~Y/N's P.O.V~After telling Natasha what happened, whilst still crying, it took so much for her not to break through Bucky's door and beat the shit out of him. The rogues, excluding Scott try to kidnap Morgan to force Tony to comply. Everyone carried around little devices that reminded him of why he loved the old sci-fi serials. After our long talk, I went to the kitchen to make myself some tea, one of the only things that relaxes me at a time like this. Loki and several others become protective of the boy. have probably never answered this fast to an ask but Im on a roll and LOVE high school aus. part 2/2 originalljud - Julia (Buckys version). Nat, Wanda, Sam and Clint are killed by the animals when they fall into their tanks. Rhodey and Pepper are trying to pull Tony away from Peter. And my drinking problem, that's the worse one of all. What is it?" Tonys came when he was six and he hated them, they made his mother cry.No one had any choice over what they said or where they appeared, but Tony was going to hide his and Bucky, well he got the feeling that they werent quite so funny anymore. He shut the door, "Sit down, please." When they locate the soul stones, they managed to find Tony at Etheria, who after arresting half of them took down thanos, sent them back and ruined their name. When T'challa informs the Rogues that they have been pardoned if they sign off on the new accords, everyone under Steve's word signs off, but only Scott read the fine print on how the compound has changed and how they will be pre-selected members, tested in multiple ways before their eligable to be full-time avengers. He's tired of people being afraid of him, so he normally drinks out his problems. But now he had a second (cough third) chance to prove them wrong. original sound - <3. Summary:After saving Steve from the Potomac river, Bucky Barnes disappears into the Costa Rican mountainside intent on staying off the radar. But I would be also really happy if somebody could recommend good hurt Bucky Barnes fanfiction or just fanfictions were Steve or sombody needs to take care I didn't realize what I was doing to myself, but now, I do. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. When Tony comes to the raft he is confused and has some question on wtf has happened, with Sam refusing to budge and Scott knowing nothing. Akela (Avengers x wolf) by Felicity priehs. original sound - . (I was half asleep when the thought came up.) "He's mentioned you. I looked up at Steve and he nodded, knowing I was asking him for advice. its no different at SHIELD boarding school, at first. When the gaurdians come with news of thanos, Steve thinks they'll win. He calls the task-force to take him away, Steve yelling at him like he's the villain. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The promise somehow survives the wipes. The Rogues are back, Tony doesn't care for them anymore but Stephen Strange and Tony Stark have a surprising amount in common. 7.9K Likes, 35 Comments. He got the Avengers back with some new members. I'm also willing to include any fanfiction from the Marvel Universe. While Steve and Bucky manage to survive untill morining. avengersfanfiction. Steve knows that Tony's waiting for him, he knows it.They are the perfect match, it was made to be. Imagine a non-powers AU where Bucky, finally fed-up with his cheating, slimy (now ex)boyfriend's behavior decides to take it out on said ex's car, a la Carrie Underwood in 'Before He Cheats'. Its not gonna be freaking real. Tony argued. AProsthetic Heart, by ZomibieliciousXIII. Sleep-deprived Tony is a cuddle monster that glomps onto the first person he finds. (Avengers and Harry Potter Watches the Past, Present and Future), James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Original Male Character(s), Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter), Pepper Potts & James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Howard Stark & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Maria Stark & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, What if Wanda tried to use her powers on Jessica Jones, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, I read a bunch of anti team cap fics and decided to make my own, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie), Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, Fics in which Tony will not be pushed around, not Civil War team Captain American friendly, Letters to and from an International Fugitive, Steve Rogers Wants Tony Stark to Be a Doormat. Bucky only just managed to bite back a curse after moving into a certain pose, and knows his thoughts, for once, are right. TPOFAS: data-widget-type="deal" data-render-type="editorial" data-viewports="tablet" data-widget-id="7d572c79-5070-46a2-b4c7-5886e0b613f9" data-result="rendered">, Tony had been the first Avenger to fall for the Peter Factor as it came to be known and it happened purely by accident. he said. owen wilson / mobius m. mobius Sam took him clothes shopping; Clint took him on a bizarre bar hopping, I spy style scavenger hunt through the city; Steve called dibs on everything related to physical training; Bruce introduced him to some really solid sci-fi books and meditation; Natasha was his guide through the terrifying world of pop music, political correctness, and she also helped him delete all the extraneous garbage Clint had made him install on his phone; Thor introduced him to the alarming world of reality television; and Tony fixed his arm. As a result, he is left entirely alone in a world where no one knows he exists. Do you wanna know why I don't love you back? Tony Stark didn't want the Rogues back however with threat on the horizon he, sadly, needed them. .tiktok-ze5eiw-SpanViews{-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;padding-right:12px;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}77K views|.