Could you please get in contact? My research re 2nd Lt Reed is complete re the crash except for a pic of the crash scene, I have a ongoing enq in the States re a possible nephew which I am waiting on. Does anyone know if there is a memorial to the 4 aircrew members of 157 Squadron who died when their Airspeed Oxford (HM763) crashed after a dummy attack by an American Pilot flying a Mustang near Methwold in Norfolk on 1st May 1945? I have traced the family of Russell Denny and sad to say he was one of two that were lost out of a crew of 4. It was raining hard that night. Ive also spoken with the daughter of John Vardy so it looks like three families of the original crew are now joined up and in contact, which is great news. Im Terry Rafter from Australia. Wasnt Halstead Place owned/built by Barnaby Atkins? Can anyone tell me which was the airfield in question (Boscombe Down, Ibsley?) We would love to finish and tell the whole story. Airspeed Oxford NM683, Rushup Edge, Peak District. Sgt Joseph T. Paddock, radio operator, killed Debi Hartley, 51, was on a casual walk with her partner Graham Holden, 54, and their dog Bonnie when they made the "one in a million" discovery. Hi could you give me any info on this crash site iam a relative of Flight Sergeant Valencia. Pilot Fl.Lt. I have some further information that you may, or indeed may not already have. In 2006 a license was granted but was never seen through to fruition. Hi Barry, many thanks for making contact. . I have googled for any crashes logged in the area but I cant find anything. Please does anyone have information concerning the aircraft crash in wetheringsett approx 1944. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my initial inquiry. Cheers, Still searching in hope of finding more accurate location and any possible pictures of crew or plane Wellington DV936, 15 OTU. I have found a report in Jim Jones Personal history of RAF Harwell which I think my be this accidentmarch 11th Wellington X3874 observed by schoolboys to roll over on its back 600feet over Didcot and spiral down, it crashed and burnt outin Fleet meadow.Its said the pilot was practising single engine flying when he got into trouble the accident was thought to be 1942 but not sure. I havent much info, but do you have a copy of Michael J Hursts book on Lake District air crashes? I visited Halstead on Thursday by bus. Crash Sites De Havilland Mosquito. Bomber crash at the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1943. While he was traning another pilot. Little bit of confusion though it seems 81 OTU disbanded Jan 1944. Richard. F/Lt. He attacked the Lancaster over Hull. Can you gie me any information on the crash of a USAAF P47 Razor back THunderbolt near the Blackbrook Reservoir (Shepshed Leicestershire)Around the end of the second world war) ? Maybe someone else reading this might be able to help? I remember one of the older girls next door (the coal mans daughter) holding my hand and taking me over there to see the crash site. Hi Derek, thank you for your enquiry. Im very careful when I dig . 26 April 2011. My father Cpl JR Matthews ran along the adjacent railway(Fraserborough to St Coombs)opened the hatch and pulled out the bewildered pilot. The crashed planes were photographed and cataloged and then removed, here are 22 of the best images we could find! I have to go back at what I just now do remember (without checking) and what Tom wrote and told me in his original letters to me! I've put it on a map, similar to PlaneCrashMap here, and have used what I've learned on this site to make it more easy to use and quicker, despite the larger data source used. These mention that Lancster LL701 went down in the North Sea. Hi Ive now taken pictures of my own, how do I upload to the site? My aunt was active in Knockholt WI. This accident is documented, but I have not seen it listed in any air crash sites or even in any number of incident lists. For my part I feel most of the wreckage was recovered and what is left are clear up debris pits. Couldnt see this one listed, which RAF Brize Norton has just had on their FB page 27th Aug 20: Hi Ian, thank you for the prompt reply. Required fields are marked *. Below; photo from the 457 Bomb Group Association showing some of the wreckage. AIRCRAFT CRASHES IN THIS AREADURING BATTLE OF BRITAIN : 10 JULY - 31 OCTOBER 1940. There is a chance Leicester Mercury may have details in their archieves. Youve provided me with a wealth of information, and Im eager to go through it more thoroughly. Can I help? Thank you, John. Richard Storr. It looks very different nowadays. (Great Nephew Of Francis Leonard Kennedy MUG LL701), Mid-air collision between two Whitley V medium bombers (Z9471 and LA879) from RAF 10 OTU based out of Abingdon/Stanton Harcourt, roughly 2 miles south-east of Stanton