this night turns evil when they realize what spirit/ghost is. Me and @Carlos The FAM go to Yorktown memorial hospital where over 2,000 people had died and now haunt the abandoned hospital in Texas we doccumment and expl. Yorktown Memorial Hospital was built in 1950 and closed in the late 1980s, but is yet still extremely active. The current person in charge of the caretaking of the building has had enough ghostly encounters to last a lifetime (or more). On this episode, the AH crew travels to Yorktown Memorial Hospital to search for evil nuns, a terrifying doctor and a vengeful 8 year old girl. Yorktown Memorial Hospital was named for at least according to the sources I found the USS Yorktown, which was attacked and sunk during the Battle of Midway during WWII. There are plenty of stories about the true number of people who died in the hospital, but the number is said to be around 2,000. The possibly negative energy from pieces of original furniture and even blood from a violent altercation could be what ties these spirits even tighter to the building. Yorktown Memorial Hospital in Texas was built in 1951 and was run by the Felician Sisters of The Roman Catholic Church. It is illegal to trespass on private property, and, although takes no responsibility for the actions of its readers, we emphatically discourage any reader from trespassing on any site listed on this I have had many personal experiences with paranormal activity since I was about 12 years old. But she is known to play and wander throughout the whole building, moving things around and rolling balls on command. While less than a hundred miles, the trip was arduous for the time. Required fields are marked *. View all results No results Home; Locations; Blogs; FAQ; About Us Another well-known hospital ghost is that of a little girl, named Stacy by those who have encountered her. NOT EVERYTHING IS A CHILD'S GAME! While it may sound barbaric today, jugular cutdowns and related procedures of gaining venous access were common during Yorktown Hospitals operation, and it was not unheard of for doctors to make devastating mistakes with jugular veins and carotid arteries during these procedures. Spirits and the whole "after life" has been questioned for centuries. If you are interested in conducting your own paranormal investigation, you may contact the Yorktown Memorial Hospital by calling 210-748-4475.You may also email the hospital at: Return To Haunted Places In Texas Yorktown Top Of Page Return To Haunted Hospitals Main Page Haunted Places Listings by State/Country Searching for something specific? Y ORKTOWN Dozens on the hunt for ghosts gathered at the Yorktown Memorial Hospital Friday and Saturday nights to explore the abandoned building. In its 40 year history, the hospital has had about 2,000 deaths. Location: 728 W Main St, Yorktown, TX 78164, Olde Park Hotel Ghost Hunt & Sleepover, Ballinger TX, Haunted Old Lavaca County Jail Ghost Hunt, Hallettsville TX, Abandoned Beach Army Hospital Ghost Hunt, Mineral Wells, Texas. During those investigations, I have had a number of personal experiences and have captured a lot of evidence in the form of pictures and EVPs as well. Yorktown Memorial Hospital Author: Date Posted: Apr 30, 2014 Category: Address: Yorktown, TX 78164, USA Yorktown Memorial Hospital was built in 1950 and operated for about 30 years. The work crew would not return due to all of the unexplained voices and screams they kept hearing. When Yorktown, Texas was founded in the mid-1800s, there was no need for a formal hospital. I hope you enjoy this video! MORE - Yorktown Memorial Hospital was built in 1950 and opened as a general hospital in 1951. Today, The hospital sits abandoned, but the halls are very much alive with the spirits of those who died there. Destination Fear. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. if (theYear < 1900) To this day there is still blood spatter on the walls of the boiler room (according to Mike Henson, it has been forensically tested and has come back positive as human blood. The money used came from fundraisers and donations and grants from companies such as the Ford Motor Company. The reputation of the hospital, despite being run by a rather large religious institution, hasnt been the best. : Email: *BUSINESS INQURIES ONLY* FAQS : how old are you? Broken windows lead into a black interior; the door is chained shut. Many of his patients entering the operating rooms under his care alive, didnt come back out the same way. Today the building is private property, but is available for tours. There are many that appear to be normal and could possibly be described as guests. Today we explore the Yorktown memorial hospital. With Chelsea Atkinson, Jeremy Dooley, Gavin Free, Ryan Haywood. Either way, poor TJ didnt get help fast enough and his body was found on the steps the next morning. The Felician Sisters, a group of nuns affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church (which has been present in Yorktown since its settlement) operated the hospital. According to the story, there was a bell on the back steps and at night, when the nurses wen to bed, one nurse would stay up and listen for the bell. There are countless stories from many different people who have had the opportunity to investigate this amazing and highly active place. iMovie and PicMonkey SUB COUNT: 1,060 have a wonderful day my luvs People wearing unacceptable