He said H and Salmond spoke to each other as friends and allies and that he had seen nothing happen that caused him concern. Stuart MacDonald, Michelle Thompson, David McKay, Joanna Cherry, Neale Hanvey. A picture tells a thousand tales. for months that year but just not sure Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. Aberdeen Journals Ltd 2023. Poor Alex, surrounded by that lot. The trial, which is expected to last for three to four weeks, also heard that the crown and defence teams had agreed that Salmond rarely stayed overnight at Bute House in May 2014. Liz Lloyd in this photo who did she work for at this point in time? At a media briefing on Tuesday, her top special adviser, Stuart Nicolson, who is known for his aggressive and combative spats with journalists, appeared bruised and tired, particularly since questions were now focusing on his friend, Miss Lloyd. On Tuesday, more revelations emerged, as Mr Salmonds former chief of staff, Geoff Aberdein a personal friend and former colleague of Miss Lloyd, and who now works in the private sector for Standard Life Aberdeen claimed she had told him she suspected there had been a complaint about Mr Salmond in late March last year. Thats a significant gap. No problem. https://twitter.com/jamesdoleman/status/1359858135171821571, Advocate depute.Says he has no objection to the proposed change to the order. Thank fuck neither of them were involved in that whole trial business- surely a photie like this coulda been used by his defence counsel to show how obviously trusted he was by his female work colleagues. I love the people who berate you when you mention. The interesting part is that it drags in Murrell the Squirrel. I dont know how you do it, but you just make my mornings with all you find out.. In one sense this is admirable: as the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey reported last year women are more sceptical of government than men and, hence, more sensible. Whos the woman next to the woman on Alex left? If I had Im damned sure Id want to know where my money is. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. Many now openly concede that the murky affair has left Miss Sturgeons job on the line and are talking about who her successor might be. He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira. Jennifer Dempsie, a former Salmond SpAd, recently. Despite the fact that the party itself has honoured or at least admired warrior queens (in the members estimation) such as Winnie Ewing, Margo MacDonald and even Nicola Sturgeon, the fact remains that women are much less likely to support the SNP than men and, furthermore, this gender gap causes the party some problems. Dont worry, my close personal friend Facundo tells me that the Spectator will deliver today. Ms Dempsie, who lives in Garmouth in the north-east, began working for the SNP a decade ago as a press officer for Nicola Sturgeon, before being appointed as a special advisor to Mr Salmond when he was first minister. Ms Dempsie had been nominated for a place on the SNPs list in the for the Highlands and Islands but, posting on her social media page, she said: I have decided that I will not be taking forward my nominations to be a list SNP MSP. but very powerful hand during the Yes campaign. Thought this was going to be about the position of Special Advisers in the Ministerial Code. I met him during the Brexit campaign at an event I organised in the Palace of Arts, he has a remarkable grasp of politics and is someone who is an engaging speaker. Is that the Crown saying they dont object to the anonymity order being changed? Ah so thats where Cummings went when he apparently left Downing St, A neat change and a very convincing disguise, The more you see the worse it gets FFS ex BBC employee at the centre of the SNP government and a Daily Record bod in there as well fk sake This looks like the Tory party in all but name, Stu a plea please please dont reveal anything else my bloody blood pressure wont take it, ALANM says: Geoff Aberdein next to Alex yes? One of the many things I dont get is why Sturgeon and Swinney are so keen for Liz Lloyd not to appear. It does not come across well. I find myself replaying over and over the jingle from ITVs The Masked Singer: To use words like smear we really need to be reflecting on the competence of the people around her.. Before, we had people who were part of a team with one leader. Has the British deep state all over it. Sorry cant remember exactly when it was. SNP branded 'a joke' for refusing to hand over Alex Salmond inquiry documents after second vote defeat in parliament Some of the main players - Salmond, Sturgeon, Kenny MacAskill and the FM's husband, Peter Murrell, Chief Executive of the SNP. ALISON BALHARRY says: Judge adds that The Spectator could then publish an article criticising the approach so bringing the issue into the public domain, she continues saying these proceedings are not a conduit to the [inquiry] committee.. Hyslop also faced questions about the role of Jennifer Dempsie, a former Yes Scotland staffer and aide to Alex Salmond, who set up a meeting between the cabinet secretary and T in the Park promoters DF Concerts while working as a project manager for the events firm. Searches at http://www.parliament.scot/ are already changing search terms like b e w a r e (quoted to give an exact match) into beware so if there are words with spaces between the letters they wont show up in the search results. Does Nicola Sturgeon ever employ anyone other than yoons ? Was she Jennifer Dempsie at that time or Mrs