I hope that life is treating you well. I was at Bearcat from Nov.68 through Nov. 69 with the 1st CAV - Co. B, 228th (Chinook outfit). Based on Hunt's experience as colonel and division chief of staff, the volume documents how the 9th Division's combat effectiveness peaked in 1969. We spent the first couple weeks digging trenches, filling them in and moving the tents to other areas and digging more trenches. . from sapper attack on Long Binh ammo dump about 12 miles away. 64) A visitor in the billets area I REALLY ENJOYED THE PIC,S A LOT OF MEMORIES SF VET 66 TO 68. Advanced party departed Bearcat Mar 10, 1968, with the remainder of the company to follow, for Hue Phu Bi to support the just arrived in country 101st Airborne/Airmobile Division. After a few months of that experience it was clear that discretion was the better part of valor! It was portraiture, not fighting scenes, that brought back the memories. 31 August Battalion convoy destinations in Military Region III were: Tay Ninh, Phu Loi, Xuan Loc, Long Binh, Bearcat, Long Than, Nui Dat, Vung Tau and Tan An. Thank you all. We flew mission for 9th Div, plus entire Corps area. At time it was unbelievably loud.One night the side of our bunker just fell way! Bearcat was the base camp. Thanks for the memories of Camp Bearcat. 26) handling communications for the 9th Inf Div. Let us know in the comment section below. AAORLL's 1971. Got The First Home of the 9th Inf. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. 46) My name is Christopher hill I landed Danang July 1 1968 I Corp area First Marine Division. The 9th Infantry Division next saw combat in Vietnam in 1967. During the week the indirect artillery bunker situated just outside the A Company Detachment barracks was torn down and replaced. I lived it. SP/4 William H. Antila, A Company, 720th MP Battalion, August 1968-November 1969. You almost never hear of them. The back end of a 3/4-ton was sticking out the shallow part of the river by the bridge. Shop area Bearcat -- smoke plume indistance is He was assigned to the 2/47 Infantry at Binh Phuoc in South Vietnam's Long An Province in IV Corps. The quonset hut upper right was Bn HQ. contact team sites in bad guy country, 44) I was in the Air Force seven months having "retreaded" out of the Army (1st 34th Inf, 24th Inf Div). Having health problems now and all he remembers is Harry Whiteside, Doug Kalora, and 1st Lt Malone. in Dec 1966. A bunker manned 24/7 by the Military Police flanked both sides of each entrance. The Division left Vietnam in the summer of 1969 and was inactive for 3 years. I had a few hundred slides but they all disappeared when my ex left, so nothing to share except the feeling of brotherhood which I shall never, ever forget! He had spent his 13 months in the field artillery creating pictures, too. History. Command of these bunkers was divided into four sectors, each with a Command Post (CP) manned by sergeants and company grade officers, also REMF. After spending 6 months state side iI put in orders to return to Vietnam. I arrived at Vong Tau in Sep 1967. (Camp Bearcat) Base of the 9th Infantry Division in March 1967. The enemy was everywhere. 40 years ago. shot along highways just showing, 18) Their entire perimeter opened up. I also highly recommend RallyPoint.com. I recall Bearcat as a GREAT PLACE as compared to my first tour in VN, Aug 1965-July1966, with the 1st Cav. Gaynor notes that most of his photos, some of which can be seen above, arent of the dramatic scenes familiar from war photography. July One half of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand. There were three of us per tower, with one on duty while the other two slept. I spent my time on the bunker pulling guard duty at night. Bearcat -- the 709th area was in the upper left, base. If you stared at the tree line long enough you'd think it moved. Infusion, 1967: "Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division (red, white and blue unit patches) based at Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox) are trucked to a waiting Caribou aircraft for the flight to their new units." All quotes in this caption and the ones that follow come from photographer Christopher Gaynor. shot along highways just showing, 23) The enemy was watching all this, but could not attack us., The Odd Couple, 1967: My buddies Lynch and Cork share a morning ritual at Camp Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox)., LZ, 1967: Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey Slick) helicopter makes a quick troop drop at a Fire Support Base near the Cambodian border without touching down., Operation, 1967: 2nd Battalion, 77th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division assembles at the Dau Tieng airfield in preparation for a major combat operation near the Cambodian border., The Wasteland, 1967: 9th Infantry Division soldier burns the remaining twigs after our Bearcat Base Camp was sprayed heavily with Agent Orange to kill the jungle vegetation and then bulldozed into a desert wasteland., Triple Deuce, 1967: Troops of the 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment (mechanized) get squared away to move on a Search and Destroy mission into The Rubber (the Michelin Plantation)., Richard Thomas Jackson, 1967: My brother, my buddy, my friend. I was used mostly in daytime deployment. Scene along the main road entering Saigon. We drew straws. 