clothes for a hospital or sporting tattoos have reportedly been accosted by these entities, being scratched, pushed, or otherwise forced out by the spirits of these nuns. The hospital is also a host to other, less-identified apparitions and spirits. #1 fought back, took the knife and stabbed #2, killing him. Lets start with Dr Leon Nowierski, shall we? One of the well-known, and less frightening, spirits is of a little girl. Dr. Nowiersky is said to be one of the many spirits that haunt the hospital where he roams the halls around the ER/OR and near the doctors lounge. As of today, it is one of the most active haunted locations in the United States. [citation needed], A religious group called the "Felician Sisters" were women who worked alongside the Roman Catholic Church from 1855, the year they were founded[citation needed]. Yorktown Memorial Hospital Yorktown, Texas. My search for specific reports of activity was richly rewarded when researching this location. Join the discussion on our new social platform! Today, his apparition can sometimes be seen wandering the hall near the back door. This hospital is incredibly active and I highly recommend going if you have the chance. text-align: center; As of today, it is one of the most active haunted locations in the United States. One such mistake entailed him accidentally slitting the throat of a patient while operating on his thyroid. Yorktown Memorial Hospital may just be an old abandoned building today, but it is not vacant by any means. Yorktown Memorial Hospital Reviews & Ratings. The Yorktown Memorial Hospital was opened the year following its construction, its name paying homage to those from Yorktown who fought and lost their lives during WWII. Also, check out our website at and find us on Facebook Bayou Paranormal. But when he rang the back-door bell, no one answered. During its time as a drug rehabilitation facility, a young man, some call him TJ, came to the establishment seeking help. Dr. Leon Nowierski worked at Yorktown Memorial until his 90s at which time he retired, and at the date of his retirement held the oldest medical license in Texas. The town was established when a road was built, connecting the then-Texas Gulf Coast seaport, Indianola, with New Braunfels. The town was established when a road was built, connecting the then-Texas Gulf Coast seaport, Indianola, with New Braunfels. As Ive said in several of the other guest blogs Ive written for Ghost Texas, its likely that many of these apparitions, entities, departed souls are in need of help. Sincerely, Renee Vidrine. We are your resource for Hill Country travel, things to do, places to eat, Learn more about Anchor. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! } He reports that if the lights are on at the nurses station, everything seems to be calm and he seems to be alone. There are countless stories from many different people who have had the opportunity to investigate this amazing and highly active place. Museum hours are Monday-Saturday, 10 to 3pm. QUESTIONS YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT GHOSTS BUT DIDN'T WANT TO ASK DO OUR DEPARTED PETS GIVE US SIGNS THEY ARE STILL HERE? Well, youve got the shadow figures, disembodied moans and screams, black apparitions with glowing red eyes, talking dolls, and tapping noises on the glass of one of the lobby doors. Note: As far as I know, there have never been any names given of the female or the two males. Its unknown if the bell simply wasnt working correctly, or if the nurse on duty had fallen asleep. And with its eerie, abandoned atmosphere to pair with these stories, Yorktown Hospital was likely always going to be an in-demand haunted location. The story goes that there was a love triangle between a female employee, a co-worker, and a patient. Link: THE GHOSTS OF YORKTOWN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Link: . Did Billy the Kid really die by the hands of Pat Garrett? The center eventually closed in 1980 and the structure was abandoned. Joe is a Houston-area photographer and Project Manager for the IT / Software development company 24Moves Consulting.Joe provides software, web development, SEO and marketing consulting in the day, and photography events on the weekends. Visit the Facebook page for more information. You will find ghost stories,unexplained pics, inexpensive ways to investigate a haunting, ghost hunting tools and equipment for your everyday Ghost Hunter. Join the fan chat on Discord! Contact them on their FB page for appointments.Private/Public: Private Location, closed and abandoned, but managed locally for tours.Parking: Available outsideContact Info: Photo: Facebook/Yorktown Memorial Hospital. After about a minute or so, several scratches showed up!! Open to the public: Unknown. In Texas, there stands an abandoned hospital where 2,000 people are said to have died. No fancy equipment required. A Haunty Two-Fer: The Crying Girl of Matz Street and the Ghost of Heritage Haus, A post shared by (@laurenkubala), A post shared by (@thecraftyvoyager), The Crying Girl of Matz Street and the Ghost of Heritage Haus, Eerie Stories at the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity House, Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill Was Once a Mortuary, After The investigation: San Jacinto County Old Jail & Museum. Address: 728 West Main Street, Yorktown, Texas, 78164 Website: Email: Phone Number: 210-748-4475 