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link{font-family:ProximaNova,Arial,Tahoma,PingFangSC,sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;display:inline;color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);margin-left:12px;}.tiktok-15ooo5t-H4Link a{color:rgba(22, 24, 35, .75);}. Clint and Nat reconcile but arrest hers. Then on a mission, Tony gets turned into a child. HYDRA had kept him up to date on anything that would come in handy on a mission, but other than that he was ignorant. Goddamnit Pepper. When Steve, Nat and Scott came to Tony's house to get them to help in time travel, Steve won't take no for an answer, and when he tries to grab Tony, Howard shoots him. Hi I'm looking for fanfictions that have a self sacrificing Bucky Barnes in it. I walked to the kitchen with my head down low, afraid of the other avengers seeing the tears in my eyes, my puffy eyes, and just me in general. I found one where it's James that stands up for Tony in a similar situation with potatoes, so I might just be mixing stuff up in my head. Summary:After the rogues returned to the states, things were a little hairy, at best. Are you planning to rent out the Met? He has his home, and most importantly, he has Bucky. I mean, Im not saying no, the look on his face would be hilarious. Peter Parker starts working there. Consequence: Tony finds out some things he was never intended to find out. Summary:When Peter Stark, son of the famous tattoo artist Tony Stark, signed up for a program to write letters to a soldier, he didnt know what Bucky Barnes would change in his and his fathers life. New part every week! The rouge Avengers are pardoned under the influence of King T'Challa and it is up to Tony to 'welcome' them back. People that were not willing to listen to his bullshit. #winteriron. INACTIVE i might come back someday, A pinky promise means something (when its with your soulmate), people like you must be the worlds loneliest creatures, im slightlyembarrassed by my bad fic searching skills, Somewhere Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Summary:based on the song 18 by AnarborBuckys in a band; Tonys 18. Eventually all of Steve's team is arrested in the raft and Tony himeslf frankly doesn't care at all. chris evans / steve rogers You can change your preferences at any time by returning to this site or visit our, . " Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Tony's Aquarium of Rescue, Rehabilitation, Release, and Rouge Destruction, Steve and co getting slaughtered by animals, Marionette | The Puppet & The Five Missing Children, You Don't Know What You Have, Until You Lost It, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), I don't know where the idea of shipping him with Glimmer came but now I like it, Cause he is tired of the world fucking with him so he fucks off. The bad news is the car turns out not to be his ex's. When the Rogues return to New york after all the radio silence from Tony and refusing to listen/watch the news, they are sruprised to find out when they break into the compound that it is changed into an aquarium. Summary:Peter invited his new friend from little league soccer over to watch a movie, but Bucky isnt really what his dad Tony was expecting. It's been even harder trying to find the perfect moment to tell him that you like him You decided that it's been long enough; you have to tell him. One day all the Avengers comes to their school to give a speech. He was sprawled out on the floor, face first and he groaned. What if characters were called out on their poor decisions and had to face the consequences of their actions? Archive of Our Own is a fan-created, fan-run, non-profit, non-commercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fanvids, and podfic. The punk. The Rogues think that the best thing to do to get Tony to talk to him is to kidnap his supposed kid that they heard about over a bug. y/ns first period Preferably complete! The most important one being, why is he here when he should still be retired? "Steve" I said, "H- He doesn't love me, he hates me more than anything!" The rest of the Avengers fill the room.. Tony underestimated by the team. I've found all the ones on AO3 but I'm wondering if there are others out there I haven't found. When Howard and Maria Stark are brought back to life through some hyjijks, The Trancendent souls fill them in on the last 50-60 years, when Howard finds out through the souls how the other avengers treat his son, especially Wanda almost killing him through sleep deprivation, he looses his cool and basically toxinates her and Natasha for their crimes against Tony. Rich, gorgeous, smart, fun, great in bed, and actually interested in Bucky? He was a firm believer in the old adage that living well was the best revenge. Hate for Rogers, for Romanoff who most definitely knew, for Barnes, for the Avengers and Ross and Bruce and Thor for not being here, for everyone. he said in a calming voice. One day she tries it on Jessica Jones. Team Cap is still waiting for the world to call back for them, but despite everything they've done, no one seems to care about them or need them. tom hiddleston / loki And now, I want to become sober, for you. The guy was so scrawny he could be blown over by the wind. I cant find it either and I know for a fact Ive read it. No flying cars (unless you were Coulson), but still plenty of technological advances that were equal parts familiar and unfamiliar. They already live together, the tax benefits would be pretty awesome, and he could stop worrying about growing old alone. "Im- What? Buckys eyes bulged like he was a cartoon, he gaped his mouth like a fish out of water. 6 months after the Avengers Civil War the Rogue Avengers have been pardoned and are back at the compound.
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