52) The division would be critical in reshaping the U.S. Army in the 1970s and 1980s as it was transformed into a voluntary force and reshaped to fight a new type of war. There was what looked like a toy boat floating down the river. Have been thinking of that time and my experiences over there often these days. VC did attack small villages and hamlets all around Bearcat. Company A was responsible for operating provost marshal offices at Phu Loi, Bearcat and Vung Tau, and for convoy escort from Long Binh to Cu Chi-Tay Ninh, Vung Tau, Quan Loi and Phuoc Vinh. You were there about a year after I left. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. This brings back a lot of memories. I believe part of the camp is now a tank park. Like This Movie Trailer? This 13 part series covers the history of Vietnam from France's colonial control, through the 1945 revolution, to the 1975 U.S. evacuation from Saigon and the years beyond. We later flew to Lai Khe for his court martial. These usually got full of snakes, spiders and (having health issues on my end) thanks! air. The CO had Medical clear them and they had free run of the Hootches. The Division went through eight battles and was already a "veteran Division" by the time that D-Day started. We had to wait for nearly three weeks before our howitzers arrived and then we were off to Operation Colby. The camp was located on Route 15, 16km southeast of Bin Ha. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. Many thanks Military Working Dogs . Capt. I remember pulling guard duty way to often in those bunkers.,usually near the drainage ditch at the end of the helipad and near the fuel blisters. When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. Best time to draw was 8-10 and 2-4. The C Company casualties were PFC Howard E. Doran, punctured eardrum; SP/4 Thomas E. Walker, shrapnel wound to the jaw; PFC John R. Hollander, shrapnel wound in both knees; PFC Daniel J. Flynn, serious shrapnel wounds requiring an emergency tracheotomy. The anti-war movement was strong and attitudes toward veterans were, he found, hostile. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. Every possible . Its elements provided heavy artillery support to the Battalions Tactical Area Of Responsibility during Operation STABILIZE from September 1967 through September 1970, when the base became home to the 25th Infantry Division who moved from Tay Ninh & Cu Chi and took over the civic action & security in the Battalion's former Tactical Area Of Responsibility until they stood down and returned stateside on. 9th Infantry Division. Thank you in advance! The long building with the red awning is the mess hall. As a second lieutenant, I was generally second in command of a sector and had the privilege of walking the perimeter to check on the guards while my superior slept. Other bunkers at each corner and evenly spaced along each side of the base camp were manned by junior enlisted personnel among the REMF (Rear Echelon Mother F***rs). My 16 year old granddaughter is fascinated with pics. I remember all that you posted. Thank you for visiting my website/weblog and commenting. If willing. One of my favorite slides is of a bunch of cut-off 55 gallon drums which were pulled out from under a smelly place, stacked neatly, doused with diesel and a touch of gasoline then set on fire. camp, 62) The Viet Cong may only have three or four men out there, but fighting from the shadows, they could exact a terrible toll. 5) Next assignment was STRATCOM, Okinawa where I determined a long marriage was not to be. The 9th Infantry Division was also known as "The Old Reliables" or "Notorious Ninth". I recall the ground attacks and the cobra firing red lines with the tracers. Oh Dark Thirty I always found them. Click above to view photos I am forever in their debt. The memories and images that had been buried for decades became the opposite of hidden, motivating Gaynor to reorganize his life around a new mission. fire. Served with the 590th from Oct 67 to Oct 68. Paul Tilzey. By Frank Danley Page 1. mangrove plantation, and a rubber plantation. Trying to find anything about my unit. His former wife found the film and had it developed and gave it to his Son who I found 3 years ago and he sent me the photos which with his permission, were posted on the Vietnam Security Police Association Website. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. More information. For some reason I heard this, 71) The 9th INF was moving out and the Thais were moving in when we got there. RECONNECTING = PRICELESS. 59) I am the 2nd cousin of PFC Daniel Joseph Flynn who was killed at Ben Cat on his way to the Bear Cat base on 25th May1968. Abstract. Jeep art -- Snoopy was popular back then. For the purpose of continuity throughout this Website I have used the term Bearcat. Podcast: Mother Nature and the Infantry Soldier. I assume it was at Bearcat but I could be mistaken. Cuba Anyone in this crowd (including children) might toss a grenade into a truck., Bunker, 1967: Troops of the 77th Field Artillery, 25th Infantry Division hunker down in a partially completed bunker to escape the mayhem of 3,600 of our own 105mm Howitzer rounds light off at knee level in all directions. Primary aircraft were the C7A Caribou with an occasional C-130, as when we airlifted units of the 3/5 Cav up north. I was down at Long Thanh North as well. I was a replacement guy so didn't know a soul but was welcomed by everyone. Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950-1976 (Record Group 472) that may contain information you seek:. 62) Barbed wire and the beauty of blooming flowers on the berm. Humor Hospital at Bearcat 1967 Bear Cat PX. Note Trail, Sihanoukville, Bearcat, Tay Ninh, Tiger Division, AN/PVS-2 Starlight scope, RF/PF, Regional Force and Popular Force militias, Armed Forces Network Radio, Kent State, National Guard, Di An Base Camp, 9th Infantry Division Association . Capitialism forces are strong and are being hugely successful. 15 July With the constant incoming enemy harassment fire, overhead protection during the frequent attacks was paramount. This was before the company I remember when B52 would drop miles from us it still shook the hell out of the barracks. I was at Bear Cat from March-November 1966 with the 1st M.P. To say the least, Gene was exhausted and we didnt talk about it for the remainder of that day. Brought back some memories. the tin roof is Co HQ. Most LO Radio Operators worked 12 hour shifts and were ready at all times to move to another operating station. WelcomeHome Brother! 590th maintenance group Army Life 248 brave 4th/47th Soldiers heeded our nation's call to fight the spread of communism and they gave the . More insight. about 2 miles long and a mile wide, we cleared an area out from the perimeter of Div. I was at Bearcat with the 1st Cav. We would leave post every morning and ride (north) to the defile at the temporary Baily Bridge over the Buong River first, then back up the highway (south) past the rubber plantation to the Long Than area and back again. 9) HQ & A Co mess hall at Bearcat, late intour. 73,000, 68) Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. By early February 1968, at the first sign of the Tet Offensive, the unit was on the move with A Troop . Widely considered the definitive resource on the Vietnam War, Where We Were identifies the name, location and provides a brief historical synopsis of every military installation, firebase, landing zone, airfield, port, signal site, vessel and significant terrain feature of the American war in Vietnam. My rifle was a National Match M-14, using 168 gr. Veterans Calling artillery, Dust-offs, Locsats (location status), Sit-reps (Situation Reports) and in many cases operating in a Liaison situation between the ARVN, U.S. Military, Thai's, Kiwis (New Zealand) and Australian's in the battlefield. This was the sign along Hwy 15 when entering Bearcat . was spread out, but most of the multi square mile base was evacuated to Le Vietnam. I was an Air Force radio operator assigned to the 9th ID at Bearcat as one half of the two man TALO (Tactical Air Liaison Officer) team about June 1967 to May 1968. Tan An and then Tan Tru, home for my platoon supporting the 2nd/60th Inf, The explosions and fires lasted for days. Where am I getting my information? I could sleep on my shift of guard with 5/42 artillery firing! My dad was C Co. 36th Sig. My buddie took many photos of Bien Hoa AB in 1972. A great big warm Welcome Home to all my brothers who were in-country. We were heading to the blown bridge to check and guard. Jack, Television There the 9th fought with distinction in 8 campaigns as part of the Riverine Force. Parachute flares dropping from illumination artillery rounds (click to enlarge). 