Dont just look at these things as little fairy tales to tell children. Im saying this not to say Im a great yogi which Im obviously not but the point is that if you want to actually practice any of these things, you need to get the teachings over and over again, many teachings. In other words, our mental activity during that short period of death is just this subtlest, subtlest level. This is because Yamantaka is very strong and powerful, and Mongols are very strong and powerful people, so they would like that type of practice. Buddha has given many sets of teachings, and they compose of sutra and they compose of tantra. All of that is completely clear in these texts. Yamas also called Kala in these texts. Yamantaka: Yama is death, the Lord of Death, and antaka, the one who puts an end to, so the one who puts an end to the Lord of Death. Yamantaka is in the form of a very, very strong, forceful figure and has Manjushri in his heart (so very peaceful, calm, the complete understanding of reality). I dont feel like going and helping somebody. You have to cut through that. So if you think Well, did the historical Buddha do that? then you get very confused. You can envision this person with a Pali canon type of vision. Your donations support this site and the annual costs of maintaining it. It provides the most detail about the methods for generating the four levels of blissful awareness of voidness within the central energy-channel, enabling access to the subtlest level of mind, clear light. Outer and Secret forms have buffalo heads, the Secret Yamaraja form does not. He was very fanatic. Its supposed to be kept that way because it could be completely misunderstood as some horrible thing, and that practitioners actually go out and kill people. Its very interesting whats actually here in the root tantras. What you find here in all these chapters of these three texts are very, very strong rituals that are dealing with overcoming harmful beings, and you read them and they really sound absolutely violent and horrible., The first one, the Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra,has seven chapters condensed from that 100,000 chapter version (either 100,000 chapters or verses its unclear because the text is lost)., One of the people later in the lineage is Atisha, one of the people who brought it originally to Tibet. Sometimes the study of Sanskrit and Tibetan is quite useful for clearing up some of these confusing issues., In the Upanishadic period, what we also find is that you have directional protectors. According to the pure and unbroken lineage of the. Well, youd have to say, Yes, theyre all the same person. So for this, Yamantaka is the best strong on the outside, Manjushri (wisdom, calm, clear) on the inside. Why not a goat or a dog or something like that? Theres this whole thing that you get in the study of mythology to see what are the lessons behind the mythology, and is there a deeper psychological thing that is going on, and so on. The right legs are bent pressing down on a man, animals and various gods. Kala is an interesting word because it has two meanings in Sanskrit: one is time, and the other is black. In this context, kala means time because time is what brings death. The Vajrabhairava Tantra belongs to the father tantra using negative emotions such as anger and hatred as the path. Yamantakas tantra, (Tibetan words], means it has seven special attributes, seven special attributes. Vajrabhairava is powerful enough to overcome and subdue even the most powerful negative emotions. Lets focus on the nine-headed Vajrabhairava. And it works but not by some power of some magic or miracle. As Vajradhara or, here, appearing as Yamantaka or appearing as Chakrasamvara or as Kalachakra a Buddha appears in all these different forms of deities and at any time of history, but its not a historically definite time. Otherwise it sounds really weird, like Wear an amulet, andyoure not going to be harmed a red string, the whole red-string Buddhism thing. Rilbu means qualified inner nectar pill put inside. It is one of the mother tantra deity systems within which the six yogas of Naropa are practiced. This was preserved in the land of Oddiyana, which is Urgyen (U-rgyan) in Tibetan (thats where Guru Rinpoche came from). It comes already in this early time. Dharma in that tradition means justice, justice in the sense of what maintains the order of karma in terms of rebirth. Its not this Janis Joplin song of Oh Lord, why dont you give me a Mercedes-Benz, that type of request. Do I not like this? Its dangerous if you try to get into tantra practice like that. Its very, very important to read that and contemplate. According to the Ngor Mandalas which correspond to the 139 mandalas of the rgyud sde kun btus (collection of initiation texts, sadhanas, and explanations for those deities) the following individual variations can be distinguished: In the context of this website, we focus on the two main forms practiced as meditational deities in the Gelug school. In the Buddhist variant, Yamantaka overcomes Yama like Shiva overcame Yama using the name Kala, Kalantaka. Once you have that yidam, it is the yidam of Tsongkhapa, it is the vehicle in which Tsongkhapa became Enlightened. Plus it has all these horrible descriptions of these rituals for smashing and killing and doing all sorts of horrible things with these sharp weapons, this wheel of weapons. Although practiced early on in Tibet by the Sakya and Kagyu Traditions, it was Tsongkapa, founder of the Gelug Tradition, who instituted Vajrabhairava as the principal Gelugpa meditation practice. Its very interesting. Commentary teachings and retreats are held at regular intervals around the world. There are either eight or ten directional protectors, and Yama is one of them. But as they extended their hold over the Eastern Mongol regions, they needed to incorporate Yamantaka so as to win over the Eastern Mongols. Then you fall to one extreme of either Only this is true