Here are three things to know for Wednesday, Aug. 8 - (28 reviews) 25 1 1 1 0 About New Light Church New Light Church is located at 307 Chestnut St in Bladenboro, North Carolina 28320. Borrow a shelter pup for the afternoon and take them on a walk. List of fun things to do instead of alcohol. It may be a learning process, but youll get there. Toffee, truffles, and fudge, oh my! 8. College Life, Dating, Career & Campus Advice. Why not check it out? . From cookies to brownies to cake, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with endless options when it comes to baking. (Its more fun than it sounds.). ), I hope you understand that your experiences are valid. 39. Just make sure to get there early so you can snag your favorite seat in the theater. To get you started, here are 11 sober things to do at night that will not put your recovery at risk. Or, skip the food altogether and host a coffee or tea cupping. Here are some game suggestions for mindful play. 11 Highly Useful Traits of a Hardworking Personality, Wish Them Peaceful Sleep With 71 Inspirational Goodnight Quotes, 119 Uplifting Affirmations For Women To Use Daily. #1 source for life-changing addiction treatment facilities in the state of Utah. Picnics are perfect for spring and summer days when the weather is nice. Charity Event #7. Have a friend or family member overseas? 88. Bed. Visit to see the locals' work, which is often inspired by the beauty of the state they live in, soak up the creative atmosphere on a First Friday Art Walk, and see what makes each of these locations distinctly their own from Denver's Art District on Santa Fe to the Manitou Springs Arts District, the Mancos Art District, the Pueblo Creative Corridor, the Corazn de Trinidad and many more. Spend some time getting to know this area. Let that Friday feeling run wild, and try these best things to do on a Friday night to see in the weekend in a creative, fun, and memorable way. Use these ideas to help you come up with ideas, and plan an evening full of laughs, love, and moments youll remember for a long time. Try out a cooking, craft, or home improvement class offered by a local retailer. It's lovely on the water, and the photo opps are plentiful. Turn on Hush, The Invisible Man, Bridesmaids, The Devil Wears Prada or The Blind Side. Turnbridge operates leading mental health and substance abuse treatment programs throughout Connecticut. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks top it all off. (*No but really, do check the drink prices beforehand!). 21. 71. Carnivals And Fairs #12. Design your own custom swag at. I know, not my favorite ether. Advertising disclosure: We may receive compensation for some of the links in our stories. Have kids? In fact, there are plenty of things to do on a Friday night that dont involve alcohol. Invite your closest friends over for dinner and dessert. 1/10/2019 1 Comment Think it's hard to be sober in the Mile High City, land of legal weed and craft beer? ), 49. Many libraries, churches, and community centers have book clubs anyone can join. You can make simple syrups (here are seven unique ones), use your SodaStream, and add beautiful garnishes for the full treatment. Go back in time by visiting a museum in your area. This month is all about doing. 85. Geocaching #13. British woman, 47, who accused Ron Jeremy of attacking her is furious saying 'I will never get closure' after judge rules he is unfit to stand trial over 34 sex assaults including 12 rapes The. Take a break in the museum coffee shop, or buy yourself a small print of a painting in the art gallery gift shop treat yourself, its Friday night! You'll find these experiences can be far more memorable and fulfilling when you're sober. With some of the world's best bars and a party scene that thrives way past midnight, New York City's iconic nightlife is a huge . . Pack some hot cocoa (and a sweater since its getting chilly) and catch a sunset at the highest point in town. Movie Night #3. Keep this article on hand to help inspire you, by saving it to one of your Pinterest boards. Put together a playlist, turn on a disco light, and grab your dancing shoes. You may be bad at first, but youll get better. Get yourself roaring with laughter at all the old jokes, and treat yourself to a pizza whilst youre at it. If youve saved up any extra money, look into going on a sober cruise! Take a factory tour of a local production business. Planning for a trip will get you excited for your journey. 5. Why not spend Friday night playing a card game designed to get you both talking and connecting? A bowling alley is always a great place to spend a few hours. Look up local thrift or donation stores, and see what hidden treasures you can find. Take this sober night in to master a recipe that your friends will love at the next dinner party. Many libraries have clubs and classes for the community. Ghost tour Many cities offer official ghost tours of local "haunted" spots. 