Harcourt, on 17th September 1943. Bomber crash in the village of Wellington Heath in Herefordshire in 1942-43. Also B24 at cow roast nr Tring Herts 1944. I have been to the Aviation Archaeology web site mentioned and will probably order the crash report. I did find two pictures of Alfred 11 but there were no photos of the crash site. who were killed near this site va said records were water damaged so thy were no help. Sgt Morris R. Walker, left waist gunner, survived One was called Losses of the US 8th and 9th Airforces Volume 5 April 1944 to June 1944 written by Stan D Bishop.It may be worth checking to see if the crash of Alfred 11 is recorded. Some small fragments, showing signs of burning can be found amongst the heather at the site. Other than that, all I can suggest is the usual approaches which you may have already made or considered; a trawl though the mircrofilm archived local newpapers of the time at the local library is time consuming but can turn up all sorts of stuff. The Mighty 8th ?) The interactive map shows where every bomb landed, from the first to hit the mainland in the . A further airship station was established at Capel-le-Ferne near Folkestone to carry out anti-submarine patrols. Was the B24 crash site opposite Rookery Farm, Walcott? Hi Steve, I have looked in the books I own but can find no reference to it. I was born on Stocking Farm and there were always rumours of this around. He was someone I saw when I was staying in Knockholt. I know, isnt it strange how one link leads to another! Going back to the air crash, dad used to talk about growing up in the war years, I think our children would be taken away from us if we allowed them to do some of the things he and his friends got up to!! Have you ever seen the wreckage or heard stories about this particular crash? "It gives you a buzz of excitement, because we . Richard. Sorry, I dont have any books which cover that part of the world,Paul, but someone viewing this page might. He was a SSGT in the 748 USAAF Bomb Squadron. Hi. It was being used as a hen house. Very nostalgic for me as I visited the farm where the crew sheltered the first night night and Ulich and Helga Jensen gave them food at great risk to themselves. It crashed by the river chelmer great dunmow 20/3/1945. I will be grateful for the smallest item of information which might help. I take it you know of this page? Hi David, I will take a look when get chance (busy this weekend) but will get back to you in a couple of days, see if I can find anything that might jog your memory! Engine and parts at Parham Airfield Museum. Maybe someone on here can help? The Albemarle/Waco combi took off from Keevil. Ive got quite a few bits & bobs that you may be interested in. The pilot overcorrected in trying to pull out and the plane broke in half near the bomb bay. Ten aircrew died, including my uncle. Coded PH-P, Shot down by an Intruder during a night training flight and crashed 0110 4th Mar between Stockwith and Blyton, two villages 3 miles NW and NE respectively from Gainsborough. Ian. Sorry report isnt that clear but cant identify it from your site info, It even listed his rank and squadron number (748). Aviation Archeological Research and Investigation On this page search by pressing (as you can on any page or document) Ctrl + F and in the search bar type 42-97236; it will take you to the entry for this aircraft. On at least one occasion one did not pull up and there was a big splash. The plane went down during a World War II bombing run, after it was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Jan. 7, 2023 at 3:05 pm Updated Jan. 7, 2023 at 9:00 pm. I would appreciate any information you have on John, 44 squadron or Lamsdorf. Had the glider still been attached the sudden dive/spin of the tug would have broken the Waco in half. Sgt Donald L. Moore, right waist gunner, killed regional map; local map around dove stone reservoir; landowners' map; map showing position of the dove stone - 1840; map footpaths at dove stone before and after 1990; map of aircraft crash sites; map of climbing areas; map of permitted cycling routes; recreation & access. But a friend from the Stirling society is a doubtful they are of a Stirling crash. Maybe they were Canadian! It appears to be quite new as it is not on Google street views. Thanks for your visit and comment Mike. There was a lot of debris scattered around the site and we were prevented from getting any closer to the wreckage owing to a police cordon. Any other information would be greatly appreciated. Judging by the empty hop garden and the warm clothing this is either very early in 1940 or much later in the year Cheshire. No records are available. I would appreciate any information which might help me in my search. Regarding photos of crash sites there ought to be a