Deer feeding is permitted from mid-December to May, though it is not advised by state biologists. All hunters, including those who did not apply to the lottery, those who received a permit through the lottery, and those that applied to the lottery but did not receive a permit through the lottery, may purchase an antlerless deer permit online on a first come, first served basis. First come, first served antlerless deer permits are available to purchase online only after the lottery drawing. Any acquired lands will also be managed as public Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) open to public recreation. Visit the deer permit purchase service. Exceptions to this course requirement can be found on the bear trapping page. Destroying or tearing down a property posting sign. An apprentice trapper supervisor is one who has held a valid adult trapping license for the prior 3 consecutive years. WebMaines nickname Vacationland is well deserved and not just for the summertime beaches. In general, hunters aged 10 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult supervisor. Any Resident or Non-Resident Sportsperson looking to hunt, fish, or trap in the State of Maine. Fast - DoNotPay simplified the process to the most important steps. We will do the rest. In addition to bud caps, you can use them to protect flowers and pine trees, which are the most cherished of deer. Residents of Maine pay an additional $201.61 in license fees for a package of 20 items. (See Expanded Archery Permit). A person holding this license may not hunt other than in the presence of an apprentice supervisor at least 18 years of age who has held a valid hunting license for the prior three consecutive years. Home Hunting & Trapping Hunting Game Species Deer Antlerless Deer Permit. If you are purchasing a license for yourself, enter your information below; if you are purchasing a license for someone else, enter their information below.*Required. allows non-residents of Maine to apply for a fishing license, permit, or safety course without having to be a resident of the state. Game cameras are included. Physical Address: Trappers that are 16 years old and older, including Lifetime License holders, are required to complete a Fall and Spring Harvest Report, even if you did not trap. Convicted felons cannot purchase or possess a firearms hunting license in Maine unless they have been issued a permit to carry a firearm. How will proceeds from the antlerless deer permit fee be used? Maine offers some of the best hunting and fishing opportunities in the country. 353 Water Street Time left: 6d 22h | Starting bid: US $5.00 [ Maine Hunting US Back of Book Duck Stamps, Small game license permits hunting of all legal species except deer, bear, moose, raccoon, and bobcat (additional permits apply for certain species and seasons). Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the holder of an apprentice hunter license follows safe hunting protocol as well as all hunting laws. Just download the file and print it as a temporary license, while a physical copy gets processed and sent to you by mail. A separate license is required to hunt waterfowl. if registered to vote, is registered in this State; if licensed to drive a motor vehicle, has made application for or possesses a motor vehicle operators license issued by the State; has registered in Maine any motor vehicles they own that are located within the state; is in compliance with the state income tax laws; is a full-time student at a Maine college or university who satisfies above requirements. Buy a fishing license online. Lifetime license holders (not complimentary) are required to purchase any additional hunting/fishing permits between the ages of 16 and 69. It is possible for Maine residents and non-residents to purchase a lifetime hunting license. Hunters who were issued a permit through the lottery and claimed their permit by the deadline can purchase four antlerless deer permits total (one through the lottery, and three online). There are all-white deer, half-white deer, and brown deer, as well as black deer. Email us, Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Rulemaking Proposals Open to Public Comment, Locate a deer, turkey or bear registration station, Opportunities for People with Disabilities. Questions about licenses/permits you need? One of the many benefits of hunting is securingwholesome, locally-sourced, free-range, hormone-freelean protein. Adding more district selections increases the likelihood of someone getting a permit that will not be used. Deer hunting is permitted in a number of areas in Maine, but with certain restrictions. Exception: See dog training and hunting permit requirement. Maine offers heavily discounted rates as well for servicemen and war veterans: There are special lifetime hunting licensesfor both residents and non-residents of the state. WebSearch License Information You have the ability to look up information pertaining to many of the licenses, registrations and permits managed by the State of Maine. Full-time students enrolled in an educational institution in Maine for at least one year may be considered residents. Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Mailing Address: How much moose meat are sold in Maine? The 2022 lottery opened late June and closed August 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM. Fax: (207) 287-8094 or (207) 287-6395 A Maine lifetime hunting license covers the holder for their lifetime, as long as they comply with the rules and regulations set forth by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. 2. Effective date: Friday, September 22, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In addition, active-duty military members who are Maine residents but stationed elsewhere and their dependents may purchase a reduced-fee hunting license. Hunters who possess an antlerless deer permit may take an additional deer, which must be antlerless, in the WMD/subunit designated on their permit. Recipes for Maines Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Licenses that contain all of the ingredients and instructions included in a fishing license. Hunting under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs. See Outdoor Safety Courses. In contrast, by 2020, Maine residents will have purchased one by 8%, as opposed to 4% in 2020. Maine Resident Military Currently Stationed Outside of Maine: Residents who are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and permanently stationed outside of Maine may purchase either a hunting, fishing, trapping, or combination hunting and fishing license for the Maine Resident Serviceman combination price upon verification that Maine is their home of record and that they are permanently stationed outside of Maine. Hunter Ed is committed to Hunting education safety. Buy a hunting license online. Recreational Safety Division (207) 287-5220. The license allows the holder to hunt for deer, moose, bear, turkey, and small game. Before venturing on private land, always ask for permission. Recreational Safety Division
Hunting and Trapping Laws and Rules; Maine residents and non-residents may be eligible to purchase a lifetime hunting license. Hunting and trapping in all 50 states is legal. Contact InforME at: Permit recipients will receive their permit number upon payment to claim their permit. Archery licenses are sold for $38.00 for 16 and older adults. Please provide the following information to begin. Discharging a firearm within 100 yards of a building or residential dwelling without permission of the owner, or in the owner's absence, an adult occupant who dwells in that location. Available at the Augusta Office only. Learn more about expanded archery season on deer. Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Firearms Card in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt. Complete the Maine hunter education certification requirements. Choose the correct license type. Buy the license through the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website or a Maineapproved agent. Maine has a thick forest and thousands of acres of unpopulated terrain that provide great hunting games any hunter would like to experience. Antlerless Deer Permit Allocations by Wildlife Management District (WMD)/subunit for 2022 and Antlerless Harvest without a Permit During the Youth Day and Regular Archery and Crossbow Deer Hunting Seasons. View press releases. WebDate of Birth * Month Day* Year* Mailing ZIP/Postal Code* What type of license do you wish to reprint? Rest assured that you will immediately get the hunting license that you need right away. The Hunting and Fishing License Giveaway is a lifetime opportunity. Those who meet certain criteria are granted the right to hunt without a license, which is a privilege that has been extended to residents and their immediate family members in Maine. You can purchase your hunting license online through the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Hunting season is throughout the year in Maine, with restrictions on different species of animals each month. A fee of $2 is charged to each successful applicant (plus a $12 claim fee). In Maine, hunting is not permitted all year, but there are a few hunting seasons in the fall and spring that allow you to participate. In order to reduce the deer population, the town implemented a registration system. 1-800-830-2268 (toll free). Enter your email or mobile number to receive the latest news from MDIFW. This is in addition to any penalties imposed by a court of law. The cost to register for the online course is $19.95. If you want to sell food in Maine, youll need a license. TTY: Maine Relay 711 The discharge date must be five (5) years after the discharge date. The protection of coyotes from predators is essential to the survival of the white-tailed deer population and the ecosystems health. Non-residents are permitted to hunt in Maine, and landowners are entitled to a portion of the license fee. Physical Address: Learn about bear trap permit requirements. A hunting license is a document that proves you are allowed to hunt. A hunting license allows an individual to hunt small game, such as deer, moose, and bear. A valid adult hunting, archery, or name on card must be present, and you will be required to show proof of an adult license prior to purchasing one. Maine residents who have lost the use of their lower extremities may be eligible for a free hunting license. Person must meet all respective safety course requirements to hunt with individual methods (i.e. It also includes one free chance in the moose lottery and entry into a special category