And souls will, in turn, help you eliminate all the depression and worries of reality. The bit about not keeping altars in rooms was especially helpful, eye-opening, and affirming lol! Now that youve got everything for your ancestor altar, its time to set it up! Digital products deliver immediately via email. Thanks so much again I am so happy I stumbled across this blog youve got a permanent subscriber in me :) <3. I thank you for protecting me, my family and my home. It gives you a place to connect on a regular basis. Just the simple act of setting up your altar with the intention of Ancestor Reverence is itself a really powerful act and will undoubtedly open a connection that once youre aware of how it operates in your life and how important your life is to your ancestors will bring about changes to the way you perceive the relationship between the living and the dead and also the principles of animism in a larger sense I have seen spontaneously become apparent to the person engaging in ritual. a few people works very well. If so, this video will explain to you some common things that happen once you've established a consistent altar practice.FREE Spiritual Growth Course Linkage Manual: How to Find Your Gods \u0026 Goddesses Using Numerology (Paperback \u0026 Kindle available on Amazon) http://salimyers.comOnline Store http://EL9SHOP.COMWORK WITH ME:Spiritual Mastery Accelerator Program Therefore, creating an ancestor altar is an important part of honoring and establishing that connection. I owe quite a lot to Miss Michaele and Can these altars be together? Definitely something nicer than a pill bottle or zip lock bag! Clean up the altar. And your ancestors will be happy to have a physical place to visit. Many have said I have to wait a year and a day please clear this up for me, and thank you in advance. A bowl of water can provide the element of water in an ancestral altar. If they would have guilt-tripped you and caused drama in life maybe they dont deserve a place on your altar. I have cats who might get into a glass of water. Get names and pictures. Ancestral Veneration is one of the most ancient religious and spiritual practices. Select a small plate and cup which will be used only for your altar, and within which you might share small amounts of your own food and drink with your ancestors. My grandma actually made separate scrapbooks details the lives of her parents, grandparents, and other old relatives from before my time. It is believed that honoring our ancestors was the first religious and spiritual form of ritual work. Then once you have built a relationship with them, ask them to be a bridge to the benevolent and righteous ones that THEY KNEW. That there is no growth, that to look to the past is to ignore the future. Thats up to you. So the blank frame works well for me, plus adopting The reasons for these differences correspond to differences in culture and practice. Or, you can go as elaborate as you like with an entire room dedicated to your altar. It can be done to honor or worship your ancestors (both physically/biologically and spiritually) or to help them pass from this world into the next. A plant that represents your family tree/the world tree. It is a great way to connect with your ancestors as well as yourself. I say this because I dont think you really want your ancestors in there all the time. A shrine is another name for an ancestor altar. One of the things I love most about offerings flowers is that they grew in my garden. There are only three rules when it comes to honoring your ancestors at an altar and they are: 1) Never put images of live people on the altar, 2) don't add salt to the altar and, 3) don't neglect the altar. Through them, we can understand the past, heal from generational trauma, and recognize our own mortality. Follow the trail present on the scene and reach the area with a . When you communicate with your ancestors, you can do so through divination. Be creative, make it fun. Having a place to honor the dead can function as a kind of depossession. Learn how to set up your ancestor altar here with our step-by-step process. You might find that they ask you for specific things as your bond strengthens. Strengthening that bond with your ancestral army will help you stay not only grounded, but properly guided. Offerings can range from their favorite food to a promise you will uphold in their honor. If youre beginning to develop a relationship with your ancestors, setting up an ancestor altar is essential. Fresh flowers are nice, as are frankincense incense & a fresh cup of coffee - or perhaps a shot of rum (or whatever drinks they liked in life.) Know yourself, know where you come from then tell your story. I have recently did an altar for my ancestors. Creating an ancestor altar that you regularly work with is a powerful ritual that powers spirit work. Oftentimes, these plaques are on concrete sidewalks. 1. Alternatively, if you are at a stump, I would suggest asking your ancestors what they would have you do. Privacy Policy(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src=""; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Ancestor Altars: How to Connect with Your Ancestors, Wards: How to magickally protect your Home, Samhain: How to Celebrate the Sabbat & Halloween, Mabon: How to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox, Twinzlife | witchcraft 101 | Cast a Circle Tutorial, The Easy Guide to Casting a Magick Circle. I dont have any elders (that I know of) who can walk me through connecting with them so Ive been relying on intuition, which although has been great, its not always as clear and direct as the word of an elder or a super clear article like this one. Choose the table, mantle, dresser, etc. There are many ways to do this, Susan Starr covers a brief practice in creating a small and personal ancestor altar.3. You can also use your own carefully selected pebbles or crystals. You have your ancestor altar set up, but now what? The importance of ancestor altars for this work cant be stressed enough. Offerings include: a fresh cup of water, flowers, incense, candle flame, drinks like wine and coffee, fruit, and food in general. I would love to make a post if you're interested. Also, I keep my crystals on my altar as well and take a few off that I keep on my person. You can get a basic ancestor altar by completing the following elements. You