central source but I understand that the official pictures of the Shazam crash have been lost and this may have happened to many others. Dad lived in Beldam Haw in the 1930s and 40s, firstly in no. Other times such the as the request about the P-47 above searches all end up pointing to the same very limited resource. Dave Stubley is one of hundreds of men and women across Britain who spend their free time finding out where the planes crashed, then digging them up. This is the first time I have visited this site. geograph for square SP5345. Hurst says that a machine gun was found at the site in 1973. heres the link. Hi can anyone give me information on Russell Charles Denny ? It was called Operation Gisela, lots of aircraft were shot down that night, with some of the last Luftwaffe Junkers 88s crossing the North Sea to wait for RAF bombers returning to base from their attacks on German targets. It is supposed to be on a farm in the area of Hotham and North Cave in Yorkshire. Hi Joe, this is not one I have documented. My mother used to work there in the 1950s and 60s. Hi, My Father was a fitter in bomber command and the Bomber that he was in crashed at the end of 1944 or the beginning of 1945. Thanks, Sgt. Photo Aircraft Crew Member [s] (Assignment) In alphabetic order Crew Crashed Actual Type M a p Cemetery. A new map that plots every German air raid on the UK during World War Two has been released online. Hover over a marker for more information. Hi i would like to know a little more.about the 2 B17 that collided over Braintree Essex UK 1945 10 march, Looking for information and photos of the crash(es) that took place Mar. A V2 rocket landed in Parmiter Street, Bethnal Greenon 7th February 1945..I was 6 at the time and at Mowlem Street School..I remember the windows being blasted in and my house being bombed..My niece was killed in this raid and my Dad who was Mayor of Bethnal Green at this time was brought home from work . Sgt Leroy L. Logan, engineer / upper turret gunner, killed August 21, 2016 at 11:03 pm. If I cant, maybe someone else can shed light on it? Upwaltham (C-47 Crash Site) Upwaltham (Lancaster Crash Site) Willingdon (B-24 Ruth-Less Crash Memorial) Worthing (49 Sqn Lancaster) OTHER SITES. I was serving as a wren air mechanic at RNAS Donibristlein the summer of 1944 when I witnessed aplane , possibly a Barracuda Of the latter, nearly 200 crash sites were relocated and identified. Ian. Thank you for your email earlier in the year. Dr Wigram was our GP. Can you help? Sqn. Permission was granted by the MOD for the site to be excavated but on reapplying have been turned down stating the possibility of human remain maybe on site. It seems likely the survivors were wearing parachutes and were able to get out of the aircraft and open them. Thank You. Im afraid I have nothing on that one Roger, maybe someone else has? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Incidentally a couple of years ago I happened to be in a WW2 vintage aircraft flying over Cambridgeshire (RAF Glatton is just north of here) and the pilot took us over the American Cemetery. B17 Buttercup 306th Bomb Group based at Thurleigh crashed Latchford Oxon Nov 13th 1943, no survivors of 10 crew (all names known). We only wish to map the site and dig a series of 1mx1mx1m test pits. Would the area newspapers have an account of it? Id have loved that as a kid. Thanks so much for writing. Hi Hugh, yeah thats lovely. However, one local source mentions a possible plane crash so it seems worth following up..thanks in advance for any help or advice- PD. would like to see aplaque in remembrence .anybody any info? I would be very grateful if you have the time to look up the crash at Walcott when you go to the Forum,I do have pics of the B24 [Alfred 11] of Reed and all his crew, 8 ejected over Beccles and the co pilot over Ingham. Bill. Will have a look and drop you a line if I find anything. My friendss dad was the headmaster Norman Sampson. Kind regards Hi Martin, it is not a crash site I have visited but maybe I need to, was not aware of it! Can anyone help? Also, would you happen to know the name of the local newspaper there, or a source that may have more documentation of the actual crash? ? Each time we retrieved these items they were handed to the landowner who was aware of the crash site. Also looking into the other two RAf men buried at Ticknall and both were training accident victims. that particulair night. A NEW digital map has painstakingly recorded all the bombs that fell on Britain during World War II. I am trying to obtain details of a Beaufort that crashed off the West Coast of Scotland on 25th May 1943. I remember Grosvenor Aslachsen being Rector. Is there anyone out there who may have more information about this particular incident? For those looking for downed