in the antler less deer permit lottery. There are exceptions to this rule. A farm license is not required if you want to work on a farm. If super pack license holders are awarded a super pack antlerless deer permit through the lottery, they must claim the permit but will not need to pay the fee. if registered to vote, is registered in this State; if licensed to drive a motor vehicle, has made application for or possesses a motor vehicle operator's license issued by the State; has registered in Maine any motor vehicles they own that are located within the State; is in compliance with the state income tax laws; is a full-time student at a Maine college or university who satisfies above requirements. In order to hunt, you must first obtain a hunting license. Your browser either doesnt support JavaScript or you have it turned off. See license fees for more information. MOSES is the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife's online hunting, fishing, and trapping licensing system. When applying for any Maine trapping license (except a junior license), proof of having successfully completed a state-approved trapper education course is required or proof of having held an adult trapping license (in Maine or in some other state, province or country) at some time since 1978. Firearms Licenses: When applying for an adult firearms hunting license in Maine, you must show proof of residency, and that you have either possessed an adult license to hunt with firearms in any prior year beginning with 1976, or successfully completed an approved hunter safety course in any U.S. state. A Maine Tradition and a Gift that Lasts a Lifetime: A lifetime license, purchased for yourself or as a gift, allows the bearer to fish, trap, and/or hunt for their lifetime, regardless of where they live in the future. Email us, Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Rulemaking Proposals Open to Public Comment, Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Do Not Eat Deer Advisory for Greater Fairfield. Applicant must be a full-time student, and have completed at least one semester prior to applying for the license. What is considered an antlered vs. an antlerless deer? *** In addition to the State Migratory Waterfowl Permit, a Federal Migratory Waterfowl Permit is required. The law allows hunters to pursue and shoot game on your property whether or not you grant them permission, so you should be aware of your legal rights and responsibilities if you own land in Maine. See individual species sections for details. These reports are mailed to all trappers each fall and can be completed online. 41 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Phone: (207) 287-8000 No need to repeatedly fill out intake forms or run all over town just to submit documents. For a one-time fee of $8.00, a senior lifetime license entitles the holder to all privileges they are qualified to receive including hunting, trapping, archery, and fishing The resident lifetime trapping license holder (70 years of age and older) must obtain the bear trapping permit free of charge, by calling MDIFW at 207-287-8000. With donotpay product services, you will be able to buy the license fast and conveniently, all at the comfort of your home. Archery licenses for six days (ages 16 and up) are $29.00, whereas archery licenses for one day (ages 12 and up) are $40.00. If the permit recipient does not claim their permit by the deadline, that permit will be forfeited and sold to another person. For a one-time fee of $8.00, a senior lifetime license entitles the holder to all privileges they are qualified to receive including hunting, trapping, archery, and fishing. We provide online boating and hunting and other recreational safety education. Applications for fishing licenses can be made online at The rolling hills of Chandler Lake provide excellent hunting opportunities for this species, which is difficult to obtain. With over 17 million acres of extraordinary land and waterways, it is the ultimate playing field for the outdoor sportsman. Guide Requirement Waiver for Canadian Residents (PDF). The robot lawyer you will appoint will be: This is how it will be. TTY: Maine Relay 711 You will need to enter the license number and last name of the license holder. Deer can also hunt with archery, muzzleloading, or firearms. The state has a variety of animals to hunt, from big-time thrills of nabbing Moose Deer or Bear to smaller-scale wild birds like turkey, geese, or quail. Your mailing address should be _________________________ According to the State Zip Code (town), here is the legal residence of the street. Hunters ages 10 to 15 must be accompanied by an adult supervisor. Go to Search for permits and more Recreation Passport. You may enter up to two (2) WMD or deer management subunit choices for your permit in order of preference. Resident means a citizen of the United States or a person who is not a citizen of the United States who has been domiciled in the State for one year who: Nonresident means a person who does not fall within the definition of a resident. If the permit recipient does not claim their permit, that permit will be forfeited and sold to another person. Indicate The process is not an uphill task, but it can be difficult if it's your first time buying the license or you don't know the exact steps to follow. A permit for a non-resident is $585. The annual deer registration period is only limited to six deer. Trapping license renewals, including Apprenticeship Trapping, Bear Trapping Permit, and Junior Trapping License can be purchased online. WebTo report violations of Maine hunting and fishing laws, please call (800) ALERT U.S. (253-7887). 