need to handle the food. Sometimes people erect ancestor altars outside of the home, and sometimes the grave acts as an ancestor altar. White candles symbolize new beginnings and promote peace and beauty. You can also perceive your ancestors instructions by observing the smokes shape. Instead of flowers I would like to put plants on my altar. Firstly, Id like to say that what you choose to include in your ancestor altar is entirely up to you. If you use it for meditation then you will spend time at your altar meditating. Set Up an Ancestor Shrine - Ancestor Altar. Even if you don't know your ancestors, due to things like adoption or estrangement from family, don't be discouraged! Create an ancestor altar and/or shrine. Use your altar as a physical, tangible place where you speak to your ancestors. Ancestor worship reflects universal ancestor worship, or respect for ancestors, which is an ancient custom. A map of their homeland, photos of historical markers, etc. Lol. Dont let them guilt-trip you just because theyve passed. Yours will be unique from the restbecause it is yours. You start by making offerings. Speak out loud or in your mind, it doesnt matter. However, it is essential to note that the food is not simply laid out on a ritual cloth and left to chance. Thank you, Amen, Aho and so it is. Our ancestors are valuable allies for guidance, wisdom, and protection. Take joy in the journey and allow these experiences to reveal new truths and information. Building out an altar is a strong method to connect with them. The ancestor altar is set up to honour and remember the ancestors, not to worship them. Personally, I feel a deep connection to my grandmother who passed away years ago. The first time you set up your ancestor altar, provide offerings and invite your ancestors to this sacred space. Can you explain why we shouldnt place our altar where we sleep? Then spoon a small quantity of dirt into the pill bottle. If you want other ideas on special things you can offer your ancestors at your ancestral shrine, you can include more personal items you may have or even prepare ayou may want to include more personal family items to your ancestral shrine: No matter if you simply offer cool water to your ancestors, or elaborate meals, regular tending an ancestor table can help strengthen relationship with guides. It could be a whole table, or it could be a shelf, or even a window sill. ), A drawing of your family tree(this is a great idea you can use with the activity I discuss later when learning more about your ancestors.). Afterward, youll want to dedicate the space with some sort of blessing or incantation. Or do I have to get rid of it? There is an art to getting that dirt in a respectful manner. You can put any type of food you want. Place it at the childs bedroom door, so they an both look in on the child and have an easy way to get back to their grave once theyve had their visit. Make sure these words are heartfelt. Many people create ancestor altars in their homes, but this isnt always the case. An ancestor altar will change your life. Other offerings to ancestors include handmade items, poetry, song, artwork, and just about anything youre moved to offer them. You do not want to put an altar where you sleep, because they need a separate area away from you. It is a space to honor and pay respect to those who made it possible for you to be alive. The more you learn about ancient times, the . Especially steps to take to remove offerings of food and drink when its needed to be done. When you feel sad, ill, or in need, stand at your ancestor altar and call on your ancestors. Is my Granny reaching out to me? If I place treasured Jewelry, can I still wear it? It provides light to chase away the darkness and warmth to chase away the cold. An item they enjoyed using during their lifetime, or an heirloom and a family book, are good choices. Because your cloth is the base ground of the altar, you want to ensure that all your soul exchanges are around this base ground. They'll look after it, and keep an eye on the goings-on around them. Likewise, you can add your ancestors favorite foods or sweets to your altar. Then place the items afterward on the altar cloth. Why You Should Work With Your Ancestors. Trust me, youll hear their voices soon. A tree is a great way to represent your family as well as the Axis Mundi, which connects our world to the underworld.) Fang Adornments. like I offer you this water to quench . We do not simply fade into ether and non-existence, but grow and take the next step in a larger journey. Some things cannot be explained too much to the uninitiated. If that didn't make sense, then I guess the message isn't for you. One likes his area of the altar particularly clean; another likes offerings of soft, sweet cake; others like shiny things on their altars. Over time, your ancestors will begin to tell you what offerings they prefer and . It's officially Samhain, and if you haven't already, now is the perfect time to set up an ancestor altar. Ancestors were already living with the land and getting the resources to survive from it when they came to this planet first. So on the 20th of last month I was doing a bit of last minute running around before a flight I had to catch out of town and directly in between the oil store where I have recently started visiting for essential oils and dvds and the nail salon I have recently started visiting for my nails and eyebrows, there is a (for lack of better terms) a botanical store where you can purchase many different spiritual artifacts. An amazing article Miss Michaele! Place a white altar cloth. If thats all you have to work with i say go for it. Two books changed my opinion on altars within the last year: Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind and Spirit by Queen Afua and Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish. If that was ever answered could I get a link for where to find that info? This is great information by the way, so first and foremost thank you!! There are aa few of these basic offerings to add on an ancestral altar: Do you want to learn more about what things you can do with your ancestor altar? Liquids can be poured into the earth as a libation. Or, it may just be a peaceful repose. I dont have another room to place one. Hi Ms Michaele. My advice is to start with what you have and build from there. The bowls and