68. 62. And dont forget your waterproof jacket! I love going on drives and just blasting anything by Megan Thee Stallion, Penn State junior Ally Schrank said. Make your Friday nights more awesome. 73. Read more: 100+ Things to Do at the Beach (Bucket List). Or learn on your own by watching YouTube how-to videos. Pick your favorite trilogy, get comfortable on the sofa, and watch each film from start to finish. Nothing makes me happier than spending time around earths creatures! Or, support a local bookstore and peruse the aisles. Volunteer opportunities aboundyou just have to find one that matches your interests and schedule. 31. There are so many fun things to do on a Friday night that you will soon find yourself aching to try them all. Hang a white sheet up with a clothesline, or use a white garage door as your setting. The sonic vibrations lull you into a deeply meditative state that will set you up for a restful night's sleep. Toot, toot! I'm grateful for a rainy day and for remembering how much I love this beautiful city. Trivia nights are popular fundraisers, and many bars offer trivia contests. Or, write a letter to a dear friend who hasnt heard from you in a while. Check it out, Interacting with other recovering addicts can help when youre feeling alone. Grab some of your friends and head out for a mysterious Friday night spookfest! If you or someone you love is struggling, using alcohol to numb feelings regularly, or is regularly and negatively affected by drinking, seek out a local support group or call a hotline to find the best ways to help. Take an art class at the local community center, or visit your local library. Pop some popcorn and enjoy! Potluck dinners are low-key affairs where each guest contributes one dish to share with everyone else. 36. You can even make some new friends while youre there. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a program that is always in dire need of bigs to spend time with their littles. Will I lose my own ability to have fun and to be fun, without a drink in hand? For sports fans or athletes: Go to a local sports game. You might be able to see a comic youve long admired, or you could discover new talent. Giving yourself something to do with your hands is a helpful deterrent for habitual sipping. Sarett Nature Center is offering Family Storytime & Evening Hike on Saturday at 6:30 p.m for $3 per person, and on Sunday the 22nd, the Acorn Theatre in Three Oaks hosts their dance showcase at 3 p.m ($10 ticket price), featuring the Sawyer Dance . It can be a fun way to meet people while solving problems together. These Are the 13 Best Online Personality Tests, Want To Become A Strong Sigma Male? When its safe for you to do so, go bowling. Trust me, these activities will bring life to your otherwise dull and mundane existence! Here is a resource for our Los Angeles friends, but here is a handy guide to planning a cleanup no matter where youre at. Baking cookies is a perfect Friday night activity, but were not talking just about any cookies! You will get a glimpse into a different time or a different culture. Make sure your campsite in a safe area with the proper equipment. Catch up and hang out with sober friends. Add cocktails and pizza for a superior experience. Additionally, you will find that sober activities can enhance positivity in your life. Go Fishing. Going on a late-night drive with some great music is the perfect way to clear the mind, and maybe even explore some new spots around your town. 79. Go ahead, be a tourist for the day and learn something new about your town. Check out some recipes that you can easily make from scratch using ingredients already in your pantry. 96. Just because youre sober, doesnt mean your social life has to suffer. What better excuse than a Friday night alone to crack out all your favorite childhood films and have a movie fest in front of the TV or laptop? Build a huge LEGO castle, plane, stadium, etc. I know Im not the only one who drinks coffee. 