Distance From You: MAP IT NOW Type Of Attraction: Ghost Tours Scare Factor: Suitable for all guests and families (HALLOWEEN FUN) Join our email list to receive discount offers and updates. A staggering number of fatalities for such a small building in such a small amount of time, its no wonder it is said to be plagued by wandering and restless spirits today. Yorktown Memorial Hospital in Texas shut in 1980 Credit: SWNS. Yorktown Memorial Hospital Is One of the Most Haunted Places in Texas By Jenny Webster Jurica | October 24, 2017 Located midway between San Antonio and the Gulf Coast sits Yorktown, Texas. She can be found in the library if you sit down and read her a story; she has also rolled a ball by request. empath, psychic-abilities, ghosthunting. One of the most common stories relating to the buildings hauntings is that of a supposedly incompetent doctor. The Yorktown Memorial Hospital, from the faded red entry steps under the ominous MEMORIAL HOSPITAL inscription to the haunted chapel and basement, is without a doubt one of the most haunted places in the country. Hill Country, and we welcome you to our family. Today were exploring the haunted Yorktown Memorial Hospital in Yorktown, TX. HILL HOUSE MANOR-GAINESVILLE,TX-OUR INVESTIGATION. The . And if the care was that bad under Dr. Nowierski, Id imagine some of the passed patients to be quite upset about that. The second floor of the hospital was entirely living quarters for those employed there. Definitely human blood. of all manners. Many paranormal claims are anecdotal and have no associated evidence regardless the validity of the source, any information on this site should be considered supplemental to your own research or as entertainment only. #gallery-1 .gallery-item { After a time as a drug rehab center, the building shuttered for good in the early 1990s. "This is their territory.". #gallery-1 { From x-rays to lab tests, medicine grew far beyond the old house call system, and infrastructure needed to catch up. Today the building is private property, but is available for tours. In fact, we were in the Hospital overnight in the pitch black (theres no electricity or lighting). And, along with these numerous sightings, the ghostly nuns are said to be particularly strict about rules and decorum. One story claims that he once slit a patients throat and killed them while performing a procedure on their neck. Disclaimer: Information surrounding the accounts of paranormal activity on is the result of research, but makes no claim that these reports are factually accurate. A post shared by (@thecraftyvoyager) on Mar 9, 2020 at 10:42am PDT. Built in 1950 by nuns, it definitely looks its age.The Yorktown Memorial Hospital was opened the year following its construction, its name paying homage to those from Yorktown who fought and lost their lives . by Joe Lippeatt | Apr 15, 2019 | Places We Love, Location: Near Downtown of Yorktown, TexasHours: By appointment only. From the outside, Yorktown Memorial Hospital looks like the definition of "haunted": a 30,000-square-foot building with a granite and concrete faade and overgrown bushes around its sides. Although the property is now privately owned, you can take a guided tour for $25. The town of Yorktown, in DeWitt County, lies between San Antonio and the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, this didnt mean patients were the safest under his watch and hand. The now Wedding Venue is located on the street named after one of its previous owners Holbrook. Lets see if together, we can't come up with some answers. The owner also offers photoshoots for $100 per hour. Your email address will not be published. Thanks so much for your time!! You want to know the creep-factor. The doctor is also said to enjoy flirting and groping women in his office. I feel that some of the folks that are still there would rather not be, which breaks my heart. I have been involved in Paranormal investigating since 2011. Whoa. If you decide to go for the tour or an investigation make sure youre feeling quite well. Ghosts of the Alamo the story of the hauntings. The Nuns: There are many reports of the spirits of some of the nuns who ran the hospital. His shade is seen in the back hallway near the back door, where nobody came to help him. } Where to Watch Details. During a . In terms of activity? These women were "inspired by the lives of Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Clare, Saint Felix of Cantalic, and Blessed Mary Angela" to help those in need through dutiful service and care. This eventually led to its final closure, as those under its care could not be controlled by the few people working there. Once under the direction of Catholic nuns, the abandoned building's chapel may house a demonic entity with its sights set on Dakota. Cause Ive got em. Immediately after, a disembodied female voice said going to hell. Built in 1950 by nuns, it definitely looks its age. One of the creepiest things to witness is the battery-operated dolls in a bedroom, which have been caught on camera responding accordingly to requests to laugh and converse without other interference. Ep 2. Yorktown Memorial Hospital. The GAC also interviewed caretaker Mike Henson who gave a number of different stories of the hauntings and spirits at the hospital. Witnesses say they have been punched, slapped, kicked or scratched by something unseen, and shadow figures have been seen in the hallways. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TO MAKE ME A BELIEVER!!! Cathedral of St Paul, Minnesota. You'll get everything from extra haunted investigations to podcasts to vlog adventures to giveaways where you could win the chance to be in their next video! To this day, the Yorktown Memorial Hospital and the people who venture inside have been tormented by the spirits of this desolate building. Yorktown Memorial Hospital. One story is that if you contact Stacy in the basement and ask her to roll a ball & play and offer her a story reward, she will play with a ball & then if you go up to the library she will appear as your read a book to her (her favorite is Pokey Little Puppy). Call 11:00am - 6:00pm Central time 210-748-4475 Founded by the religious group known as the "Felician Sisters" that were part of the Roman Catholic Church, the Yorktown Memorial Hospital originally See more 8,839 peoplelike this 9,309 people follow this Along the way to the hospital from Houston, also stop by the Medical and Pharmacy Museum in Cuero Texas. Chicago. Built in 1840, the Magnolia Hotel in Seguin is believed to be one of the most haunted hotels in Texas. 6.1K Followers. Visitors have been choked, scratched, or rushed at, and it seems particularly bad for those who have tattoos. Once under the direction of Catholic nuns, the abandoned building's chapel may house a demonic entity with its sights set on Dakota! The Yorktown Memorial Hospital stands with its arched entrance untouched by brush, which has had its way with the rest of the property. So it was a fun light-paining experience for everyone! Please contact for more information. The Yorktown Memorial Hospital is on private property and trespassing is strictly prohibited. Long dead nuns continue to roam the . Be the first to know when we release new events, special offers, and discounts! Hospital visitors have seen dark figures, heard screams, and been touched by spirits. Season 4, Episode 13 Yorktown Memorial Hospital The Ghost Adventures team investigates an abandoned hospital in Texas. Or should he? theYear=now.getYear() And last but certainly not least, I did read of a double murder rumored to have occurred on the hospital grounds the boiler room, actually. Shadows frequent the halls, as well as the old ER/OR rooms, and screams can be heard on occasion coming from the labor and delivery ward. About The Hospital of Nuns: a Night Turned Demonic Sam and Colby's scary halloween series Hell Week begins at the haunted Yorktown Memorial Hospital aka the Hospital of Nuns. Yorktown Memorial Hospital in Texas was built in 1951 and was run by the Felician Sisters of The Roman Catholic Church. The hospital was run by nuns who also lived on site, according to the locals, in the basement. It appears as if the spirits of those deceased may still be lurking in the corridors, trying to escape the tormented life that they once led. Yorktown Memorial Hospital may just be an old abandoned building today, but it is not vacant by any means. A post shared by (@laurenkubala) on Jul 29, 2020 at 7:15pm PDT. Once in Dallas, I started contacting different groups and made quite a few contacts. theYear=theYear+1900 With roughly 2000 recorded deaths on the property, the chance of witnessing a spirit of one of those is pretty high! Stacy: A little girl around the age of 8 is said to play in the basement hallway, as well as the room she stayed in on the first floor, and in the library on the second floor. Go just a few steps beyond into the city limits of Yorktown, Texas, and youll come across a sight that makes this dusty, rural town feel much more desolate. While there is much debate as to whether this incident was purposeful or accidental, there isnt much record of it happening at all. During its time under the care of the nuns, the hospital was said to have lost over 500 patients in a six-year span. Now I know what youve been waiting for, very patiently, though all this backstory. Clad with rusty metal, wrapped in crumbling cream masonry, and with signage so faded its hardly readable anymore, Yorktown Hospital could be called the most downtrodden building in town. About Us; Contact Us; . 5. According to some, the book was actually a gift given to her by none other than Dr. Norwierski, with a note from him written on the inside for her. But I wont philosophize on that too much here. Ghost tours and investigations have become increasingly more common in recent years, with anyone able to book a photography tour, ghost tour, or private investigation at the facility through their Facebook page information. 4. It closed as a hospital in 1986, when it became a drug rehab facility until its total decommission in 1992. November 3rd 2007 what do you use to Edit? And that, dear ghost geeks, is why it is among the most highly toured and frequently investigated paranormal locations in Texas. But, as the 1900s took hold and industrialization brought more citizens to Yorktown, needs quickly changed. margin-left: 0; And legend has it that little Stacy first got the book from Dr. Norwierski himself, though that could not be corroborated. 