Ruari Beaton? Totally lost now, like what is even the formal point of it? 11 February, 2021 at 11:20 am Marks trial took place on the 7th of January 2021 where he was acquitted after the Court ruled there was no case to answer. I was genuinely expecting to zoom in on that photo and see Sturgeons special adviser hanging around with Osborne and Murphy! Stu, A couple of days ago, some bright spark spotted the double spacing to defeat word search in the documents. The sooner theyre booted out of Holyrood, the better. She will dump her husband for someone a bit more connected and smarter/younger than Peter, who is a fat, pasty faced mealie pudding. Jennifer Dempsie was planning to stand for the SNP at next years Holyrood elections but yesterday announced that she will not be standing. But the strongly worded attacks angered some within the party who think it plays into the hands of their opponents and makes it impossible to make the party look united. One senior SNP politician said: Youve got people in the party showing clear sympathies to either party. One of the others was the America trip few pennies dropped with that one. Now, theres lots of personalities. I would be astonished if they could compel Mr Salmond to do anything. let down by the courts/legal system has two purposes: 1) garner sympathy from women, #metoos in particular and 2) make it look like Salmond got away with it. It looks more like youve been fooling us. Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. 6,036 Posts, Ruth Davidsons former Director of Communications(Jan 14 -Dec 19) Eddie Barnes was another Daily Mail alumnus. find off-putting , more focus on health and education (both subject to major SNP pushes in 2007) and so on. Her PR firm boasts of possessing "the best little black book [of contacts] in Scotland" [12]. Dont suppose theres a caption with names to go with that photo? Suddenly, from being a friendly place full of laid back people, some eccentrics and oddballs and having an almost family feel to it, it seemed to be rammed full of young people in sharp suits and management consultancy types. The committee is duty-bound to do all it can to get to the reasons why the Scottish Governments procedures were so badly flawed and why the women involved were so badly failed to do so, we must have all the evidence available and the chance to question Mr Salmond.. Pressed by McCall to admit she had willingly kissed and caressed Salmond in 2013, H said: Thats not true. All Rights Reserved. she will be a source of great pride for wee Scotland. The alarm bells should be ringing.. That photo is great at showing some very ambitious and career-focused individuals, who aim for the top prize, and are always setting their sights on the next step up the ladder. All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. It is in every Democrats interest to see them off. Miss Sturgeon looked tired and bad-tempered when she attempted to get away from the issue and focus on Brexit on Wednesday but still faced questions about Mr Salmond during a Sky News interview, during which she confirmed that their 30-year friendship is now in doubt. How did it ever come to this?. Can i just remind everyone about Mark Hirsts fundraiser . Spectator Case Clancy says if the court can take an early lunch break so he can take further instructions. SNP politicians are instantly prickly when any reference is made to a civil war. All angles where pressure can be brought to bear on the SNP leadership exposing how far out of touch they are with the membership and populace is worthwhile. Off-camera came the audible respose that she could name them. Holyrood mulls drastic booze marketing restrictions, Scotland's 20p bottle and can recycling rules: Five key questions, Fashion retailer Quiz closes its store in Aberdeen's Bon Accord Centre and moves instead to Union Square, 'It's for everyone': Plans unveiled for Moray to get its own flag, Top cop says 'creative solutions' needed to keep youths from causing trouble in Aberdeen - but parents must act too. They see multiple threats facing Miss Sturgeon. Jennifer, another ex-journalist, is now a lobbyist, helping to secure meetings for her clients with SNP ministers [11]. jennifer dempsie alex salmondbmw 328i problems after 100k miles Posted on May 23, 2022 by 0 . Weeks later, she introduced Mr Ellis to Ms Hyslop and the funding was agreed. 11 February, 2021 at 1:14 pm When giving her evidence to the Committee, Barbara Allison paused as she was unclear whether she could name two individuals who attended a meeting. Be sure to use the phrase, suspect the money raised for a specific purpose has been used elsewhere and the common law crime of Theft by Embezzlement has been committed. Would you say he cheating on his wife Jennifer Dempsey? Auld fella I knew had a wonderful term for what we are seeing in this case, he used to comment you always get corruption where they are cock connected. The minister said: This would not be a good time for us to face an election.. Now that would put the cat amongst the pigeons. I agree. 11 February, 2021 at 12:39 pm "Absolutely not because I have this horrific image of him being fully aroused. 2nd from the left is Stephen Gethins.. ex SNP MP for NE Fife ex advisor to Alex and voted in on the back of the 2014 indy campaign His office manager when he was an MP, worked for GCHQ and openly admitted this.. there is video evidence as proof. Behind Liz Lloyd is Ewan Crawford married to a BBC reporter, he worked for the BBC too from memory. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Culture Secretary Fiona. From that photo, Alex Salmond obviously knows Stuart Nicolson well, so you MUST ask yourself, why was Alex Salmond involving himself with someone who worked for the Scottish Daily Mail? how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel ? That is a very interesting picture indeed. Alan Mackintosh says: He is as sharp as a tack. Was Jennifer Dempsie not the one who had set her sights on Salmond in a romantic sense but then ended up with sloppy seconds Robertson. See pic in background with dates. His lawyer, Shelagh McCall QC, earlier accused H of lying about both attacks during her third day of evidence on Wednesday morning, alleging that H had instead initiated sexual contact with Salmond at Bute House in August 2013. I think is time for Geoff Aberdein to just release the ins and outs of his meeting to a Friendly Irish newspaper/media source. But the First Ministers focus should be on independence she shouldnt be involved in any tit-for-tat and the people working for her shouldnt be getting involved in that. @alanmacintosh Are the press allowed to name either the victim or the alleged perpetrator given the case has no relevance to a previous case they may or may not have been involved in ? He certainly looks like one angry little man. More and more as these inquiries (sic) have gone on, along with repeated meddling deceitful statements (eg. Yup, only cards that appear in the curated packs are included in the tier list :). But its gone ! Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? She added: Alex Salmond will be greatly missed in the Scottish Parliament. Jennifer Dempsie announced that she will no longer bid to become an MSP, Sturgeon stands by her threat to veto new tax powers, David Cameron faces fresh pressure to quit after tight Scottish referendum, Cameron warned against blocking a second independence poll, SNP fury at drone attack snub, but Sturgeon was told, Political rivals unite to condemn lack of action on migrant crisis. One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. Never judge a book by its cover shes even more odious than Robertson, well suited. @Mike interesting article, thanks. They seem to be saying theres nothing in the court order to stop publishing by the committee or anyone else that its primary purpose is to protect complainers. One thing I still dont understand is why our Parliament appears to be reliant on an English based political magazine to obtain an amendment to the original court order? He is now freelance. It remains unclear where Miss Sturgeons husband, SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, was during this meeting in his home although the First Minister insists he was not present and was not informed about what was discussed. No need to break any injunctions, btw. Too many of these shites hanging around the corridors of power, all totally unelected. She believed that referring herself to the independent advisers on the ministerial code of conduct for an investigation last Sunday would buy her some time and end the daily onslaught of negative media coverage. 13 March 2017 Two weeks into the New Year, Angus Robertson, the deputy party leader, called a top-secret summit of SNP insiders at the Craigellachie Hotel in Moray. https://archive.is/7HjKR. Despite having worked for BBC Scotland, been the political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail and now being the First Ministers personal spokesman and special adviser, the only photograph weve been able to find of him is this one, keeping some interesting company before the indyref. Her own reputation may already have been tarnished beyond recovery and the Tories now think she is a big asset to them because she is so unpopular on the doorsteps. In her final evidence session on Wednesday morning, H denied she had made up a story about Salmonds attempted rape. A certain senior official had thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money spent on lawyers getting her out of it by trying to pre-determine what questions she could be asked, while Alex Salmond has been "invited" to appear, but literally threatened with imprisonment if he turns up and tells the truth. wins its legal challenge over Salmond trial court orders: Lady Dorrian to vary an order which now allows Salmond and Geoff Aberdein evidence to be published. Isnt it interesting that at a time when the Scottish legal system is very publically standing in disrepute, the one area where they bent over backwards, to do the right thing was in the area of the Alphabet women. I think it is a leaving photo. Which is probably why Cummings was so protected. Surely there is some specific objective of this committee. But he said the three of them were left alone after the pleasantries and small talk was out of the way, with Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond talking privately in another part of the house, which features a reading room filled with books, a compact kitchen fitted with a 1,000 coffee machine and a comfortable living room with a colourful floral feature wall straight out of a new-build home brochure. I believe they both accompanied AS at the meeting at NS house on 2nd April 2018. Keep on pointing them out please and be cool with allies from anywhere. It really does beg the question, why was Alex Salmond so oblivious and blindsided by these people? Mist001 09.58. I think the other is Liz Lloyd? Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. I'd say you won't ever get the same amount of value out of actually playing draft that you would get form rare drafting. Shelagh McCall QC, representing Salmond, accused the prosecution witness on Tuesday of making up the attempted rape and said the woman had used knowledge about the former first minister's . Alec probably hasnt told you this, but Im sure he knows hes very fortunate to have you as a great ally, but more importantly, a dear friend. The minister argued the payment was vital to ensure the multi-million-pound festivals viability as it moved from Balado, near Kinross, to Strathallan Castle, in Perthshire. Nicola is certainly fully on board with the Blair/Campbell/Tory neocon,US dominated policies represented by the aforementioned illuminati and I am pretty sure that how ever this whole fiasco falls, she will be appointed to some sinecure of international significance, possibly connected to UN, or some prestigious international org. And yet now the common phrase being pummelled by Scot Gov and its tame media, is, let down by the courts/legal system etc. Sir, - Since the Holyrood election we have had a host of correspondents banging on about respecting the will of the Scottish people. The source said: Everyone gets into politics because they want to be leader at some point.. Whether this state of affairs continues well well have to wait & see.. I said 3-4% was realistic, but Scottish Skier thought 0-1% was just as likely. Penny Mordaunt is wrong to lecture the Church of England on gay marriage. It gets you thinking as to why Johnsons spending millions, of taxpayers cash on his Union Unit, and Sturgeon is spending zero on the independence Unit. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. Yes had been behind by 18 points in February but now, with days to go, the same pollster put Yes two ahead. It is understood the Spectator will argue there is a strong public interest in disclosure under article 10 of the European convention on human rights, given the significance of Salmonds allegations about Sturgeons government and party, @mac On a normal day, that provokes little more than gentle discussions with her inner circle about how to react to any developing stories. Is Putin about to gamble on a second mobilisation wave? Get Full Access To Jennifer Dempsie's Info Contact Information. Its obvious to a blind mans dug by now that Alex was completely hoodwinked by Mrs. Murrell, so how did he miss the warning signs? What are they seeking to acheive? Me being dopey again, I thought it was an actual physical think, Greek Orthodox style. Your choice of course but you dont get refunded your legal costs even if found innocent (or no case to answer). Even if you ignore the bloody Braveheart wing of the party, the intellectual, cost-benefit analysis types within the SNP are ascetic number-crunchers, not the type of retail politicians best suited to the age. So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors, https://www.holyrood.com/inside-politics/view,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. Miss Sturgeon had hoped she could move on from what had been her worst week as First Minister. This farce of an inquiry is now at rock bottom. Yet, how nany arch Unionists are today advising Nicola in government ? The Alps have had a torrid season, with higher-than-average temperatures and heavy rain forcing many resorts to close, sometimes within weeks of opening. Neil Drysdale: What's the best alternative anthem if Flower of Scotland needs replacing? Bald small man syndrome? As Lallands Peat Worrier reminded us: On the constituency ballot, 41% of the male electorate supported the SNP, compared to only 32% of women voters. Mist001, please fuckity fuckity fork orf you rancid small man syndrome creature. Working as a project manager for promoters, DF Concerts, she set up meetings with four ministers, including Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop, who signed-off the six-figure grant. When he left Bute House at about 11pm, H had remained in the building with Salmond. Whereas the lengths the SNP/SG will go to protect SPADs and pals know no bounds or limit of funds? Gordon Wilson stepped in after it emerged Jennifer. In the case of more negative or problematic articles, she will often set off her top attack dogs led by chief of staff Liz Lloyd, a confrontational Geordie who is Miss Sturgeons loudest defender to dispute the story and try to ensure no other media, particularly the BBC or the Press Association news agency, decide to follow it up. I think these are my favourite of the types of articles you write. Jennifer Dempsie, a former Salmond SpAd, recently had a piece in Scotland on Sunday addressing this very issue. BLMac says: Some in the party think Miss Sturgeon has lost the tight grip Mr Salmond previously had, and are alarmed by a clear breakdown in discipline although they cite that as inevitable when the number of members and elected politicians has gone through the roof. But had to copy/paste from Pressreader as it wouldnt archive, With mentions of most of the key players, This from January 2019 makes interesting retro reading, Accusations of smears. There is every likelyhood, that once one complaint is made, many more will follow, and it will in effect become the equivalent of a class action. It's clearly not over yet for Alex Salmond" johnsmytheinvestigations.wordpress.com/2022/05/07/an- Lady Ra_Bleather Retweeted Andrew Doyle 11 February, 2021 at 10:48 am People have grown their own independence. Why didnt the Parliament petition the court themselves on the basis that the current order is hindering their inquiries into what went wrong? Wow that should be educational.