by Arienne King, published on 14 August 2018. Vibe Rideshare Ibuumerang, Every American Needs to Read ThisPRONTO! , Cleopatra Donovan 1 reference. The symbol following the D is a feather and means Aquila. During the Roman triumph celebrating Octavian's victory, Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene II were marched through the streets of Rome in golden chains behind a wax effigy of their mother. Ihr Internet- und TV-Anbieter im Bezirk Freistadt! The seven day visitation was taken by Romans as a sign of the deification of the recently dead dictator, Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE). California Quail Sounds, Couple years and the wreck will rust away. [5], When Octavian conquered Egypt, he spared Alexander, but took him, his sister and his brother, Ptolemy Philadelphus, from Egypt to Rome. (2018, August 14). AsThe Living Light Networkhasproclaimed in the past, many of the tablets from Alexanders Tomb do not fall into the politically correct category. It is unknown what became of Alexander Helios after this point, but death by illness is likely.