plates at my ancestor altar are all from my grandma actually! Optionally, cast a circle, invoke the elements or call the quarters. You then tell them why you have come (to honor them). Create an ancestor altar, and really work with your ancestors, or focus on a relative. Perform the service again, each day adding a book to the stack and reassembling the altar setup atop it. Our ancestors are powerful spirit allies. FOOD DISPOSAL:Food should be disposed of by the very next day. I leave offerings of flowers, incense, or moon water. Perhaps you use it to give offerings to your deities, ancestors, or loved ones. Thank you. Finally, I wanted to talk about some tips and ideas I have for working with your ancestors this Samhain and beyond. I have a marine spirit Ring to attract money please can you help me to activate it and how to talk to him. Keep in mind you can make this as elaborate or understated as you like or need given your current situation. Dont hesitate to talk or commune or pray as you make your weekly offerings. For some people, that can be as often as everyday or every week. I started with my ancestor veneration practice in the spring of 2022. How do you know if your ancestor altar work is working? Lady J, start with a white candle and a glass of water and an empty photo frame. I would also recommend at least one person who dedicated his or her life to good works and/or justice. There are some very inspiring quotes you may have heard about the concept of our ancestors and how they watch over us. This Sabbat, after all, is the night when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its most fragile. Ive been wondering how to dispose of food/liquid and non biodegradable offerings as well. The aroma of incense will drive away the bad and unlucky dirt around. Its a journey of recognizing and accepting death, healing the past, and building respect for your ancestors. How do your parents feel about that prayer? Ancestor work is a way of working with those who came before you. Dont worry about what altars look like online. Ive communicated with her, but done little more with ancestor work back then. A special kind of scent of cooking food, someones home, or perhaps someones favorite perfume. Ask about Bible verses, too. So clean up before setting up the ancestor altar. Learn their lifestyles, careers, likes, dislikes, patterns, dispositions, love lives, if they died tragically, etc. Others are simple and understated and may appear to be something other than an altar. 7. I've seen that done many times before, even though that is not the way I was taught, it makes sense. If your ancestral line is active at night, they might keep you up. Would we want to be able to share our wisdom with others? Because I havent decided on a space yet, I havent really figured out exactly how I want to lay it out. Each time you sit down for a meal, portion out a small amount of your food with which to feed your dead. You can energetically clean the table, cloth, and area if you'd like with your preferred medium. Burning ancestral money also helps dissolve financial debt that they incurred while being alive. Do not let food spoil on the altar. It's always nice to have a support . Keep in mind that what you place is something that can be associated with the ancestor. Now, in the real world, you can research your ancestors just talk to your parents about straight-up genealogy. Now you can do this for one ancestor in particular, or encompass them all in one altar, either way this is your choice. The point of this, just like in spirit work, is to make your ancestor feel welcome in your home and in your heart. You can set up photos and other items to represent your ancestors on your altar to invite them into your magickal workings and spell craft. Do you work with your ancestors? And if you don't know who they are, that's okay! Right now I just started my altar in room because my sister and her children live with me. Your email address will not be published. Ancestral Veneration is one of the most ancient religious and spiritual practices. Ancestor altars are an important part of honoring your ancestors. These beliefs continue to encourage the living and meditatively change our fortunes, families, marriages, jobs, and more. ITEMS ON ALTAR:remember whatever you place on the altar is not something that you should continue to wear or use. Its a lot to think about just how many people shaped us into who we would become, long before we existed. When you approach your altar, show respect, ask forgiveness if you have done wrong but also tell them your troubles and dont hesitate to express yourself. The difference between using a shrine for your ancestors and the altar is that magickal workings are done at the altar. If you don't have room for an altar, you may have to find other ways to connect and venerate your folks. Truthfully, I have only recently started my journey in ancestor work, but Ive found that it has the potential to teach me a great deal about myself and my craft. Finally, remember that you should be conscious of each time you walk past the altar. Other trinkets, mementos, and objects that represent your ancestors. We all come from somewhere. Say a prayer out loud to them. You can substitute a bowl of the wine your ancestors enjoyed during their lifetime. I hope this is acceptable. Day 1- at your altar, try to imagine the faces of those who have passed and the moments of joy you might have had with them. Unstable foundations reflect wrong communication and represent unrest and trouble. There are literally thousands of active threads on every conceivable kind of hoodoo rootwork, including working with ancestors. Over time, youll learn what your ancestors appreciate most. Keep this table outside of your bedroom or places you sleep. and/or working magical craft. Show respect as you approach the altar and prepare to communicate with your ancestors. A family crest, motto, or other symbols that represent your family. But its not always about learning, sometimes its simply about honor. Its officially Samhain, and if you havent already, now is the perfect time to set up an ancestor altar. If youre new to setting up an ancestral shrine, keep it simple when setting up your shrine. Now, this is not to say there is no speaking ill of the dead. He was a very angry person, an alcoholic, and believed that the entire world revolved around .