aircraft information may I suggest looking at the below resources. But anyway it is on the corner of Back Street and St Peters Close in the village. It looks as though we have come to the end of the road regarding our research although I will continue to check the internet from time to time just in case any further info. As I can recall the accident( I was 5 years old at the time) I thought it would be appropriate to ensure that the sacrifice made by the 10 aircrew should not be forgotten. As the plane reached about 900 feet, it slammed into the side of Cape Lookout, traveling about 200 miles per hour. Thank you again so much for responding! Hi Mik, thanks for the info, very interesting, I didnt know any of that. For the Achterhoek region, the AVOG's Crash Museum at Lievelde, The Netherlands, might be a source of information. Later I lived in Stonehouse Road and occasionally attended Evensong at St.Margarets. Was Flight Sergeant Denny a relative? I do have seven pictures of the crash site which were obtained from the website called To Honor Our Fallen. Any info gratefully accepted. Ian. Do you live in this area now? Click and drag to move the map around. From looking at what records were available of USAAF raids at that approx date (In ? Thats why I knew I had the correct person. The man is holding up part of the tail section. In the summer holidays in 1943 a Lancaster came down at night near Hamstreet. I was told that the aircraft were Barracudas. Other areas of the UK. (Pre-Crash): Above the target area they all of the sudden heard a big bang right underneath their a/c and pilot Hubbard told them to check the instrument etc., but all seemed to be OK. Alternatively I could sent it to you via WhatsApp &/or give you a bell if that works for you? To Sarah Rushen Any further information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. The pertinent part of the letter is as follows: Please see below the information that we have on the crash which involved SSgt Logan. Looking for information for a crashed plane in the area of stocking farm mowacre hill Beaumont leys, in Leicester, what I have to go on is that it was a Wellington with American crew around about April 1942 theres always been rumours of a crash but no evidence Ive seen, hoping to share the details with a local site to put rumours to rest, any help be appreciated thanks. Is there any chance that you could send me any info you may have on this crash please? They were visiting the factory where the Bombers were made but on takeoff the Bomber just touched the top of some trees and crashed. In Kent, over 600 terrestrial . This has taken nearly 18 months and was a challenge to say the least compared to the other German crash in the Parish. What great work being done here. Thank you so much. There are many WW2 crash sites around the UK, mostly on the East Coast and now part of farmland. Home; Map of crashes; List by state; About; Washington fatal crashes (1183) View all crashes on a map. see I know that it crashed close to a Canadian Army vehicle park which I have since found. With every best wish and kindest regards, Joe. 115. Sorry to be a bit vague on this one, I cant even recall the aircraft serial or unit. Richard. Campbell made a crash landing upon returning to base. Seattle Times staff reporter. I would guess as he had the DFM he was on his 2nd tour. This may be the same crash. One other thing, in doing a basic computer search for the crash site, Park Farm, Hoxne, Suffolk, I was unable to find it. Does anyone have any info on the crash of Liberator B24 j Shazam at Carrs Wood Costessey Norfolk on 7th March 1945. Good luck to you all in your searches. Hi Gary I live very near to you and I have done some similar research but in relation to bomber command, maybe this info will help. Looking for the exact location of RAF 78 SQN Halifax BIII MZ311 which crashed on Cleeve Hill in a quarry 4 miles NE of Cheltenham, Gloucester in the early hours of 26 August 1944 after a mining sortie off the French Coast. Showing images tagged with WW2 Aircraft Crash Site tag. I used to watch dive bombers practicing on the spur of sand that extended from Tentsmuir. His name is listed in the GPC book. Republic P-47C Thunderbolt 41-6246 on Aran Fawddwy. Ammunition was flying everywhere. Remains of a machine gun from Messerschmitt Bf 109 Werknummer 7463, shot down by anti-aircraft fire on 7 February 1942. Ian. This interactive image was created with ThingLink. As they got there, the fuel eventually ran out. Id love it now, in fact. dad was a tailgunner and radio operator from 9-1-44to mom remembers he was shot down over dewey france and the French resistance got them back to England. I am originally from Stowmarket Suffolk, now living in Australia but before we left there was a story that my great grandmother