69) about 1,000 meters to give us a clear line of sight and fire. Bear Cat was the home of the 9th Infantry Division and its many supporting elements. How did it feel to be aCherry inVietnam? I served from Feb. 1967-Feb. 1968 with the First Infantry Division 2/2mechanized stationed out of Lai Khe. I was at Bearcat 1968-69. Early in the Vietnam War, the 1st Special Forces established a base there. We always look to the left to view that same corner of the Bearcat location from years ago. shot along highways just showing, 20) Scenes kinds of pictures. I would love to see the photo and, with your permission, add it to the blog. point. And it wasnt just a matter of remembering moments long buried. Wish I could remember the name of our ship. I got elected to go to the next bunker (south I think) to tell the Queen's Cobra Thai soldiers that the alert was off. How much do you know about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and itsSentinels? I lost nearly 30 lbs. Attacks 1967-68 by Fire 4th Infantry Division . Commanding General. We never found out his name, but it hurt. 9th Infantry Division, Viet Nam, 1967. He loaded our M-60. It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort Carson, Colorado, and from 1972 to 1991 as an active-duty . This was my initial and final home. (I think B company). I truly enjoyed working with you guys for my entire year. It was a post with one tower 5 miles out in the jungle. Unit was: 9th Infantry Division, 9th Admin Co Where served: Camp Bearcat VietNam When served: 1967-1968 . We watched it move the tree line back with no problem. For additional information on Nick Quigley's service Click Here. I'd love to post photos and commentary of someone like yourself to allow others to see what has happened since we fought there. 9 January Operation, CONDOR III The second increment of 5,704 troops and equipment of the Royal Thai Army Black Panther Regiment was deployed to Bearcat and completed the move on 25 February. Two battalions of the Mobile Riverine Force, working with the Vietnamese Marines, eliminated 250 VC in day-long fighting along the Rach Ruong Canal 6 miles southwest of Saigon. 18 May The battalion realigned the combat support and combat service support missions within CTZ/MR III previously accomplished by A and C Company. We had to check units going out and those coming in. I left Two Bits @ Bong Son back to Nha Trang then on to Bearcat. just like this for nearly 100 miles. Use to have stories of his time there but the memory is starting to fade. Richard Thomas Jackson RIP Does anyone have info regarding Agent Orange exposure to us at Bearcat/Long Thanh location? Us Armor. I was at Bearcat May 68 till June of 69 with the 39th/36th Signal, we were generator mechanics. When I arrived I was due to leave country mid Feb. but they held me up I believe for about 1 or 2 weeks not happy. More Huey He became a consultant on the Vietnam-reenactor documentary In Country, which is out on video on demand on April 28. He established, with the families of his friends who had died in Vietnam. trees growing on it. Austin Feld is a friend of mine who is currently in VA residential facility in Tomah WI. The A Company detachment was responsible for the entire operation and liaison with the Royal Thailand Army Vietnam Force Military Police Company also based at Bearcat. Two shifts a night. Maybe I found it. Note, dust raised. The bunkers belongs to the rats. Our unit had a swimming pool between the officers club and the EM club. It was an eerie feeling. Wondering if anyone remembers him. Three nights I guarded the Water Point. My health was so poor that I was unable to join the Australian effort to assist the Us in Vietnam. As you said the Thai's were in charge and I remember we had our own girls in the compound to keep us occupied and to prevent arguments with the Thai troops over their's. (He is the only openly gay officer of the American Legion of whom he knows, he said.) All The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. We would wait till about 2:00 AM to make our raids. We were good soldiers, but very, very lucky. Spent the night getting rocketed, mortared, and shot at in Bien Hoa. Bearcat from the air. I served in Rach Kien from December 67 to December 1968. The division stayed in German as an occupational force until 1947 when it was returned to the United States. on a plane and flew onto a dirt strip in the middle of a jungle. ARMY 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug . 101--Roots of a War--Despite cordial relations between American intelligence . Vietnam War Photos. We rode slowly entering the shade of the tall rubber trees. Combat activity slackened the first month of 1968. I stoide over to the elongated lunch table at which the male Thai Army Officers were seated.
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