28. Browse through and discover new facts. Teach others to do it as well! Check out 15 alcohol-free activities to do on a sober Friday night in. This is the biggest fear of many teens and young adults who are new to the sober social life: Is there even such thing? A demolition derby and beer garden are set for Friday at 7:30 p.m. and a concert by Ned LeDoux begins Saturday at 8:30 p.m. With an activity thats not only delicious but also fun, whats not to love? Using these tips you can surely develop a vibrant social life. Have everyone chip in a few bucks and snag some canvases and paints from a local craft store. Botanical gardens offer the beauty of nature in the middle of the city. 60. Or, host brunch at your home with elaborate fixings. Paint a room in your home a color youve always been nervous to try outif it doesnt work, you can paint it back. 4. Have a sober movie night! The important thing is to put yourself out there, even if its uncomfortable. Look for a list of festivals in your region to see what you have been missing. Binge Watch With Friends #5. when it first came out? And if youd like to receive articles like this one regularly, If you would like to learn more about our model of co-occurring disorders treatment, please visit us at. If you would like to learn more about our model of co-occurring disorders treatment, please visit us at If youre flying solo, you can always do a self-massage! I love to just stay in on a Friday night and read because it stimulates my mind, and it is both fun and imaginative, Penn State junior Laura Lavigne said. Attend a BYOB Open Studio. Grab an inexpensive projector, some outdoor cushions, blankets, a bowl of popcorn, and your favorite movie. Kick back and read a collection of poetry, and allow yourself to read slowly and reflect on the experience and meaning of each poem. Go swimming, indoor pools are often available at your local gym! 2. Take archery lessons and head to an archery range to practice what youve learned. It is far too often that they go unnoticed and unvisited. There are many great recipes at. Museums may be open into the evenings, or you may be able to find virtual versions of interesting exhibits. These boards are so fun because you can customize them any way you like, and they are also super Instagram-worthy. Maybe youre doing Sober October. Take in some art and wander the halls of the closest art museum. These music sites offer amazing suggestions based on music you already love. 7. (Psstyou can even volunteer online). Host an impromptu wine tasting yourself if you cant find a tasting to go to. 3. You can easily have some fun at a pool hall on a Friday night. Break out an old game, book, or activity you enjoyed as a child (Pokmon or mini-golf, anyone?). Right now, finding substance-free activities may seem like a hard task. 15. One of the unique features of our model is our Meet & Greet service which allows us to deepen our assessment and begin building trust and engaging participants virtually in the pre-admission process. Camp out in the living room. Keep a basket for garments that could use a little TLC. 3. 6. 19 Signs He Does, Check the calendar for local music venues, Search the community theatre for any upcoming shows. 01 Picnic lunch in the park: Make a picnic lunch and head to a local beauty spot for a romantic day out. Some of the best restaurants and bars are those known only to the locals: use Google to find small, family-run bars and restaurants a little further out than your usual hot spots. Start a scrapbook and enjoy the walk down memory lane. Get on a bike! Write it out or talk it out with a friend (or your voice memos app). You could even try your hand at stand-up comedy on open mic night. . If youre not sure where to start, check out these writing prompts. You can make a waffle bar, offer fresh-squeezed orange juice, and finally break out that good coffee youve been holding on to (better to share with friends, no?). No need for alcohol to spoil this party. Go shopping together and each pick out an outfit for the other to wear the only rule is that there are no rules! Throw a Sober Dinner Party. (Its not so scary, I promisebut its also great to trust a professional!). Read about haunted places in your area and take a self-guided tour of the scariest spots around. You can even bowl solo to improve your game. Festivals take place throughout the year in most areas. Delete what you dont need, file what you do, and unsubscribe to everything youre not finding useful. (My own third space has been the open-air brewery four blocks from my home.) However, there are numerous ways to have an enjoyable time while staying sober. TGIF! 45. They'll appreciate the contact. Its the perfect place to meet because bowling works for large and small groups. 18 Awesome Things To Do On Friday Night. Start learning a new language with one of these apps. Pick a few of the options in this list, or try them all! Check out the latest blockbuster in your area at, or retreat to an artsy theater to catch an indy flick. 