5. Although I did not find any accounts of anyone actually encountering an apparition or entity confirmed to be Dr Nowierski, he is quite creepily attached to the hospitals past. Dr. Leon Nowiersky: The Dr. practiced well into his 90s and held the oldest medical license in the state of Texas. Whats up, fellow ghost-geeks? But calling this place abandoned is far from the truth. Yorktown Memorial Hospital may be long closed down, but spirits of patients and doctors may remain. While at Yorktown Hospital, Zak Interviewed a former doctor of the hospital, Dr. Gordon Barth, who was born on July 4, 1953 at Yorktown Hospital. About For those that have, Facebook/A Haunting We Will Go Paranormal Investigations, Facebook/Greater Houston Organization of Spirit Trackers. The abandoned Yorktown Memorial Hospital was actually named the most haunted place on earth by The Sun, a UK-based publisher. For those that have experienced the ghosts in haunted places in Texas, the experiences that have occurred at this haunted hospital are the most memorable. The second floor was strictly living quarters for those who worked there. My name is Jason, Im 38. Sponsored by . On this episode, the AH crew travels to Yorktown Memorial Hospital to search for evil nuns, a terrifying doctor and a vengeful 8-year-old girl. 15 whens your birthday? A new hospital opened in 1986, and Yorktown Memorial Hospital closed. It seems the back door buzzer was broken, and nobody answered and then they found this poor young mans dead body on the back stoop the next day. width: 33%; Blood spatter on the walls has remained there to this day. The story goes that a female nurse/counselor was having relations with 2 different male patients. Once under the direction of Catholic nuns, the building's chapel may house a demonic entity with its sights set on Dakota! Some of my personal experiences have included being pushed, touched, having my shirt tugged and more. SUBMIT You can book an evening for a private investigation or soon there will be an option to join open investigations if you dont have a group to take out. Haunted places we think youll want to see, 2023, All Rights Reserved. "You've got to respect the spirits," said Henry Cardenas. The caretaker of the building has claimed that he has had it forensically tested, and the result? border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; If you have the opportunity to investigate or even just to visit, you will not be disappointed. In the past 15 years the row of beautiful white marble buildings near the Lincoln Memorial have been built, as also the new Department buildings on . I shall do my best not to disappoint your haunty little hearts. Abandoned Chicago Church In its 40 year history, the hospital has had about 2,000 deaths. Traveling to Yorktown? As to the validity of that name, I am not sure, but it is a very compelling EVP. Some of you ghost geeks out there may have seen televised investigations of Yorktown Memorial on various cable television networks. document.write(theYear) There are several other rooms in the basement where strange events have taken place and one of the rooms in the Nuns quarters is said to still be inhabited by a Nun who was (and still is) very protective of her space. Through these investigations and tours, the old hospital has been able to stay standing long after it wouldve on its own, preserving a little sliver of medical history behind some overgrowth in rural Texas. In 2011, I joined my first Paranormal group and began investigating. Photo: Facebook/Greater Houston Organization of Spirit Trackers. It was run by Nuns and there is a floor of the hospital that served as the Nuns home and the Priests apartment was in the basement. } 728 W. Main St., Yorktown210-748-4475. She was in the boiler room with one of the males (#1) when the other male (#2) came in and caught them together. It closed its doors as a hospital in 1986, when it became a drug rehab facility until its total decommission in 1992. After the hospital closed in 1986, it briefly became a drug rehab facility for a few years before being shut down by the state for their inability to control the patients. After the hospital was abandoned in the mid 80s, it sat empty for 20 years. From violent nun apparitions to a spirit-summoning copy of The Poky Little Puppy, one can never know what to expect when they enter one of the most haunted hospitals in the U.S.! Download for free: Android:\u0026hl=en_US Editor: Sam and ColbyAsst Editors: Benjamin Cook \u0026 Connor StallingsProducer: Zach BellIllustraions: is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate): Used: in Video: Nate: @solhardy2989 @solhardymusic Seth: @SethBorden @imsethbordenDakota: @dakotaladen7 @destinationfear Our other social media!COLBY: SAM: Instagram: @SamandColby Twitter: @SamandColby Snapchat: @samgolbach \u0026 @colbybrock #SamandColby #hellweek #hauntedAbout: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. places to stay, tourism, events, lodging, and we feature Texas Hill Country info The ghosts of the nearly 2,000 people who died there still linger at Yorktown Memorial. Creep it real until next time, my Ghost Texas friends. Back then, anyone coming for help after hours needed to buzz in, and for one unfortunate soul, the buzzer was broken, and no one found him until he was dead outside the door the next morning. Yorktown Memorial Hospital may be long closed down, but spirits of patients and doctors may remain 728 West Main Street Yorktown, Texas + 1 (210) 748-4475 Location Website Yorktown Hospital's Haunted Happenings People have reported seeing shadow figures with glowing red eyes The apparitions of nuns have often been seen around the property