used to tell me about a RAF fighter that was shot down in a dog fight over their house, From what I remember the aircraft blow up with some of the pieces of the aircraft and some other not to mention fell in the backyard, When I was a schoolboy in the 40s (I,m in my eighties now) and attended Margaretting C E school in Essex. on 27.8.1944 at 04.05 in Albemarle V1782, F/S A.H.Busbridge (Pilot) See map. According to the . Thank you William Baker. . My Uncle and Aunt, Geoffrey and Mollie Pain, and I lived at Edgehill Stonehouse Road,Halstead, 1954 1968. I am a relation of a crew member located in Australia. Parts of the plane fell in the vicinity of the field at Glatton. Thanks. Thanks Ian. Unfortunately Michael Hursts book, whilst being detailed, many of the locations are wrong, he deliberatly did this. F/S B.V.Mowan My wife and I travelled to Denmark in 2018 and I found the field where my dad crashed, the farm where they sheltered for the night and the Ulfborg jail where they were taken after capture. I am doing research on the incident and I have a fair amount of material lncluding the names of the crew but any other info would help with my project. The official report states ''This a/c No.3 in a tail chase was seen to commence to pull out from a dive. When you have time, look at and open up the Uplifting Guide and Mission 115Z PDFs. A Blackburn Botha Mk1 crashed 1.5 miles North of Hooton Park Cheshire. regards Bill, Hi again Steve Done a bit more checking and the only place I can find with info is peakdistrictaircrashes and the reference to Robert takes some finding but it is there. Hiim looking for the exact location crash site of Stirling Lk116. I lived with my mother in the middle of three houses opposite the site (my father was serving in the RAF in the Sudan at the time). Hi Mick this would be William Hughes from Ticknall? AIRFIELDS. I am looking for information on a tragic double Halifax collision on 21st August 1944 over the skies of Birkin, North Yorkshire. Hi Barry, many thanks for getting in touch .. delighted to make your acquaintance. I hope to visit the American Air Force part of Norwich library at the Forum this month in the hope that I may get further info on the crew of Shazam I have six crew photos and am still hopeful of obtaining the other four including the pilot 1st Lt Dale E Williams. Hi Fred, thank you for sharing your memories of that night with us. WW2 Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands, North Sea & English Channel. The pilot was in turn shot down over the channel but was picked up off the German coast. The village of Black Bourton was the scene, 76 years ago when tragically, returning from missions, Albemarle V1782 overshot the runway at RAF Brize Norton, crashing and burning out in a field on Mill Farm, with the loss of life of all five crew. Early next month, the family of our B17s tailgunner will be getting their historic cartridge, in a cheery ceremony at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. He put me in touch with a colleague of his at the War Graves Commission who he felt sure would be able to help me. Sorry to hear your uncles did not survive, I was looking to see if you had any details relating to a crash on Wrotham Hill, Kent 21st December 1944? Bruntingthorpe, Bitteswell ( now Magna Park ) and Rearsby were used for new aircraft storage. Doing a short piece on one of my facebook groups. (Donald something) What a coincidence that you remember him. I believe it was an Oxford I. operation and because of low cloud base forced the aircraft to fly very low over the German and already, no pictures. Your email address will not be published. I have been trying to find information of an aircraft crash during WW2 some time in Westbury Wiltshire. It was well maintained being part of the city square. I was four years old at the time, but have a vivid memory of very small pieces of aircraft scattered, of what seemed to me at the time over a wide area. Hi, I am a metal detectorist in Whetstone, Leicester. Ian, Ian I have contacted the LA and have a copy of FE Kraemers death certificate as a starting point but further investigation concluded that there was not a coroners report. 1 of 12. The Winsford & Middlewich Guardian, for example. 2nd Lt Edward T. Dunne Co-Pilot I had an email yesterday from a contact in the states who will send me a picture of one of Shazams crew members so reducing the ones where I havent got a photo to three. Do you know if there was more than one plane that went down there? It is titled I Join The Fray. You state you have a fair amount of material re your crash would that include a pic of the crash site ? I am following up a story of a B-24 that crashed near Swansea during the war with the loss of all hands.
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