56. Visit a museum on a Friday night to have an eye-opening experience. Make your morning cup of joe special, check out custom mug ideas, Bake your neighbor (or yourself) a cake or some cookies. Hiking at night can be a lot of fun, but you should do it with care. You can learn something new without leaving your sofa! Detox and destress with a self-care night. Game nights are always enjoyable, whether youre playing classic board games or trying out some new ones. Expand your mind by seeing something new. [3] For the complete spa experience, dim the lights, run a diffuser with a pleasing scent, and play soft music. Its Friday night and youre faced with that decision. 15 Steps To Up Your Game, Can Two Narcissists Be In A Relationship? Wed love to hear your thoughts on these ideas, or other tips you could share with those managing their recovery in the comments below. No, its not the most exciting choice, but reading never goes out of style. Once you get some connections going, there will be movies, concerts, the beach, random fun stuff that you'll be invited to. This can be a fun activity to do by yourself with a holiday movie playing in the background. Emily Torres is the Editorial Director at The Good Trade. Get those creative juices flowing and create an adorable pong table that will impress guests at your next gathering. Its easier than most of us will admit to default to a glass of wine or a beer out of habit. Okay, so a three-course meal at the fanciest hotel in town might cost a couple of months rent but a glass of wine cant be that expensive, can it? Have You Been Falsely Accused By Your Partner Or Spouse? Thats okay. Bowling is another classic activity thats great for groups of friends or couples looking for something to do together. I turned it on and off. 1. Now, especially, is a difficult moment. Check out these ideas here: Exercise! Friday nights dont always have to include strobe lights, loud music and alcohol. Get inspired to live minimally by joining me in my love for the Never Too Small channel on YouTube. If your neighbors dont mind and you love Dolly Parton, throwing a karaoke party is a fun way to spend a fun Friday night with friends. Why not change this mentality, and head over to your number one tourist attraction? Please do your own research before making any online purchase. With great videos available on YouTube, there are so many easy ways to work out at homewithout needing to go to a gym! I'm grateful for knowing that somethings don't have to be set in stone. Its worth checking out. Participate in a community cleanup and meet your neighbors. $8. Plan a trip, or make a moodboard for your dream vacation. Whichever one you choose to make, you can also decorate them with friends! Get out of the house and go shopping! Friday is Bunco night at Bear Creek Nature Center. Some festivals are cultural, while others focus on art or music. You can even join a league for a social outlet. , ABOUT | ADVERTISE | CAREERS | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS, how to forage safely, sustainably, and successfully, 99 Inexpensive Self-Care Ideas For Your New Year, How To Care For Yourself When You're A Caregiver, What Are The 7 Types Of Rest? Dancing is a favorite way to spend a Friday night. This can be a fun activity to do by yourself with a holiday movie playing in the background. This used to be such a treat to do as a kid! Offer to take them out for a day of fun. Establish a daily meditation or mindfulness habityou can schedule it for moments when you are particularly craving a cold one. This table can capture unique things to your friend group or just any theme. You can throw on your favorite tunes and just online shop your heart out. 59. Spend time pampering yourself in private. Keeping yourself busy is key! 81. A Friday night is a perfect excuse to relax and loosen up with some laughs after a long week and who knows, the debutants giving shaky performances might one day be giving less shaky performances on the TV! Poker night isnt about high-stakes poker. Its about getting together with your friends. Or, do a video call with some friend-o's. Reconnect with people and catch up with those you haven't touched base in a while. 53. Indoor climbing gyms and rock-climbing classes are popping up all over, and most offer beginner lessons. If thats not your cup of tea, popular websites like Atlas Obscura offer lists of unique places near you. Mix lacrosse and bumper cars for this awesome game called Whirly Ball. You probably live within driving distance of a national monument. 7. You can buy gingerbread house kits at Target, Walmart or even just a local grocery store at affordable prices. You could end up having a great Friday night without ever leaving your home. 41. 