or The other one is true. There are various depictions of what a Buddha is: Thats the way that a Buddha is described in Mahayana. Before the fire. The remaining chapters of The Condensed Chapters of the Root Tantra deal with: The Three Chapter Explanatory Tantra contains: The Musk Shrew Chapter deals with the attainment of powers through the use of the skin of an animal called the musk-shrew (til-la). The Guru said It was worthwhile to lie. (5) And the fifth point is that to attain enlightenment we need to rely on the deep awareness of Manjushri. From amongst the many lineages of practice to enter Tibet, the main transmissions of Vajrabhairava were those of the two translators Ra Lotsawa and Mal Lotsawa. Practice Being Kind Never Undo the Past Appreciate What You Have Practice being Calm always Be Compassionate to Everyone Reach Your Full Potential by eliminating Fear Have Peace in Your Heart Let Your Light Shine Thru What can I do to make a meaningful difference in the World May All Beings enjoy Happiness Hindi Posters Five Special Features of Yamantaka Practice, Explaining Vajra Expressions: 6 Alternatives & 4 Modes, That clear-light state to have the understanding of voidness or reality. The mantra has 6 syllables and so is also popularly known as the Great 6 Syllable Mantra. Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. So we have to use some very strong energy. Now, when we learn this, what is the effect on us in terms of our practice? If youre able to transform the clear light of death into this understanding of voidness, you wont get the aggregates of another samsaric rebirth, so it overcomes the mara of the aggregates. So Yamantakas practice is very, very powerful, extremely, extremely powerful for removing the self-grasping I that doesnt exist. He adopted this form in order to defeat Yama, the lord of death who was arrogantly interfering with karma by claiming victims before their time was up. So if we didnt do that, imagine how powerful Yamantaka is, even still. That will be more than enough for you. His hundred-syllable mantra is the quintessence of all mantras. Hence, the person finds it much easier. Remember Lalitavajra, the guy who found it there in Ogyen, hes the tenth century. Now, within the Yamantaka tantras, it is, Lama Tsongkhapa kept that as his personal yidam, along with other higher yidams, and he practiced it and he gained results. Thats in the seventh century. It can also subdue the four maras, Devaputra mara, Skanda mara, Klesa mara, and Mrtyu mara. They built big statues of Yamantaka and so on in the Beihai Temple in Beijing and one of the main halls of the Yungho Gung temple was devoted to Vajrabhairava practice, with a portrait of Qianlung Emperor as Manjushri/Tsongkhapa hanging inside it. Psychologically its very important, actually, because in order to feel safe even in a group-therapy session or in any type of psychological session you need to have a protected space in which you feel that no harm can come from the outside and you can relax. So you imitate death and imitate the process of death but without dying, obviously. As we see with how we set our motivation in the Buddhist practice, we are moved by compassion. These are the five special features of Vajrabhairava or Yamantaka. This evening Ive been asked to give an introduction to the Vajrabhairava (rDo-rje 'jigs-byed) system of the highest class of tantra, anuttarayoga tantra. Why? Whereas in other tantras its OM, whatever deity, The basic sahaja (two-armed) form of Vajrabhairava is blue-black in color, with the face of an extremely enraged buffalo; two sharp horns, with flames coming from their tips. Dancing costume and mask of Yamantaka, worn by Tibetan monks (Buddhists) during Cham Dance. He has thirty-four hands and sixteen legs. He was a master at Nalanda University. Vajravetali is the emanation of White Saraswati (dbyans can ma dkar mo). From Tibet it spread to Mongolia, and then the Manchus took it up and it was a big practice in Beijing, where the Manchus ruled. We have this division in anuttarayoga tantra, the Gelugpa version of anuttarayoga tantra, of the obscure (or hidden or secret) tantras (sbas-rgyud) and the clear tantra (gsal-rgyud) (which is Kalachakra). Number three. The principal practice texts come from Tsongkhapa (13-Deity) and Pabongka (Solitary Hero). Yamantaka Initiation July 17-18; Search. You had a mixture of Iranian culture and religions, Indian religions particularly the early Shiva worship and the Shiva tantras and you had Buddhism, so a mixture of the three. (Of course we can get very complicated and sophisticated here if we want to go further in this discussion, and I find it very helpful to analyze.) luis urdaneta monat venezuela. This page was last edited on 3 April 2016, at 14:10. So we get Vajrabhairava in the Buddhist variant, and theyre basically just taking the name of Shiva and adding Vajra in front of it., In one of the Puranas this is a later Hindu text (the Markandeya Purana, if you want to know the name) Shiva subdues Yama, and then Shiva is called Kalantaka, the one who puts an end to kala kala, time, which was another name for Yama. So hence, thats very, very important. Yama also appears as one of the eight directional protectors that appear, one each, in the eight charnel grounds that surround many anuttarayoga tantra mandalas, such as Yamantaka, Vajrapani Mahachakra, Chakrasamvara, Vajrayogini and Hevajra. It dependently arises. yamantaka,yamantaka long mantra,yamantaka tibetan mantra,yamantaka mantra,mantra om yamantaka hum phat,mantra yamantaka,the yamantaka mantra,yamantaka dharan. Depending on the Yamantaka manifestation, Tibetans call him either gSin-rje-gsed or in the buffalo-faced aspect of Vajrabhairava rdo-rje jigs-byed. First about my own background. Next to where the Eastern Mongols lived were the Manchus. You have Yamantaka appearing in Guhyasamaja already.
Marina Mowatt Death, La Dissolution Du Sucre Dans L'eau Est Une Transformation Chimique, Articles Y