41 State House Station This license is available only at the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife main office in Augusta. Crossbow Permits: To obtain a crossbow permit you must show proof of having held a license or permit to hunt with crossbow in any year after 1979 or successful completion of a crossbow safety course. Fees listed do not include the agent fee. This robot lawyer is guaranteed to be: Donotpay will offer you a way to purchase your hunting license at the click of a button. All hunters, including those who did not apply to the lottery, those who received a permit through the lottery, and those that applied to the lottery but did not receive a permit through the lottery, may purchase an antlerless deer permit online on a first come, first served basis. 3. If there is a No in the Superpack column, you received an antlerless permit during the regular lottery permit drawing and MUST pay for the permit. Any resident of New Brunswick or Quebec who is not a U.S. Citizen and who wishes to hunt bear, deer, moose, or wild turkey in Maine must be accompanied by a Maine Guide unless they can provide documentation to MDIFW that they own or lease land in Maine, are current on property taxes for that land and keep that land open to hunting. Successful. The fee for an apprentice trapper license is the same as a regular trapping license. 8:00am to 8:00pm CST, seven days a week. A hunting license is required for anyone who hunts wild animals or birds in Maine. Maines nickname Vacationland is well deserved and not just for the summertime beaches. The charge will appear on your credit card statement as "ME IFW ATV SNOW REG", which is how the funds are coded into the system. Trapping courses are traditional, in-person classes. Hunting license sales in 2020 increased by only 1.4 percent, rising from 158,300 in 2020 to 160,549 in 2020. Hunting permits Permits are not transferable. A deer hunt is legal in the United States under federal hunting laws, according to the US Department of Fish and Wildlife Service. TTY: Maine Relay 711 Visit the residency information page for more information. Convicted felons cannot purchase or possess a firearms hunting license in Maine unless they have been issued a permit to carry a firearm. An antlered deer is considered a deer with antlers three inches or longer. The student will need to fill out the application, provide us with a current college ID card and last semester's transcripts. Hunting in Maine is prohibited under this rule. A resident is a person who has lived in Maine for at least one year. 449 S 12th St.Tampa, Florida 33602United States. A trapping license remains valid from July 1st through June 30th of the following year. The cost of a youth hunting license (for residents and non-residents ages 12-17) is $5. Maine Hunting License Online. Those wishing to apply will need to contact the Department at (207) 287-8000 for help in applying. Wild hogs are not considered game animals, so they do not require a furbearer trapping license. If a tag is required, as it is for hunting deer, bear, and turkey, hunters must carry a paper copy of the license, permits, and tags. The license covers the holder for hunting deer, moose, bear, and small game. Learn more about super pack antlerless deer permits. For a single license, you can obtain a variety of licenses. There are a lot of people who think that an Albino deer and a white deer are the same animal. Note: Not all town clerks issue nonresident licenses. Print a copy of a previously purchased license/permit. While there is no longer the option to swap tags, you must only apply for a hunting area you intend to hunt in. Learn more about the antlerless deer permit lottery for super pack license holders. The state has the highest population of black bears in the East, with over 35,000 bears. Easy - We have straightforward resolutions. Maine residents and non-residents may purchase a lifetime hunting license if they meet certain criteria. This can be done by checking one box per bird taken last year. A lifetime license holder who turns 16 years of age is able to hunt with their lifetime license as an adult big game license upon showing proof of having completed the required safety course. A discharge application must be filed five (5) years after the discharge date; 3. If you need assistance, view our PDF Help page, or email us. WebHunting and Fishing in Maine Fishing Licenses. Upon successful completion of the online course, students can use their course completion voucher (hunter education card) to purchase a Maine firearm hunting license online or from a licensing agent (such as a town office or sporting goods store). Native American Exception: Native Americans are exempt from the safety course requirement for archery, crossbow,and trapping. A lifetime hunting license in Maine can be obtained by any resident or non-resident who is at least 16 years old. Nonresidents are charged $112.00 for Big Game Hunting (16 and up) and $15.00 for Combination Hunting & Fishing (16 and up). WebExcept as otherwise provided in this section, a super pack license includes all licenses and permits issued under this Part to hunt and fish all legal game and fish species, subject to the restrictions placed on the equivalent individual licenses or permits for those species. Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Phone: (207) 287-8000 When proof or evidence cannot be otherwise provided, the applicant may substitute a signed affidavit that the applicant has previously held the required completed archery hunting education program or hunter safety course and crossbow hunting education program or has previously held any valid hunting license and a valid permit or license that authorized the use of a crossbow (that is not a junior hunting license or an apprenticeship hunter license). Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Firearms Card in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt. Anyone 16 years of age or older who wants to fish in inland waters or transport fish from inland waters must have a valid Maine fishing license. We work with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife to produce Hunting safety education thats accurate, interesting, and easy to understand. For information on other complimentary/special licenses call 207-287-8000. Maine residents over the age of 65 are eligible for a reduced fee lifetime hunting license. Permit recipients will be notified by email but will not receive a permit or transportation tags via mail. Do I need to enter the lottery and pay for the permit if I have a super pack hunting license? Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website for more details. Those who did not win a lottery ticket can buy one of the remaining permits. If you have additional questions about antlerless deer permits, please email Where are the best places to hunt for gannets in Maine? Non-residents may be eligible for the free hunting license if their home state extends the same privilege to Maine residents. We conduct everything online and we handle the difficult legwork for you. The main way to obtain a Maine hunting licenseis by buying one online on the state hunting website. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. The one-time fee for a lifetime hunting, trapping, fishing, and archery license is a one-time fee for residents over the age of 70. Native Americans: The commissioner shall issue a complimentary lifetime hunting, archery, trapping and fishing license, including permits and other permissions needed to hunt, trap and fish, to a person, who is an enrolled member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation, the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, or the Aroostook Band of Micmacs, if the person presents certification from the respective reservation governor or the Aroostook Micmac Council stating that they are an enrolled member of that federally recognized nation, band or tribe. Kalkomey is an official state-delegated provider that provides hunting education courses and certification and publishing hunting safety education materials. The state has a healthy coyote population, with biologists estimating that there are over 12,000 of them. Super pack license holders must apply to the antlerless deer permit lottery. Crossbow Woodcock ( ($1.00 USD) is a cheap hunting tool. In general, in order to obtain a hunting license in Maine, you must have either (1) held that license in the previous year or (2) completed a hunter safety course. Fax: (207) 287-8094 or (207) 287-6395 We provide support from 9:00 a.m. to midnight EST, seven days a week. The state offers a variety of hunting opportunities, and hunters can pursue game with a variety of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. A free PDF of the Maine nonresident hunting and fishing license application is available. The state of Maine does not have a specific license for hunting SAR (Search and Rescue) dogs. Email us, Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Rulemaking Proposals Open to Public Comment, Opportunities for People with Disabilities, Do Not Eat Deer Advisory for Greater Fairfield, click here for a trapping license application (PDF), Click here to comlete your Harvest Report Online, Learn about bear trap permit requirements. An apprentice hunter license in Maine costs $7 for residents and $31 for nonresidents. To apply for an antlerless deer permit, you must possess a valid Maine license to hunt big game. Maine residents aged 65 or older and those under the age of 15 are now eligible for lifetime hunting, fishing, trapping, and archery licenses. The license is valid for one year from the date of purchase. Supervision of junior hunters 16 years of age. The adult supervisor age 18 or older must hold or have held a valid adult hunting license, or that person must have completed a hunter education course. WebPurchased Permit Lookup My name is spelled wrong on my permit, what do I do? To lookup a hunting license, go to the website and click on the License Lookup link. * Hunting, fishing, archery This robot lawyer can help you, not only in getting your Maine hunting license, but also with: Download DoNotPay today and discover how much easier your life can be with the help of dedicated robot lawyer.