1. Committing to weekly games will help you get active and meet new people in your area. You and your friends on this Friday night can totally recreate this movie, and make your own scavenger hunt. You might finish the night wearing your new favorite outfit, or you might finish the night sleeping in separate bedrooms either way, it promises a fun and unpredictable evening together. Set yourself up for an evening of reaching out to your elected officials, signing petitions, and advocating with others in your community (remember those high school classes that could have been improved? Catch up on all the classics you pretended to read in high school and enjoy some new bestsellers. Always wanted to learn how to play guitar, but never found the time? This may take some careful vetting to find one that works best for you. Thisll have you awake and walking first thingjust not the walk of shame. . (Again, And of course, theres the third space that has become so beautiful and rare in this pandemic period. You can usually find her in her colorful Los Angeles apartment journaling, caring for her rabbits, or gaming. 84. 1. Grab some supplies for an at-home manicure and pamper yourself a bit. Spend time with the kids. America's first wine trail was right along Cayuga Lake. Is there a new restaurant in the area, or an attraction that people flock to when they arrive? Early. Want to know what fun activities you can do sober? Host your own painting night. 5. It may become your favorite place in the city. This is a perfect opportunity to capture some Instagram-worthy photos that arent blurry because youll be sober! For some while, you came to know how to approach situations while under the influence. Nature can be a mighty cure. To inquire about our program call 1.888.953.7915 or click here. Her hobbies include going on hikes, binge-watching Netflix shows, and having movie nights with friends. 9 Psychological Effects It Will Have On You, Want to Understand Your Personality? Don't be bored on a Friday night this time, and plan ahead! Revisit the joys of youth by heading to a local arcade. Do you have a favorite sober go-to activity? I took a small group of students ranging from age 11 to 18. Make body butter or other zero waste toiletries. Wed love to hear your thoughts on these ideas, or other tips you could share with those managing their recovery in the comments below. Try your hand at tie-dyeing or freshen up an old t-shirt with this guide to DIY natural dyes. But in time, you will find that not only is it possible to enjoy life sober, but also that it is a positive life to live. My Yoga Works offers a free 14-day membership. Start your weekend getaway on Friday night! Hot tip: They offer a free trial for new sign-ups. Whether youre strolling along a lake, collecting conkers, or crunching on fresh autumn leaves in the local forest, nature offers so much to do and enjoy. Host your own painting night. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. It looks like one waterfall, but is truly seven, since each "fall" moves into its own pool. Some classic binge-worthy shows include Gossip Girl, New Girl andThe Vampire Diaries. 58. 32. Murder mystery parties are fun to attend and easy to host. (Plus, The Best One For You), 10 Women's Health Podcasts To Inform And Empower You. This is a great hobby to do solo, or hop online and connect with friends and new people! 14. Its a beautiful, educational way to start your weekend. If youre forgoing the price of drinks, why not order yourself an appetizer with your next takeout? 26. Or will Saturday nights turn into staying home, alone, and going to bed by 9pm? Create a vision board. You will wake up each morning without the hangover headaches, without the question of what you did the night before, without the regrets. Dig up your old CDs or vinyl records and give them a listen. Whether its a guitar, piano, or that old recorder you had in fourth grade, pick up a musical instrument and a beginners book. Lifestyle Call now for addiction support (877) 624-1853 - OR - When you're used to drinking and partying, you live for the weekends. Things to Do on a Friday Night Unique and cool things to do on a Friday night 1. They also sometimes have theme nights, like glow golf or tropical night. 83. An observatory gives you a glimpse into the final frontier. There is nothing better at the end of a long week than to find yourself amongst nature. A comedy club is a fun place to spend a Friday night. 66. Get a thrill without . Who knows, a friend might even ask you to bake them a batch for some cash. Or, are you someone whos forced to stay in because your 21-year-old friends decide to go to a bar? Alcohol is a tricky bag to unpack for me, and for others that I know and love. Check out some quick winter soup recipes to try! As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Peruse some pictures that other people have made for inspiration. Next, just get a picture frame of your choice, any size works! Museums are great places to learn about new things and get lost in another world for a couple of hours. They are generally open to newbies, and a great place to make new friends. Grab those hair masks, face masks and throw on your favorite movie and just relax with these zen andalcohol-free activities. Making Moments More Memorable or Insignificant? 