Most recently, she has been nominated and voted a Top Doc by the Baltimore Magazine in 2019 and 2020. Aways are an excellent tool to help you decide how you fit in with the program. If residents rotate at other hospitals you can ask them about their experiences there (i.e. Almost all will agree this is the highest yield strategy for Step 1 scores. Medical School: Oregon Health & Science University. Hometowns of current orthopaedic residents. The former takes place through MedStar Union Memorials Curtis National Hand Center, and the latter is located at Johns Hopkins Hospital in East Baltimore. The MedStar Union Memorial Orthopedic Residency offers the opportunity to be trained by some of the most technically gifted orthopedic surgeons: Opportunity to train at Curtis National Hand Center, Residents in our program rotate through the mandatory ACGME subspecialty rotations. All questions answered and she's the best at what she does. It is a violation of the Match to solicit information from the program. If they dont have an exit interview and you liked the program, plan on meeting with the chairman or program director before you go. She was directly involved in undergraduate and graduate medical education; teaching medical students, residents and fellows at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, University of Maryland System Hospitals and Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Ngozi Akabudike, MD is a well recognized orthopedic surgeon and upper extremity expert delivering world class care in the DC/Maryland/Virginia greater metropolitan area. The Orthopaedic Surgery Residency at the University of Maryland provides our residents with the highest quality educational experience. Currently, our program has 16 residents who are as diverse and dynamic as the city in which we live and care for our patients. It helps to have someone else checking your email, especially if you are expecting to be in the OR during this time period. Tufts rotates at Brown for trauma, Duke rotates in Atlanta for peds, Mayo can rotate at STC or in Florida). phone: 603-653-6014. He spends his free time he staying involved with his rugby team, Kansas City Rugby Football Club. She received her orthopedic surgery residency training at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY which is the #1 and top ranked orthopedic hospital and residency training program in the United States. In addition, topics in ethics and practice management are included in the didactic curriculum. Announcing Unlimited Premium OrthoEvidence Access for MOA Members, 2023 Maryland Orthopaedic Association 110 West Rd, Suite 227 Towson, Maryland 21204 877-337-1200[emailprotected]. Why not here? There is a shared google document that exists as of the 2017-2018 application year. Click on map for more detail. Female applicants may want to keep some points in mind. Learn more about our program by reading the Oregon Journal of Orthopaedics, our resident-published journal. Dont pester them, but let them know youre interested and you would like to be considered for an interview if a spot becomes available. The training program assists you in . Each resident has a mandatory research assignment. Note: Just because someone posted that they got an interview from somewhere doesnt mean you still cant! All of our faculty are fellowship trained and focus 100% in their subspecialty. Student conferences and didactic sessions are conducted to supplement the division's intensive academic program. If you know doctors at other programs you may be interested in, or if family members know people, this can go a long way in helping to get an interview, and maybe even strong consideration for a spot as long as you have a decent application. The Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program at the University of Michigan is comprised of a diverse and dedicated team. Spine at University of Southern California . (Academic, academic affiliated, community). What are your thoughts about (insert current event)? Four other two-month rotations are scheduled in subspecialty areas including, spine, total joints, foot and ankle, and sports medicine. In addition to circulating between various rotations at Indianapolis hospitals, each resident completes a minimum of one research project . Medical School Performance Evaluation (MSPE) with class rank, Biographical Info, Education, Medical School Awards, Work, Volunteer, Research, Publications, Language Fluency, Hobbies and Interests, Other Awards and Accomplishments. Our Department also offers Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited trauma and spine fellowships. The PGY-2 year is the point at which residents become fully immersed in orthopedic surgery and its various subspecialties. It exposed me to the full range of acute orthopedic injuries. Love Dr. Akabudike. She is fondly known by her patients as Dr. A. You can tailor this response to the particular school you are interested at! The MedStar HealthUnion Memorial Hospital Residency Program in Orthopaedic Surgery This residency offers the best of all worlds. University of Colorado School of Medicine. You may wind up declining later due to scheduling or cost, and thats ok. Just decline as soon as possible (ideally with 2 weeks' notice) so that people on the waitlist will have a chance to interview. They receive practical instruction in the use and application of various splints and casting techniques. Everyone gets a letter from Maryland's Chairman (Dr. Pollak). Each member of our department is committed to providing the best possible graduate training in orthopaedic surgery. PGY-I Michael Elder Waters, MD. 5% Shoulder/Elbow Fellowship. It is common that people will ask where you rotated during interviews so that's how you can highlight your other experiences. An intensive academic program in basic science and clinical orthopaedic surgery has been developed for resident education. What did you like the least about away rotation "X"? Many specialties offer advanced fellowship training after residency (typically one to three years). Have questions about the program ready even if you have to ask the same one over and over again! Care is taken to not have the sports medicine fellows interfere with the education and experience of the PGY-4 resident. The pediatric orthopaedic service is based at the University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute. May 10, 2023 - 7:00am . If you can get an email address or phone number of one you connected with, they may be able to help later when decision time comes. MD, MS, FAAP, FACS Designated Institutional Officer, Graduate Medical Education: Laura Robbins, DSW. . In the pediatric orthopedic service, residents will gain experience in the evaluation and management of pediatric orthopedic disorders, including congenital and acquired disorders, neuromuscular disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system, and trauma. Above 250, with other strong areas will get you interviews at the majority of places. Residents get a lot of OR time and seem very confident. Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center . If youre going to do research, try to set up connections during 4th year and try to find a paid position and make sure you get multiple publications out of it! City / Rural / East Coast / West Coast / Middle America. We also offer at least 40 CME credits each year through tests in the Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances, the Self-Assessment Exam, andfree events including our Annual Meeting. Educational Experience. They often have many connections and will candidly discuss programs and make phone calls for you. Try to get as much into the system as early as you can before the opening deadline, and when it finally does open, stay calm and submit early. Even though it feels like you are being interviewed for a month, it is also your chance to interview that particular program for the month. Hometown: Reading, PA. Hobbies/Activites: When I'm not losing in Fantasy leagues, I enjoy basketball, trail running, skiing, hiking, scuba diving, playing guitar, playing with my dog at the dog beach or dog park, home-brewing beer, grilling, South and East Asian cooking, and traveling. The PGY-1, or internship year, is a combination of general surgical and orthopedic rotations. Five of those blocks are divided into general surgical, emergency room, anesthesia, and intensive care units experiences. This is a big interview topic. Attend these if at all possible. The purpose of the PGY-1 year is to begin the resident's exposure to multiple areas of orthopedic surgery, while broadening their knowledge and experience on the basics of preoperative and postoperative care, as well as the evaluation and treatment of critically ill patients. The resident also receives a basic understanding of surgical approaches to the musculoskeletal system. The residency program at the University of Pennsylvania provides both a broad exposure to the entire field of Orthopaedic Surgery and an intense training environment that leaves graduates with the knowledge and skill to pursue either further fellowship training or immediately beginning clinical practice. Some programs expect it and dont tell you, others tell you flat out not to send them. Each year, UCSF Orthopaedic Surgery matches six first-year residents (PGY-1s) to the 5-year program, and one to a six-year program with one year of dedicated research. Try to think of something besides these three themes or at least put a personal spin on it! Why? Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Application Information Explore the Residency Clinical Program Didactic Education Program Faculty Residents Residents Current Residents PGY-5 Residents Michael Eng, MD Medical School: Saint Louis University School of Medicine Undergraduate: University of California, San Diego Hometown: Huntington Beach, CA Some programs may require a medicine or research-based letter (i.e. Complex issues are made simple and she takes the time to truly listen to her patients. Our faculty are all fellowship trained and practice 100% within their subspecialty. Impress the residents! He and his wife are huge Kansas Jayhawks fans and enjoy traveling. Do the best you can in ALL of your rotations - especially medicine and surgery, During the sub-specialty month, do your best to get the word out that you are interested in ortho, and get into the OR so you can spend time with attendings, Begin to think about attendings who could write you letters, Put together a CV, or update the one you have. The University of Vermont Medical Center 10% Adult Reconstruction Fellowship. Be ready for an exit interview, some programs count the away rotation as an interview, and wont invite you for a later one. Common advice is to pick the places that you could live, and apply to the programs in that location. Mask and vaccination policy updates available on: . If you do use this strategy and you match, just know that you wont know if you got into ortho or your back-up until you open the envelope. We utilize three separate and independent healthcare systems that offer different infrastructures toward patient care that includes but are not limited to: A year of research without anything to show for it will probably hurt your chances next year (think about the timeframe - can you get publications out between Match in March and applications due again in Sept?). The PGY-1 resident will join his/her PGY-1 counterparts from Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, and the University of Maryland for a month of orthopedic skills training, which takes place at different locations throughout the city. Students accepted into this pathway are consistently evaluated throughout their medical education, and their acceptance into the residency can be rescinded should they fail to maintain acceptable performance levels. If you didnt take radiology yet, it is easy to fit interviews into that rotation. Complex issues are made simple and she takes the time to truly listen to her patients. The entire day is an audition. During the 5-year Orthopaedic Residency Program, students master the fundamentals of orthopaedic surgery & develop broad skills in musculoskeletal research. 15% Private Practice. The elective is offered on each of the University Hospital services and at the Shock Trauma Center. Our chief service is very unique. Usually 3-6 sessions of 10-30 minutes long with 1-4 interviewers at a time asking you questions. If there is a program you are particularly interested, you can add a sentence or two at the end that makes it specific to that program. -Sheila Ann Conway, MD. The invites often come out in waves. She will continue to deliver outstanding care in Orthopedics, Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery. Resident Spotlight. In this 60-month program, 54 months are completed in orthopedic surgery while six months during the first year are completed in surgery, musculos keletal radiology, rheumatology, and PM&R. Alex Lencioni, MD. Here residents gain valuable experience in the management of Level-1 multiple orthopedic trauma. At the very least, schedule meetings with Dr. Pollak and Dr. Henn EARLY to get to know them and talk about your application. This program incorporates the best of Baltimore in its program going to Hopkins for Peds/Tumor and Shock for trauma while housing excellent Hand, Sports, Foot and Ankle, Shoulder/Elbow, Spine, etc.