65. Weather and season-permitting, why not pack a picnic and head to a local lakeside, beach, or park for a romantic evening together? Going out dancing or taking in a concert is fun and exciting without the drinks. 30. Best of all, you dont have to be a great golfer to have a lot of fun. Theyre perfect for large groups of people and provide an opportunity for guests to showcase their culinary skillsor lack thereof! If you are not a person who goes to meetings or works the steps, you can still volunteer your time and help make the world a better place. Many of our third spaces do include drinking, and thats difficultphysically, mentally, financially. Go shopping with your BFF and reinvent your closet. They also usually have cafes where you can grab a bite to eat before or after exploring the exhibits. And in time, you may come to find that your life without drugs is where your true living has actually begun. Start using your mental energy to get excited about everything you're going to gain from staying sober. See, In middle school, everyone wanted to be the kid who knew how to make those origami birds. Take it easy on Friday night by discovering hidden treasures at one of these shops. Add a bottle of wine and some friends if you dont want to finish the whole lot by yourself! offers cute get-ups for your special furry friend! 86. Upload photos online and let your creative streak shine, creating the perfect, personalized present for a loved one (or for yourself!). Spending a night or two under the stars with friends is a sure way to bond and make plenty of fun memories. Friday night is the ideal night to find or leave another cache. There will be a group getting coffee or food after AA meetings. Invite your guests to bring their favorites and discuss the experience together. 94. ), 37. Re-visit old neighborhoods, or stroll down the streets of a place youve never been. One misstep might mean a trip to the emergency room. Lots of Friday night fun and experiences could lay in wait. 29. Look for a book club where you can meet other like-minded bibliophiles. I sure do! Local Community Calendar #6. 97. Its the end of the workweek, and you deserve some time to yourself! So its no surprise, then, that you may be associating all the fun things you used to do with drugs and alcohol. This is something you can do solo or with friends (even virtually! Weve all seen videos on TikTok of these amazing charcuterie boards. 19. Sports isnt just about Friday night football. Let your friends and family each toss their own crust and add their toppings of choice. Then learn how to forage safely, sustainably, and successfully. Create care packages to send to seniors or folks in need in your community. Get in touch with your family (chosen family works too! Become a volunteer or a mentor for youths. Let er simmer all day long and enjoy the aromas that come with it. With so many binge-worthy shows on Netflix, now is the perfect time to watch them! 1 review of Lazer Zone Family Fun Center "It was my first time here, and it was a great experience! Singles and couples can be part of a team. 76. To keep your Friday evenings from turning into a spiral of negativity, let the last thing you chat about be something positive. Here are some tips on how to do it. Use your Friday night to unwind from the stress of the week. Here are some of my favorite ways to connect and unwindwith 0 percent ABV. Bonfire #16. Drive Around #8. Light a candle, then make your own candles! To. Friday night is a perfect time for self-care and pampering! Try on ALL the clothes in your closet, then get rid of the ones you dont really wear. Explore your family tree by contacting your family members to preserve their stories or via Laser Tag #14. If youre feeling extra ambitious, you can even host your own potluck dinner party and assign themed dishes accordingly. Explore all the activities and fun things to do that Grand Junction has to offer. 1. 1. Find the best recovery center for you. Catch a movie That leaves you with time on your hands if you dont plan ahead. I volunteered at a no kill dog shelter for about a year. Yepits a dance party at home! Cooking classes are catered to all tastes, so you can try your hand at Chinese fusion, vegetarian, pastries, or whatever your palate desires. Purchase some cute outfits during this sober night in to wear for the next night you do decide to pour some drinks. Many painting studios even offer wine tastings and happy hours along with their classes.